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Cathy checked all the things that the children had bought.

"Alright. You all should go back. Lily, explain everything to Amy. Ok?" She said.

"Yes, mom!" Lily replied.

They all went to the spot where the entrance of the With Witchland had opened earlier.

A rock was lying on the ground. Gilbert tapped it three times on certain places and the door opened again.

"Remember the sequence, Amy. If you forget it, you won't be able to go out unless someone comes and helps you, " Gilbert warned.

They all went inside the entrance and came to an unknown house.

"Where are we?" Amy asked, looking around the unfamiliar house.

"We are at my place!" Gilbert announced.

It was a very beautiful house. It was big but smaller then Lilly's.

"The entrance opens at the home of the person who had tapped the rock, " Anne explained.

Amy nodded.

Then they all goodbyed Gilbert and headed towards their houses.

One day changed my whole life. I came to know that I am not the only witch in my family. I have many people like me. And I will also be taught witchcraft. Amy thought.

"What are you thinking?" Lily asked, bringing her back from her thoughts.

"Oh, I was just recalling all the things that happened today. It was a pleasant day, " Amy smiled.

They both went inside their house and immediately sat on the dining table to have lunch. They were very hungry.

After the lunch, they did their homework and then went to sleep.

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