Chapter 45

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I blink rapidly at the darkness of my room, part of me wondering if I am still asleep. The other part of me wondering what could have woken me up. I turn to my side to see a sleepy looking Tae and groggy, but grinning bunny beside him. They both hold their fingers to their lips in a universal pantomime to remain quiet, then Tae nods to my door as a signal for us to meet out there to talk.

Once we get on the other side we still talk in hushed tones to prevent waking anyone up, especially Yoongi who is still slumbering in my bed. "We want you to come with us. Get dressed really quick."

"What?" I wrinkle my nose in sleep deprived annoyance. "What time is it?"

"It's just a little after five in the morning. Honestly Jimin was supposed to come with us too. But, I couldn't get him to wake up." Tae shrugs, obviously only halfway concerned with this fact.

I sigh. "Let me write a quick note to Yoongi so he doesn't think I deserted him before changing clothes." If the two were shocked that he shared my bed last night neither one showed it once I uttered that statement.

Because I don't know where we are going I make sure to grab my beach bag that still has all my essentials for being out in the sun while in Brazil. I dress in the one maxi length skirt I purchased the other day. It's tiered with a pretty feminine floral pattern. I pair that with a white cropped halter tank, and grab a lightweight lavender cardigan because I am sure there is going to be a chilly breeze since the sun has yet to make an appearance.

One of the other managers is driving us. Pretty sure it's Chaewon, but outside of Manager Sejin I'm having some difficulty keeping their names straight. I'm unsure of the name of the security guard in the passenger seat, but I'm unsurprised by his presence. (I'm also unsurprised it isn't Korain. He's been keeping his distance since our altercation.)

What I am surprised by is the large bag that Jk has with him. I've seen it before of course, but I have always been preoccupied with other things around me. Now that it's just the three of us I am more able to divert my attention to the monstrosity sitting on his lap. I could ask him about it; I'm definitely curious. I feel slightly foolish for not giving it any attention before now though. Which makes me hesitant to ask, besides it's not like I won't find out what he is lugging around whenever we reach our destination.

The SUV pulls into a parking lot and stops, signalling that we must have arrived. The trip took about thirty minutes and with the time that has passed the sky is becoming a lighter shade of blue due to the rising sun being closer to the horizon. I smile widely at the same beach we were at last night and immediately know why they brought me here. Tae pulls me out of the car when we park. I take my sandals off once we reach the sand. My hand reaches for Jk also who lingers behind me. When he doesn't grab it I turn my head questioningly at him and see his bunny face hidden behind a large camera. Yup, that explains what was up with the large bag he was lugging around. I stick my tongue out at him coaxing a laugh out of him.

Tae guides me to a set of beach chairs about ten feet from the shoreline. "I saw the expression on your face when the sun was setting last night. I knew you were wishing we were on the opposite coast. So, I thought you might enjoy the next best thing."

I smile warmly at him which of course coaxes out his boxy grin. "Thank you." I turn back to look at Jk. "Both of you. Honestly, I love sunrises in general. There is nothing like being able to catch even a glimpse of the beginning of a day. So, full of promise and adventure."

Twenty minutes later the sky is being painted a brilliant mixture of pinks and oranges. "I wish I could paint. If I could I would do my best to capture this myriad of colors on a canvas."

"Jk and I both enjoy drawing. We have done a couple paintings too, but not landscapes. Actually, Yoongi-hyung doesn't brag about it but he enjoys painting too." Tae states. I am honestly surprised about Yoongi seeing as I have seen some drawings and paintings from Jk and Tae floating in fan compilations, but never Yoongi. I guess he is just more secretive about some of his hobbies. Tae gets a thoughtful look on his face. One I know many may misinterpret as when his mind is devoid of thought. I just happen to know it's the opposite.

"Perhaps, Tae and I can try to paint this together for you." Jk muses aloud. I understand why he doesn't offer the suggestion that Yoongi try. That would be a choice entirely up to my bear and since he is secretive about this particular hobby I'm not about to ask him about it. I would rather play dumb and let him tell me about his paintings later if he so chooses.

"Hmm." I ponder. "Jk, I know you are probably in video mode right now, but can you take some pictures for me? I want something more tangible than just a memory of this moment. I want to be able to print this moment off and carry it with me forever." I realize that I could do this on my phone, but the quality wouldn't be the same. I would rather have the best quality possible for this gorgeous view.

That prompts him to start doing an impromptu photo shoot. He coaxes me into a solitary picture, sitting on one of the chairs and gazing out at the water. Then there are a few with just me and Tae being silly. I even manage to get a small crash course in the ins and outs of his camera and get a photo of him and Tae lit up by the rising sun.

A few minutes later we are deciding we should probably head back. They insist we stop at a bakery to get breakfast, rather than having to make breakfast this morning. There we stock up mostly on a variety of muffins, danishes, and cinnamon rolls. We also get a selection of egg tarts which are apparently a local delicacy.

It's nearing eight when we get back to the house. The guys carry in the boxes of pastries for me. I give them each a brief kiss, thank them again, and make a mad dash for my room. I'm kind of hoping that Yoongi is still asleep. I honestly didn't want to just write him a letter. It seemed a superficial way to start our morning together, even if I did enjoy the morning excursion with my two youngest soulmates. He was just rousing as I entered my room which had me grinning and climbing in bed to greet him with a morning kiss. "You're dressed. Honey, where did you go?"

I grin even more widely at the way he automatically used his new nickname for me. "Jk and Tae took me to see the sunrise on the beach. Sorry that I left you behind. I left a note, but I honestly didn't want to be on the opposite end of your grumpy tired wrath." He conceded that point with a simple nod. "We bought pastries while we were out." Another nod. Yeah, he's still half asleep. "You can stay in bed if you like, but I want to go back down and see if anyone else is awake yet." My stomach then decides to make a loud grumble in rebellion which despite his lethargy Yoongi chuckles at. "And apparently sample the delicacies we brought back with us too."

Most of the day passes in a blur. I spend a lot of it doing laundry, both mine and theirs. It took a lot of coaxing to get them to relinquish the duty to me. "It's not a big deal. I'm doing my own so I might as well do everyone else's too. Also, tomorrow is our last full day here together. I would rather get most of the cleaning done today rather than rush to do it tomorrow along with the packing."

Hobi is the first to agree. "We should probably also wash the towels and bed linens for the owners of the house." I frown at the thought of the bed linens. Not my favorite thing to launder, due to how long it takes the blankets and comforters to dry, but he does have a point. "We should also spend today cleaning in general. Daisy has a point. We shouldn't leave this to the last day." The laundry of course takes hours, but the other chores only take a fraction of the time. I even pitch in here and there with the other chores once I have gotten my delicates washed, and the first load is in the dryer.

Once the laundry is finally done the sun has set for the day. I frown at the day wasted, but I know not all days can be filled with fun and excitement. Joon approaches me with a thoughtful look on his face. "What's up?"

"I think we should do another Vlive with you soon. Up for it tonight, or would you rather wait until tomorrow?" I give him a look that expresses exactly how I feel about doing a Vlive after I have been cleaning and doing laundry all day today. He laughs at said expression and does a pantomime signal that is pretty much universal for calm down. "Okay, okay tomorrow it is."

"Why were you thinking we should do one before leaving anyway?" I ask him.

"I figured if we do one while we are still here it may take some pressure off us when we go to the airport. Like they are less likely to be watching for us at the airport if we do a Vlive. Maybe it will coax them into thinking we are sticking around for a bit longer." Joon shrugs.

It is all educated guessing, but I can't fault his logic. It sounds reasonable to me too. "Should we post something on social media with a time on when we will be going live?"

"That's not a bad idea. Do you just want to chat with everyone, or do something different?" Joon's question was very thought provoking, but I wasn't much into thinking that much in advance right now.

"I don't know yet. If we do something different we will probably have to make sure it's okay with the owner to show more of the house first."

"That's already handled. As long as we add a note crediting the rental company when we leave we are in the clear."

Ah, yes. Free advertising. Makes sense. I ponder over what else would strike up an interesting Vlive. "Maybe I can peruse over my game list again. I would say we could do the murder game again, but I don't think Army would respond well to the squishing of the hearts." I brainstorm aloud.

"Yeah, you are probably right about that." He nods. "Well, we'll plan for it after supper tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Or maybe we could do it during supper? Show them what a typical meal with us as a unit looks like before potentially continuing on to games and such." I suggest.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea either."

"Let's do steaks again. One last time before we leave." Hobi suggests.

Yeah, I definitely like the idea of using that grill outside again, especially for something like this. "So, I guess that means Jin, Yoongi, and I need to plan a menu again tonight before going to bed. That way we can send someone for supplies in the morning."

I grab the two oldest and explain what's going on. We take up residence at the small circular table again to plan out the meal. Once again we agree on the chimichurri sauce. But instead of going Korean this time we plan on doing something more Brazilian inspired. I grab my phone to look up side dishes. Of course I end up getting more main dishes than anything else in my search but I figure I can adapt if need be, or just do more entrees since my guys seem to just live on meat. Because we loved the calabresa sausage so much I settle on a brazilian bean and sausage casserole style dish, although I plan on substituting the collard greens with kale, since I personally don't like collard greens. We plan on a leafy salad as one of the side dishes. I point out a fried pastry recipe. "I still have some empanada wraps so I can use those to make this perhaps."

"Or you could make the empanadas again." Yoongi suggests.

I roll my eyes. "I don't want too many meat based dishes. We already have steak and the sausage-bean casserole. I really don't want to add another."

He is quick to concede to my point although he is a bit mopey regardless. I frown at the recipe. "Although I do think I should add more than just cheese to it like this recipe calls for. It also suggests herbs. Any other thoughts?" Yoongi gives me a look. "Other than adding meat to it I mean."

"You could add cauliflower and broccoli to them probably." Jin suggests, although he halfway shrugs as if he deems his answer unimportant.

"That's actually a good idea. I bet any vegetable that is good tempura fried would work, but I like the idea of those two specifically with cheese." I continue to peruse over the internet. "I'm thinking we should make a fragrant rice no matter what, but I also want to do at least one more side dish."

I come across a Brazilian onion and garlic rice recipe that looks good, but I frown because it also calls for beans. "What if I do this but omit the beans." I show the two of them.

"What if you substituted peas or edamame for the beans?" Jin suggested.

I nod. "I haven't worked with edamame really, but peas might work. We could also do diced carrot in it too." I ponder for a second. I just substituted my rice with a more healthy and flavorful option. "Do you think I should still plan another side dish?" I ask.

"We can eat a lot." Yoongi offers.

"I say look a bit more, but if you don't find anything else then don't worry about it." I nod at Jin's suggestion.

I peruse for well over ten minutes before I end up conceding that this might be as good as it will get regarding Brazilian dishes. "Should I look up Spanish and Portuguese side dishes also?"

"It can't hurt." Yoongi seems to be getting somewhat impatient. I find myself frowning in response. "Sorry, not trying to be short with you, Honey. It's just been a long day."

I smile warmly at the fact he openly used the endearment in someone else's presence. Jin seems somewhat stunned for a moment before regaining his composure. "Go ahead and look for a little bit at least. I think we are probably good though honestly."

Then I come across a brilliant idea thanks to the first Portuguese recipe website I stumble across. I don't even know why I didn't think of this before with us being so close to the ocean but the visual of the recipe in front of me has me so excited. "What if we did a shrimp and crab boil?"

Yoongi laughs. "You were trying to not add more meat, and you now want to add seafood to the mix?"

I shrug. "Jimin and Joon won't eat the seafood. I won't add the sausage that it suggests since we already have sausage in the casserole dish. Plus, this will add a couple more healthy components with the corn and potatoes."

Yoongi waves his hands in a pantomime way to stop my rebuttal. "Fine. I concede to your point."

"I think you should do two separate cooking sheets though. One without the seafood since Jimin and Joon are quite picky regarding it." Jin offers

I nod. "Good point."

A/N:  So I'm now really annoyed because the image of "Daisy" above does not look like that in Photoshop.  Don't get me wrong the image is still pretty.  But the pinks are way more pronounced and her hair is way more highlighted.  I'll get over it, but yeah I'm annoyed.

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