Chapter 35 - BTS (3rd person)

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A/N:  I do include an image of Daisy's current bikini and will provide a link via the comments on where I found it at.

Once the last of the laundry, other than her still drying undergarments, is put away they quickly take a shower together (still wearing their suits) to wash the chlorine from their bodies and hair. As tempted as Hoseok is to take advantage of the situation he is somehow able to maintain a hands off approach. It takes next to no time to rinse themselves, and soon they are already getting out. They each dry off and within the span of a few moments he notices that she is beginning to look drowsy.

"You should take a nap, Petal." She curls around him, nodding her agreement but not peeling herself away to get dressed to do so. So he grabs her wrists and pulls them from where they are wrapped around his neck. He gets a few grumbles of unhappiness from her which makes him grin, but he continues on with his suggestion. "Get dressed into something comfy. I will too, and I'll be back here to cuddle with you for awhile. Okay?"

Her smile reaches her bright greenish blue eyes and makes a warmth enter his heart he hadn't realized was missing before her. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves the room to give her space to do so.

Once he comes back they climb into bed together and he becomes the big spoon to her little one. He feels her body relax only a few moments after. Unfortunately, his brain won't shut as easy as hers. He lays there with her for a half an hour more before he gets up. Leaving her with a parting peck on her forehead.

Once he re-enters his room he grabs his laptop from its case and sits down to type up a quick email. It's unfortunately 2am in Seoul otherwise he would be making a phone call instead. He types it up quickly being sure to tell her all about his soulmate. Including, how he is currently feeling and asking for advice. A few minutes after he hits enter he unexpectedly gets a Skype request from her.

"Noona, you really shouldn't be awake right now. Don't you have to get ready for work in five hours?" He scolds her over the call. He of course is happy to see her, since it's harder to speak to her when they are on polar opposite time tables, but she should really be in bed.

"My brother needs me. So, nope not anymore. I'll call in sick when we are done with this call. Besides, it's not like they need me to run the store." She rolls her eyes at him goodnaturedly. "So, what's up?"

"Nothing is wrong, but I have never really been in this situation before. I have never had these kinds of feelings before." He has never been one to shy away from a topic when talking to his sister, but this moment is more awkward for him than any other he has ever been in.

"You mean of the many girls you have bedded, you have never had romantic feelings for them?" She glares daggers at him. Jiwoo was never a fan of his romantic conquests. She told him he would regret it when he met his soulmate.

"You make it sound like the number is in the double digits. I assure you it's not."

"Eww... I didn't need to know that."

He can't say that he doesn't feel a smidgen of remorse regarding his past, but as he told the others he wouldn't let himself regret it. He would simply consider those experiences something to learn from. However, those experiences definitely didn't teach him how to be in love with a woman, only how to physically share affection. That was definitely not the same thing. He does his best to explain this to her, but it's a tad difficult to articulate what he means.

Before she can respond there is a timid knock at his door. He gives his sister a look. Both warning her and letting her know that they would have to continue this later after all. "You can come in, Petal."

She comes in looking adorably rumpled and Hoseok finds himself grinning at the visual. "Come here. Meet my sister." He indicates the screen in front of him. The panic in her eyes is delightfully amusing. "She won't care that you just woke up from a nap. Honestly, I unintentionally roused her from her own slumber."

He doesn't miss the growing excitement in his sister's eyes. She had always teased him in earlier years that she had always wanted a sister, instead she ended up with the pest that was himself. But, she had always looked forward to when he got his soulmate, and the possibility of becoming close to her. "Daisy, this is my sister Jiwoo."

"Jiwoo, this is our soulmate, Daisy."

"Hi," Daisy shyly waves at her through the computer screen.

"Oh, she's a redhead. I bet that made Yoongi happy." Jiwoo teases. Daisy arches an eyebrow in confusion, and Jiwoo is quick to explain herself. "He has a big thing for Scarlett Johansson."

Daisy surprises him by saying. "I mean, who wouldn't? Although, naturally she is a brunette. But her visual as Natasha Romanoff is pretty iconic."

That answer has Jiwoo chuckling in response. "Oh, we will get along just fine. Hoseokie you lucked out with this one here."

"I'm definitely aware." He pulls Daisy close so she cuddles into his body.

"And that is sickenly cute." She sighs. "I really don't want to hang up now, but the lack of sleep is starting to get to me. Daisy, I can't wait until we meet in person."

Daisy smiles brightly. "Same."

After the call ends the two cuddle with each other for a few more minutes. Daisy double checks the time and sighs. "I really should start making supper."

"I'll help. What are you planning?"

"My spaghetti recipe." She grins widely.

Due to their first concert in Sao Paulo scheduled for tomorrow the rest of them pile up in vehicles to head home at three pm. As they enter, they are welcomed by a very intoxicating aroma. Yoongi and Jin immediately head to the kitchen to see if there is anything they can help with, but stop first to kiss Daisy on the cheek by way of saying hello.

"I planned on making a salad to go with the pasta. I'll get out the ingredients and let you guys cut them." The two dutifully each grab a cutting board and knife. Getting to work once they each have the supplies in front of them.

Jimin pops his head in the bar window that looks into the kitchen. "You're going to make me eat spinach aren't you?"

Hoseok almost laughs out loud at that question. Because the answer is yes she is. She has chopped up spinach to add to the sauce once it is almost done so it doesn't wilt.

"You don't have to eat the salad, Jiminie." She promises, but skirting the question entirely.

"I like that you are trying to get this mochi to eat healthy." Namjoon responds when he comes to stand beside Jimin while wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"I've been trying for a while without success." Jin agrees.

Silence descends when they begin to focus on the meal. They all make appropriate sounds of approval. Stating how delicious they find it without actual words.

Hoseok covertly glancing at Jimin a few times to see how he reacts to the sauce. He is surprised that he isn't noticing the green pieces in it, but that is definitely working out to their benefit. The spinach unquestionably adds an extra flavor profile to the dish.

Once they are finished Jimin and Jungkook volunteer to help with dishes. Daisy excuses herself to go upstairs and grab her laundry basket, and the rest go sit near the television. When she hops back down and makes her way through the kitchen to the laundry room Tae follows.

His eyes widen when he sees the undergarments hanging on the clothesline. Daisy turns to him and blushes in response to his own blush. But, instead of skirting to stand in front of them and hide them away from his view she holds her hand out to him and brings him close. "I'm trying my best not to make things like this awkward, Tae. I'm shy about it myself. But, it's going to be a normal occurrence, and we are just going to have to both learn to cope with it."

He nods. Noticing a matching white set still hanging. Despite his nervousness he manages to bravely state. "I bet the white makes you look even more angelic than you already are."

She puts down the one she is holding and moves towards him. It only takes a second to wrap her arms around his neck and lean into him. "You're so sweet."

Tae takes the opportunity that has presented itself and kisses her softly, not as eagerly as before since only a room away are Jimin and Jungkook. But he makes sure to put forth all his feelings in that simple gesture. When they pull away from each other both pull their bottom lips in their mouths, savoring the flavor of their shared kiss for a moment longer. "Um, I should finish gathering these and take them upstairs."

Namjoon pops his head in the door. "Did you want to watch something for an hour or so and then go swimming? We don't have too much time tonight since we have to all be up early." She nods in response and skirts past him to get her garments upstairs.

She comes back down a few moments later having already decided to change into her bikini, coverup, and shorts before she returned.

When the others all notice that she has changed already, they each scatter off to do the same. Daisy laughs at the way they all sprint away. Yoongi is the first to come back, and he immediately sits down and pulls her into his lap."Hi." She smiles warmly.

"Hi." He smirks back. "I've missed you." He covertly whispers in her ear.

Her mouth turns down a little bit before she nods. "I've missed you too." Then just as suddenly a mischievous smile is on her face. "I heard you have a thing for redheads."

He pulls back in shock. "What?"

She nods. "Most specifically Scarlett Johansson."

"Oh no. Who told you that?" Yoongi frets over how Daisy took this news.

Hoseok comes in the room sighing. "My sister has a big mouth."

"Jiwoo told her?" Then he turns back to me. "Wait, you talked to Jiwoo?"

"Yes to both. But, don't worry Yoongi. I mean who could not think Scarlett Johansson is a goddess?" She smiles warmly at him, and suddenly he knows he is in the clear.

A half an hour passes and they all adjourn to the poolside. When Daisy unveils the suit to them for the first time every one of them (minus Hoseok, although he is just as affected) sucks in probably three times the oxygen they actually need. The top dips really low, exposing an ample amount of cleavage, although the cups of the top themselves are full enough that they fully cover her breasts. The bottoms are also full coverage, but the sides are only a couple of centimeters away from being strings. The navy and aqua colors of the suit mix together in a mesmerizing way, and suit her coloring perfectly.

The sun is still up and none of them are about to take chances with their skin. They play rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to apply the lotion to Daisy's back, which Hobi is immediately eliminated from since he already had the opportunity to do so earlier. Jin wins and Jungkook comes in second. So at the front of the line is Jungkook who Daisy applies sunblock to. Behind her is Jin. Then Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung line up behind Jin.

Daisy doesn't have the opportunity to slip into the water gracefully this time. Jungkook picks her up in a princess carry and jumps in with her. She hits his shoulder playfully when they emerge from under the surface. Sputtering out water that got in her mouth since she wasn't prepared. "Warn me next time, bunny!" She smacks him playfully on the shoulder.

"Where's the fun in that?" He smirks at her.

"I at least wouldn't end up with chlorine flavored water in my mouth!" She complains. "Not to mention this water isn't that deep!"

When he sets her down. Jimin comes up behind her and pulls her into his chest. She smiles contently and snuggles into his warmth as he hugs her from behind. "What do you want to do after we are done with our concerts? We have nearly a whole week together after all."

"Hmm. I haven't really thought about it yet. We have to be careful though, right? I mean, here, I honestly probably stick out the most due to my marks, and I'm not exactly able to hide them in this heat."

"Perhaps we should do something about that." Namjoon proposes.

"What did you have in mind?" She asks.

"I'm still working it out. But, I will let you know once I have an idea." She nods in response.

Jin sits on the edge of the pool and watches her shyly only a few steps away from him. Her wet wavy auburn locks remind him of a mermaid or a siren. He can't help but admit that she has him under her spell. She must feel his eyes on her because she smiles up at him. She swims to where he is sitting. "What's on your mind, Jin?"

He shakes his head shyly. "Just you." He somehow gets the courage to respond.

Surprise registers on her face for a moment before she grins at the comment. "Are you going to get in the water?"

He points out his wet trunks and damp t-shirt, proving that he has been in the water already. He is just taking a moment to relax. She nods her head in understanding and swims away toward Namjoon this time.

She latches herself to the leader's back, and he hikes her up higher by hooking his arms underneath her legs. "This is nice." He mumbles softly. She nods her head in agreement.

Soon after Jimin is suggesting a game of chicken. He hikes himself on Tae's shoulders. Namjoon relocates Daisy to his.

Daisy and Jimin take it easy on each other, because neither wants to hurt the other one. Regardless of that though, it's still Daisy who knocks Jimin off of his perch. Breaking the surface of the water to the hooting of Daisy and Namjoon in their victory.

Hoseok stays back, mostly observing the water. He isn't surprised that the others are flocking to her. That bikini she is wearing is exceptionally dangerous. She confided in him however that it was the only one she purchased yesterday. So, in the near future that needs to be rectified.  

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