Chapter 26

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The next day goes by pretty fast. I decide against going to their taping with Stephen Colbert. Not because I fear I will be bored waiting on them or anything like that, but because I am mentally working out something in my head.

If I'm going to be seen in Brazil, wouldn't it make sense for it to be on my terms? Not just because I get caught with them while in attire that won't be able to hide my appearance. I'm considering just making this decision on my own. Taking off my mask, sunglasses, and pulling down the hood of my sweatshirt when we are getting out of the SUVs at the airport. But, I have a feeling that my guys wouldn't approve of that. So, I guess I need to bring it up with them when they get back.

I decide to order pizza for everybody before they get here. At this point I feel like I've got all their orders memorized, but I still double check with Sejin via text anyway. I feel better about myself when he confirms that what I plan on ordering for them is perfect. I text my guys asking them to text me before they leave so I can place the order with prompt timing.

The pizza arrives only minutes before they do, still piping hot. I smile in relief. After each of them has their selected slices on their plate I bite the bullet. "I was thinking, should we really wait until someone catches sight of me in Brazil? Should we do something where I unveil myself before we get on the plane tomorrow afternoon?"

The others first look at each other. As if trying to find answers within themselves. Then they start discussing it in Korean. It doesn't make me angry, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to myself that it does irritate me a little bit. I get it though; it's the easiest way for them to weigh in on it objectively. It's a bit silly of me to feel annoyed about being excluded.

Namjoon sighs. "We were planning on this being a surprise and letting you know about it when we get there." He pauses a second, for dramatic effect I imagine. "We aren't going to be staying in a hotel this time around."

"We aren't?" I blink in confusion. So, what does that mean? Where are we staying?

"You asked if we would be near the beach and seemed disappointed when we said we weren't. After some discussion and planning with Manager Sejin we decided to instead rent a house. It's almost two hours from the venue, so when we do have to be there for the concert and practice we will lose more time to ourselves, but we are also going to be staying longer than anticipated. Three security will be with us at all times, but trade out shifts so they each get some proper rest at the house next door. The managers will be staying in that house with security, and the stylist noonas are staying at the hotel."

"Wow! That sounds amazing! I just don't understand what that has to do with what I brought up for discussion. I mean doesn't it still make sense for it to be on our own terms, rather than be surprised by it?"

"The venue has an underground private garage access for the performers. We will never be seen. We don't anticipate anyone to expect us to stay near the beach. So, we don't expect us to be spotted while we are in public. If we are then we can handle that when it crops up." Namjoon sighs. "I get what you were considering, Daisy, and the reason behind it. But, I think this route is still the best in the long run."

I nod. Then turn to Tae. "Is that why you told me to wait on laundry? Because it would be easier to do it in the house we are staying in?"

He nods. "That, and I thought you would like to go shopping while there. It would be easier to do so in Balneario Praia do Pernambuco, the area we are staying in, rather than in Sao Paulo."

I cringe at that. "There's one problem with that."

It's obvious that Jimin does not like the expression I am making. He's wincing as if it's causing him physical pain. "What's that?"

"Money. My funds in the bank are starting to run low, and I really don't want to deplete them before I get the prepaid card the bank will be sending me. The one that actually has my name on it."

"Oh. That's easily resolved." Jungkook responds. He opens his wallet, pulls something from it and tosses the object my way.

I pick it up and notice first that it's a credit card. Then I notice it has my name on it. "Huh? When? Why?" Once again, my eloquence astounds me.

"We started an account for you with our bank. We each have been putting a percentage of what we make into it. As our soulmate what's ours is yours. You have already been spending what little funds you have on us. It doesn't really seem right to let you waste away what little monetary resources you have saved when you aren't making your own income." Namjoon explains.

"Oh, and before you start trying to convince us that you should look into getting a job when we get to Seoul we have discussed the possibility and decided it was exceptionally unnecessary." Jin interrupts.

We bicker back and forth a bit about finances. It takes a bit for them to finally convince me that they know our relationship isn't based on their wealth or worldwide fame at all, which was honestly my biggest concern about them sharing their wealth with me. They point out that they know if I could carry my own weight financially in the relationship that I would. But they also make an effort to get me to realize how unfeasible it is for me if I were to attempt to do so. We will be in a country where I don't know the language. If somehow I did find a job once my face is known to the public I would be hounded by reporters. Not to mention if for some reason that weren't to happen I would never get left behind when they had to jet off to some other location for work. No job could ever be lenient enough to let me leave for extended periods of time like that. That's when I concede to their points and we wrap up the debate.

We finish up our pizza leaving only empty cardboard boxes remaining. A few of us work together to gather up our trash. Soon after Yoongi, Namjoon, Tae, and Jungkook all claim exhaustion. 

The rest of us decide to watch a movie together. I end up between Hobi and Jin. Jimin ends up on the other side of Hobi, and I'm not altogether unsurprised by the way they cuddle. It's Jin that surprises me by pulling me close. His long arms encircled around me. His broad chest and shoulders provide the perfect place for me to rest my head.

At some point during the movie I must nod off, because the next thing I know Jimin and Hobi are claiming exhaustion themselves. I only become aware of them telling me goodbye when they each kiss me on the forehead rousing me from my cat nap.

I go to pull away from Jin, assuming he is also ready to leave, but he surprises me by pulling me back to him. "Stay. Just for a little bit longer." I sigh happily and snuggle closer. He sighs too, but his sigh seems out of distress. I pull slightly away just to be able to look at him. "I'm sorry if I have seemed distant." He once again apologizes to me.

I shake my head. "I think I can understand your reasoning. I'm guessing that before I came along you were starting to come to terms about not having a soulmate of our own, or you had already come to terms with it." That latter thought makes me somewhat sad, but where I waited five years to be able to get the serum injection, he waited nine. Almost a decade of not knowing...

He nods. "I had pretty much resigned myself to the realization I probably wouldn't end up with the life that I actually wanted. Much like you I daydreamed about my soulmate. Who she would be and how much she would mean to me." He glances at me a shy smile chasing away some of the turmoil written on his face. "You are more beautiful than I ever dared to dream. You are more wonderful that I ever dared to hope. I think that's part of the reason I haven't been fully invested. I keep expecting someone to pinch me and to wake up from this wonderful existence." I pinch him near his elbow. Not hard, but he feigns injury anyway. "Oww!"

"I'm still here, in your arms even. Do you need more proof than that?" The look that crosses his face is a mixture of wonder and timidity. The expression makes me know without having to ask him how experienced he is. He isn't. He has been waiting just like me, and while I might be nervous about it, his emotions seem to be even more wary by comparison. He seems completely unprepared on how to deal with it, unaware of what the next move should be. I pull him to a sitting position and curl my arms around his broad shoulders. I am just shy from climbing into his lap.

There's nervousness but also excitement building in his dark eyes. I approach him with hesitancy, rubbing my thumb just under his cheekbone. Then leaning in and kissing both of his cheeks. The blush that begins to stain them is so endearing that I practically melt. I wait for only a moment. Just to check with the expression on his face. Make sure I am reading that I am not moving too fast. That I'm not scaring him away. When all I read is acceptance I lean in and kiss his soft lips.

His sweet soft kisses make something I can only describe as loving warmth kindle inside of me. Open mouthed and untrained; skilled with a natural instinct and still touchingly romantic in their simplicity. I don't force more on him. If he wants more I want him to make that decision, and even though I might have to wait longer for him to deepen our kisses further, then so be it. I have all the time in the world.

Not long after he is kissing me at my door telling me goodbye. Once it shuts behind us I glare at my bedroom. It's a mess, and I still have to pack before we leave at noon tomorrow.

I clean up what I can since I am still pretty awake. Packing away all of the clothing minus the pajamas I change into and a couple outfits for tomorrow. I know I will start the day by wearing something for the inclement weather here, but once I get off the plane I will definitely need less layers. I don't think the guys realize that there is still a possibility that I will be seen at the airport in Sao Paulo, but honestly I'm really not letting it worry me. I've got to expect it to happen someday after all.

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