Chapter 120

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First thing that we decide to do is take a stroll through the maze of limestone buildings near the market where Jk was busking that first time. I smile as I think of that moment and how Hobi and Jin came out to support him. Then I also remember the moment that Tae busked, and how Jimin in turn supported and encouraged him also. "Were you wanting to try to busk again?" I ask Tae and Jk.

"We probably shouldn't," Tae says somewhat unsteadily.

"He's right. I mean we were already famous then, some of the audience had even recognized me when I performed that night. They were respectful and kept their distance, but it was obvious due to the attention they gave me that they most definitely knew who I was. Now, that our popularity has grown even more I am sure it would be harder for fans to be as discreet. I don't think that we should draw extra attention to ourselves."

I nod my head in understanding as they guide me onward. I don't really pay attention to the twists and turns we take but I'm unsurprised that we end up at Triton's Fountain. Tae and Jk help me up so the three of us are standing on the elevated edge. Then, Tae tries to hand me a coin to toss in the fountain. "Here make a wish, Angel."

I immediately push the coin away and shake my head at him. "I don't need to make a wish, Taeger. I already have everything I want and more. It seems greedy to wish for something even greater than what we have together right now."

I'm kind of unsurprised that Tae makes a wish himself however. It is so very like him to not miss such an opportunity after all.

I turn to Jk, and we smile softly at each other before we both turn back to watch Tae again as he closes his eyes tightly and presses his hands together. That's when I realize that Jimin isn't standing with us. I carefully turn around to find him looking mysteriously up at the sky. Jk and Tae notice too and immediately each give me a helping hand to assist me back safely down to the ground. Once I am at Jimin's side I ask him, "What are you looking at?"

He glances at Jk and Tae for a moment before saying. "I was wondering if they would have fireworks again tonight." Something about the way he said it has me wondering if he had planned to say something completely different, but I let it go for the moment at least.

"Do you want to head over to where the cannon is to find out?" We walk through an area I know to be the Upper Barraka Gardens due to the research I had done previous to taking our trip in the offtime I had alone. We pass a smaller fountain and under some arches to get to the area that overlooks where the cannons are lined up and overlooks the water beyond.

There are a bunch of people wandering around here, and I imagine that it is simply because this area is quite beautiful all on its own. That fact doesn't stop me from turning to a couple, hoping at least one of them might be a local, and satisfying my own curiosity. "Excuse me. I'm so sorry to bother you both. Do you happen to know if they will be letting off fireworks here a bit later?" I add the last bit because it isn't quite dark enough for them to be seen quite yet.

The young couple I ask shake their heads. The young man answers me. "No, they tend to light off fireworks for festi that celebrate religious events. The next one to occur in Valletta won't be until the 16th of July."

"Oh, so there is one in August?" I can't help but ask.

The woman nods. "Yes, on the second there is a festa to celebrate St. Dominic."

I nod and thank them both. "Well, at least we know now that the fireworks aren't just something they do randomly every weekend for tourists."

Since we are in such a picturesque location we decide to take a few images together with our borrowed phones. The scenic view of the water and the lights of the buildings in the distance making for a perfect backdrop to those images. As we go back through the overhead archways I remember something that happened the night Jimin had rushed off to see the fireworks. I can't help but laugh in my head as I turn to ask him about it. "So, we must be close to the spot where you caught those two guys checking you out that night."

He laughs, but I notice that his ears turn slightly pink. "Yeah, that was slightly awkward. I would be lying if I said I wasn't flattered though."

"You mean you don't mind if men take a romantic interest in you?" I am honestly curious what he will say, because they all definitely have both genders very appreciative of them.

"I've never been attracted to men if that is what you are asking. But, I can't stop them from being attracted to me, nor would I think it is right to want to. Like I said, I'm honestly flattered that they show me their interest." He takes a moment to think about what he wants to say next. "Love comes in all colors and flavors. Who am I to judge someone based on their personal palate/palette?" I stop and simply stare at him. If there weren't cameras on me right now I would totally throw myself at him and probably even risk public indecency with the way my hormones become completely out of whack simply in response to his reflective compassion.

I happen to hear Jk sigh, but I don't turn away from Jimin to ascertain what might have made him respond in such a dejected sounding way. It's only when three out four of our phones go off that I drop my gaze.

Jk: It will be Jimin staying with Daisy tonight. Just figured I would give everyone a heads up.

I'm quick to not only try to deny it, but also apologize before Jk presses a finger to my lips to silence me. "I've seen that expression aimed at me enough times to know what it means, Sweetheart."

Tae touches my arm to pull my attention towards him. "Same, Angel. We both get it, and understand." He looks at his bestie. "That was a smooth line my brother."

"What? It wasn't even a line. I truly meant it."

"Well, that just makes the comment even more special. Did you mean to use both palate, p-a-l-a-t-e, as in taste, and palette,p-a-l-e-t-t-e, as in paint though?" I can't help but ask curiously.

His eyes widen for a brief moment. "Wow! I did do that, didn't I?!?" We all laugh when he tacks on. "I guess I am more smooth than I thought."

I consider saying something about docking cool points after that comment, but I choose to refrain this time around.

We continue to stroll through the maze of limestone buildings, and it is only five minutes later that I realize the hyung line didn't respond to Jk's text message. I stop walking and my soulmates stop with me, immediately realizing my mood has changed.

Me: None of you responded to Jk's text message. Is everything okay?

I wait for a few minutes before I ever get a response.

Namjoon: So, I might need you all to come by Cockney's and help me with the others.

Me: Why can't Youngmi and Sang Hee help?

Namjoon: They promised not to get into the camera shot unless it was a high security risk. So, this doesn't exactly qualify.

The four of us frown at each other before my three youngest soulmates nod and all respond with:

Jk: On our way.

Tae: On our way.

Jimin: On our way.

We arrive at the restaurant to find a relatively sober Namjoon. Jin and Yoongi are both definitely glassy-eyed and a bit out of it, but managing rather well on their own. It's Hobi that seems the most out of character. I've seen videos of him drunk, and I know that typically he is very subdued and lethargic. Instead we find him seeming to be rather melancholic, and I am honestly not sure what to completely make of it.

"Petal!" He yells as he finally grows aware of my presence. He smiles at me even though, despite his adorable dimples making an appearance, I can still see something sad hidden behind the facial expression.

I don't know how I am feeling, but I know I am not fond of seeing him like this. The fact that he is drunk I could honestly probably handle, but there has to be more going on for him to have that look on his face. "Let's get him back to the ship." I glance at Jimin. "Sorry, Jiminie, but I really don't think he should stay in his room alone tonight."

He shakes his head. "No, I agree. But, I am still staying with the both of you."

There is a part of me that wants to argue with him since this could potentially postpone our next night together, but I know he is worried about his former roommate. So, I simply end up nodding in response.

I want to be one of the people that helps support Hobi as we walk back, but when he leans forward and attempts to kiss me on the lips as I draw closer to him I immediately back away. I can't help but frown when I see how crestfallen he has become due to the way I turned down his affections. Luckily, when Jk puts Hobi's arm over his shoulder he whispers to him what I can only assume is an explanation for my actions. How I can't kiss him right now due to the cameras. When he looks at me again he nods, which I can only guess was his way of nonverbally explaining that he understood.

"I'm definitely thankful for the stabilizers on the ship." Namjoon states. "He wouldn't be able to take medicine to conquer his seasickness in this state."

I nod. It was definitely something I was exceptionally happy to learn about when Nikola brought it up during our tour of the ship. Although I had to admit I didn't completely understand all the mechanical mumbo jumbo behind the way it works that he threw at us. My soulmates all had medicine just in case they were to become sick despite the "stabilizers", but it was nice to know that it was exceptionally unlikely they would need it.

Once we get Hobi into my room I turn to the leader. "Joon, could you go to his room and get something he would be more comfortable to sleep in?"

He confuses me for a moment when he walks towards Hobi instead of the door. It's only when he peels the bag off of his shoulder that I understand. Just because I tend to keep my door unlocked, didn't mean that my soulmates followed the same practice. Once he grabs the key he kisses me softly on the temple. "I'll be right back."

I turn to Jimin. "Why don't you grab what you will need for tonight really quick?" I turn toward the other maknaes. "Jk and Tae can help me get Hobi in bed."

I let Hobi kiss me when I try to help divest him of his clothes, but I pull away before it can become too heated. "Not like this Hobi. We will be talking in the morning when you are sober."

He tries to pull me to him again, and I frown as I realize I won't be able to help him with his clothing if he is going to be like this. "Don't worry, Sweetheart, we got this." Jk squeezes my arm to physically reassure me.

So, although I would like to help, it ends up being Tae and Jk who strip him down to his boxers. Luckily, Namjoon comes into my room right after they finish that step, so he doesn't have to sit there practically nude beside them for long.

They help him into his pajamas while I grab him a bottle of water from the minifridge in my room. Once they are done I hand it over to him. "Hopefully this will help your potential hangover in the morning. Make sure to drink it all, but slowly"

He looks at the bottle as if I am handing him a grenade that I have just pulled the pin from. "You're mad at me. Aren't you?" He says with a rather masculine pout.

"I'm sticking to what I said. We will talk in the morning. But, to answer your question and set your mind at ease, no I am not mad at you. I'm worried." I pause for a second. "You seem somewhat sad, and I do definitely want to know why. Although, I want to know when you have a clearer head. Hence, why we will be waiting until morning."

After drinking his water Hobi situates himself on the right side of the bed. Neither Jimin and I are tired yet, but we both change into our pajamas to get more comfortable. I learned while getting ready that my period is still on the light side, so I guess I might be a bit thankful that this moment happened the way it did after all.

I fall asleep between my two soulmates, and somewhere in the middle of the night they both gravitate closer to me. Their closeness creates for some very interesting dreams involving the two of them. Which makes me wonder what a shared experience would be like with the former roommates, and if they would be interested in playing out something like that. 

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