Enchanting oneself

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Beck:- tall (6'5) and brown guy, sharp nose, straight hair,blue eyes, a Canadian...enjoying his vacation with his girlfriend named Charm.

Charm:- (5'9), Asian looks, curly hair, brown eyes, from Assam, India.

*below written story is completely fictional and does not intend to hurt anyone's sentiments*

" Beck!!... Enough now...i know you failed your final basketball match, but isn't that the reason we are here ? ....forget about the past and get some fresh air now will you?! "... Infuriated Charm because of the continues depressed mood swings of Beck,

" I'm done trying everything to make you feel better, I am left with nothing else to say" .. Said Charm and left from the snow filled garden towards their hotel room,

Pissed off by her, Beck didn't bother following her, he had done too much hardwork the whole year, literally kicked out the word 'procrastination' when it came to practice, he trained himself way too much to expect a defeat... He pretty much gave his best, but unfortunately couldn't make it in finals,

The defeat he faced had put him into questioning, that maybe is he not destined for winning, maybe he is useless or worthless, these questions were agitating his mind terribly,

Beck sat beneath a tree, tired of anything and everything..curled up, hiding his face into his knees, little away a guy saw him in that state,

" Hey bro?!, what's up?.. You are on a vacation.. What's up with this posture? ".. Enquired the guy making his seat beside Beck,

Beck just hummed as a response, and again went silent,

" Ahh.. Depressed souls, come with me, we are going to make a bonfire and learn to ski" ... Said the guy in enthusiasm,

Though Beck didn't show any resistance nor acceptance , the guy dragged him along,

They sat around in a circle, a fat, old bearded guy was teaching the way to go ⛷️ skiing,
Beck was just physically there, but almost zoned out,

Later that period,
" Hey!.. I didn't pay attention!, I don't know what to do, I don't wanna ski, "... Beck hesitated,

The guy pushed him downward regardless, saying " Live in the moment buddy!! ",

Stumbling and barely managing to keep the balance while sliding down the slope, Beck cursed that guy, " You son of €@#®%€¢®%®™@!!! ", though nobody could hear his voice getting lower and farther,

Other people started to ski too,

Later that ski, the guy holding his jaw, cried, " Ahh😖... You didn't have to punch me so bad for that, it has swollen up.. See!.. ",

" Don't behave so fragile dumb@#&, I didn't punch so hard, ".. Replied Beck,

All of them circled around the bonfire, enjoying the meal , heating the kababs in bonfire by sticks,

" Attention everyone!.. I'll be telling you all a different story of Santa Claus that the locals here keep saying to children, " The oldie announced,

" Long ago there lived a family,... "
( the man of the family went hunting, but was suddenly chased by a wild animal, getting off from his path, the man lost his direction, he came across a weird and creepy house ,

lurked through the window to see if he can get help,
But he saw a witch casting spells and performing sacrifice of a child to regain her youth... The man broke through the window and saved the child, the witch became furious, her ritual was broken and now she can never become young again, she casted a curse on the man, that the man will always have children naturaly old by birth, using all her energy in casting the curse, she turned to dust)

" It's alright, the curse won't be fulfilled.. " Consoled the neighbors to the man , waiting outside the cottage while his wife was in labor pain,

They soon heard an infant cry... Filled with love, the father entered inside the cottage to have a
look of his child,

Everyone's face was pale and astonished,
" Wh-whhat is wrong with our child?! " Cried the father, falling down to the floor... Neighbors were shocked as well to see a baby look so ugly and old from birth itself,

" Abandon this child brother!... U can have many other children, this is a monster!! ".. A neighbor suggested,

" Everything is lost... The witch's curse will make my every child old and diseased.. "The man broke down into sobs,

Days later when he grew up to a 10 y/o,
He was denied to play with other children because people feared that perhaps it's a contagious disease,

( people blamed the old child for literally every natural calamities happening, calling him a curse, but one night there was a huge hailstorm in the village and all the food storages were ruthlessly destroyed, everyone gathered around the house of the old child, and started to revolt the stay of them in the village, the whole family was thrown out of the village, father couldn't make it long enough because of his lung infection, the mother too died of hunger, the little old child was left alone in the forest, he took shelter under a cave.. The snow storm outside was too harsh.. But he meet a group of reindeers, who didn't fear him like villagers nor did they saw him with pity like his parents, he found friends, he started living with them,)

The cave had a secret way to a beautiful garden of reindeers that was filled with tasty fruits and berries,

"These are so yummy!! "... Said Santa to himself, but soon frowned, he said " I feel the urge of helping the villagers who must be dying of hunger, even if they hated me, I should spread happiness instead of hating back and continuing the revenge cycle, as mom said ",

He packed bags full with fruits and berries, got an abandoned cart to carry them, with the help of some reindeers, he sailed towards the village secretly at night time,

(So as not to wake up the villagers by banging doors, Santa passed on the food baskets through the chimneys of each house with a letter note stuck to it)
The note:-
'No matter what you all did to me, you all did it in fear, I never hated anyone of you, regardless of whether you all still hate me or not, I'll only like to give you all happiness, - Santa Claus, the old born child. '


"... And he frequently gave them food in times of crises, this is why people here celebrate Christmas, "... Ended the old guy,

" That doesn't seem real in any manner.. Lol".. A  girl replied to him,

" Idk... But what it shows us is a beautiful teaching, that no matter what your past was, no matter what your future will go like... The only way to enchant our lives is by living in the moment and spreading happiness....filling the heart with compassion , love is the only emotion that can enchant oneself," ... Said the oldie with a smile,

Some kind of realization dawned upon Beck, he remembered the days when he was working hard for the finals, the only one waiting for him to get back home till late night was Charm, the only person to wake up before him to make his stuff ready was charm, the only person to hug him and appreciate him after a day full of tiresome practice was Charm, but what did he do for her?...suddenly today's morning events clicked his mind, "did she leave?" , he thought in discomfort,  stood up in an instance and
ran straight to his room, ignoring other people sitting around the bonfire,

He banged the door open, and called out her name in worry,
Charm was nowhere to be seen though, he was lowkey heart broken, he started searching her nearby , almost about to tear up, but a smooth breeze of chilly wind blew inside through the window, he went to close it, and fortunately saw her decorating the Christmas tree with her newly made friends ,through the window , his eyes lit up with pleasure,"why does she feel so special all of a sudden?.. Her mere sight fills me with love", thought Beck, while a lone tear escaped his eye,

He hurried downstairs towards her,
But stopped few meters of distance before going to her, she was suddenly feeling so beautiful to him, her every single gesture was feeling magical, the way she smiled, the movement of her curly hair while she was turning her head from her friends to the tree,

" Heyy gorgeous! ".. He teased loudly,

Her hair flipped  smoothly along with her head turning backwards as if in slow motion for Beck,

Heavily blushing in front of her friends, she walked towards him and pulled him back to the room,

" What is up with you?.. I thought you would still be sitting grumpy under that tree, ".. She said putting up fake anger,

" Nothing, just realized what beautiful time and person I was missing, ".. Said Beck holding her waist in right hand and gently holding her neck with left hand to pull her forward, before she could give a reply, he pressed his lips on hers, sharing not just a sweet kiss but celebrating the soul he loves and cherishes,

They performed a poorly choreographed ball dance in their room close to the window," It feels so good to see him happy...but", thought Charm who was awkwardly happy to see him excited so suddenly,

Seeing her hesitance, he asked, " Will it really be love if a couple is dancing together and  not imbibing happiness? ",

" Not that!.. I'm curious to what made you go from a rotten  oak tree to a decorated  Christmas tree? , got over your trauma so suddenly? "... She asked smiling,

He laughed and said, " I don't know about my future , but thanks to few people; I realized I'm letting off my present as well, so why not enchant my life by spreading happiness..,especially to the person I love the moooosst!! "...stressing on the last line.

A/N for my friend:- this chapter is a gift for the closest human friend of mine, TheGalaxyWithin,
My chapter is not for the competition , it is made to give you a subtle message to be happy and spread happiness to every person you like, u are the best bruh, the bestest... Happy pre-time-birthday !! 🍻🎂🍩🍰.....

A/N :- the participant's story's will be named and listed in next chapter, after reading the one you liked the most, please cast down your vote in comment section,

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