Chapter 89

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After I become aware that the sun is up, and know for a fact that it is actually morning I briefly consider just hiding under the blankets and denying that a new day has dawned. I didn't get a lot of sleep. I am sure I was overreacting but when I thought for even a moment that Jin might not want me in that way it seemed to break off a fragment of my heart. I roll my eyes when I glance at a specific calendar app on my phone. I guess that could be partially to blame too.

My monthly visitor should be just around the corner, and it's highly possible that my hormones are completely on the fritz. Which could definitely account for my over reaction. I know my body well enough though to be certain that it hasn't arrived yet. But, I am also officially awake now so I might as well get out of bed at this point. I fling the blankets completely aside before sitting up and looking around the room.

My eyes trail over the bag sitting on the floor beside me. I had removed it from my bed last night and pretty much ignored it when I flung myself on the mattress to have a good cry. Hobi hasn't told me what time our date will be so I suppose I should go ahead and get a shower that way I can at least partially be ready if he tells me it will be an early date.

When I walk into the bathroom I glance at myself in the mirror. Yeah this is going to be a heavy makeup day. My whole face looks blotchy and swollen thanks to a mixture of a lack of sleep and crying into my pillow. Hell I vaguely remember having to get up and change my clothes because I had cried myself to sleep, and I was still wearing my dress.

Once I get out of the shower I glance at myself in the mirror again. Luckily the shower did help the swelling some, but it did nothing for the shadows underneath my eyes. Before going down to do anything regarding breakfast I decide to go ahead and apply concealer and makeup to my face in an effort to keep my crying jag hidden from my soulmates. Not that I want to keep it secret per se, but because I am sure I am overreacting. I don't want them worrying over something that I can't completely make sense of myself.

I choose loose fit comfy clothes to wear for the time being before I head downstairs. I kind of hope that Yoongi is down here already working on breakfast. I am just not in the mood to cook this morning. Hell, I'm not in the mood to eat really either.

Unfortunately it's not Yoongi I find at the stovetop, but Jin. He looks over and smiles at me, and I do my best to mirror the expression despite my sore feelings. "Good morning, Princess."

"Good morning, Jin. Whatcha makin'?" Whatcha makin'? Really? God, I sound so fake right now.

He shrugs. "I just figured I would replicate those pancakes you made the other day."

I nod. "Sounds good." No, no it didn't. It sounded like something that would sit in the pit of my stomach like a big ball of lead right now. "I'm going to cut up some fruit in case someone might want something different to go along with them." Yeah, like me.

I end up only placing a solitary pancake on my plate. I fill a bowl halfway with the fruit I selected before heading to the kitchen table. I try my best to listen to Namjoon briefly explain what they learned regarding the Bon Voyage trip in a couple months. When they mention the last full day of the trip will be my birthday I kind of feel indifferent about it. I'm not unhappy nor am I excited. I simply smile, nod my head, and say, "sounds good."

I walk Namjoon to the door and tell him goodbye. I can tell he wants to ask me if something is up. But, I beat him to the punch. "Be safe. Try to have a good day at work." Then I give him a brief hug and kiss before turning and walking away.

I don't realize Hobi is trailing behind me until when I reach my room and open the door he grabs it in his hand to keep it from closing right away. He follows me in the room and pulls me up beside him. "Is something the matter, Petal?"

I force a smile and look up at him. "What could be wrong? I have a lot to look forward to today. I mean we do have a date right?"

He pauses for a second, taking a moment to look me in the eyes. He shakes his head. "No, something is wrong. Tell me."

I sigh and decide to give him a half truth. "Honestly, I think I am just being moody." I pull open the app I have on my phone and show it to Hobi. "My monthly visitor is around the corner. I think that might be the reason I feel like I am somewhat in a funk."

His lips turn downward for a moment. I at first think he may be frowning, but then I realize he is just thinking something over. "Did you want to postpone our date then?"

"Oh no!" I quickly reassure him. "I am sure I'll be fine in a couple hours or so, and I have been looking forward to going on a date with you. I've been looking forward to it for quite some time honestly."

He nods. "Then we will be heading out shortly after lunch. Aside from getting dressed, be sure to otherwise be ready before lunch to go." He glances at the spot the bag is still sitting. "Have you looked at your outfit yet?"

I shake my head. "No, I was pretty exhausted when I got back from my date last night with Jin."

He nods. "Well, truthfully I haven't seen it yet either, but I do have somewhat of an idea of what Jiwoo might have picked out for you." He glances at me seductively. "I really can't wait to see it on you."

When it's time for Dasom to arrive I head downstairs to ask her if she would mind having my lunch brought up to me. "I was wanting to get a hold of my friends again here shortly, and I have to get ready for a date I have with Hobi."

I'm honestly really unhappy with myself right now. Both comments are honest, but the biggest reason is that at least for the moment I don't want to see Jin. Not until I sort out why I am feeling the way I am. I want to take a step back and get some perspective on the situation. To think it through logically rather than to have any kind of irrational response like I honestly already have. Plus, if I can get a hold of Candace and Rebecca perhaps they can give me their point of view on the situation.

Before texting the two of them I go and look at the outfit that Jiwoo purchased for inspiration regarding hair and makeup. There are only two articles in the bag, which surprises me because I would expect Jiwoo to go all out with the whole outfit. Jewelry, bag, and shoes. The whole nine yards. But perhaps there is a reason for the minimalist outfit.

I pull the top out and at first have difficulty making heads or tails out of it. Because at first all I can make sense of is the sleeves. Otherwise it appears to just be a long piece of rose colored fabric. Then, after studying it for a few minutes, I realize it is some kind of wrap around crop top.

I put that aside and pull the pants out of the bottom of the bag. To call the garment in question 'cargo pants' almost seems like some kind of understatement. There are a numerous amount of silver rivets, buttons, and buckles. Not to mention the plethora of straps and pockets. For some reason the outfits they wear in the music video for Mic Drop come to mind as I take in this pair of pants.

That gives me an idea. I'm not sure whether Jk will go for it or not. But I figure it's worth a try. I quickly send him a text message asking and wait for a moment or two to see if he responds. I find myself smiling when there is a knock on my door. I go to thank him with a quick peck to his lips before he interrupts me. "I have plenty of those by the way. You can keep that one instead of borrowing it."

I continue the intended kiss before pulling away. "I'll consider it. After all it might depend upon what it looks like on me after all." Once he leaves I set that item aside on my dresser before heading into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair.

Since I had already applied foundation and concealer to finish up the look I decided to only add a little bit of mascara and clear lip gloss. I frown as I realize that has been my go to look lately, but if the date ends up working out to be what I think I sussed out for myself this honestly makes the most sense in the long run. Before flicking the wand over my lashes I double check and make sure it is waterproof.

It's amazing that despite the fact that I just kind of let my hair do its own thing after my shower that it is actually pretty much behaving itself. There are a few frizzies here and there that I manage to tame with a light application of styling glaze. I wait to actually put the outfit on until after I eat, that way I won't end up accidentally staining it, which is probably also why Hobi suggested waiting to get dressed also.

Since my makeup and hair are both done now I quickly type out a text message.

Me: Hey. Are either of you around? I sort of need someone to talk to.

I wait patiently for about five minutes before anyone responds to me.

Candace: Yeah, sorry. Rebecca is still working, but I am here. Just watching Joshua for her.

Me: Is now a bad time?

Candace: I might not be able to respond right away, but he is currently watching one of his shows on the television. It involves music so I think we are good for a bit.

Me: So, last night was my first one on one date with Jin. The date was fine, actually more than fine. It was sweet, thoughtful, and very romantic but the way it ended kind of surprised me.

Candace: How so?

Me: First let me justify my confusion by adding that I am a hop skip and a jump from dealing with my monthlies, so I think part of my crazy response might be due to PMS.

Candace: Ugh. Totally sympathize. Yeah okay. Shoot.

Me: I went to invite him to stay the night in my room, and he turned me down.

Candace: He turned you down? Huh? Wait, what exactly did he say.

Me: Something about not being ready for the sex step.

Candace: Oh. Okay. Daze, I don't think that's anything you need to worry yourself over. I am sure he wants you, but it might be exactly what he said. That he isn't ready. Or perhaps there is more to it than that. Or perhaps he simply wants to follow the unwritten three date rule. I'm sure you are unnecessarily worried. You are probably thinking something like he doesn't want you or some other such nonsense. Am I right?

Me: Something like that.

Candace: Well stop that. As my grams would say stop borrowing trouble and worrying about something until you have all the facts.

Me: Okay, you're right.

Candace: Oh Rebecca, just got here. Lemme see if she wants to weigh in with her two cents.

It takes a few minutes before I get a response from her.

Rebecca: Okay, sorry that took so long. I'm really beat. I'm not really one to go to for relationship advice, but I do agree with Candace here. It sounds like you might be turning something miniscule into something major. If need be give yourself a few days and simply directly ask him about it.

Candace: I just had another thought. Has he been acting differently around you since last night.

I bite my lip before typing out my response.

Me: I kind of have been avoiding him this morning. Mostly because I don't want to let him see how I am overreacting right now.

Rebecca: That's fair.

Candace: Yeah, but the reason I asked was if he is acting differently himself than he normally does that might give you reason to worry. But, like I said I don't think it's that. I think it's something simple that you have probably unintentionally blown out of proportion.

Rebecca: I agree. I don't think you should worry about it too much. If you are worried about overreacting sure I get why you might distance yourself a bit. But, don't distance yourself too much. That could also cause unnecessary friction between the two of you.

Candace: It might not hurt to consider letting him know how you are feeling also.

Someone knocks on my door, so I glance at the corner of my phone screen to check the time.

Me: Looks like lunch is here. Thank you both so much for the suggestions and letting me vent.

Candace: No problem.

Rebecca: That's what friends are for.

I smile at the way Rebecca ended the text spree before going to answer the door. Choon-hee smiles warmly at me as she leaves me with the lunch she brought up.

Luckily it seems since breakfast and chatting with my friends I have apparently regained my appetite. I polish off most of the dishes that Dasom made for me before setting the dishes aside. I'll take them down after Hobi 'picks me up' for our date.

Unsurprisingly the pants fit me perfectly. Due to some elastic tucked within the waistband I don't have that annoying gap that many waistbands leave above my tailbone. So, I don't deem it necessary to dig for a belt with these pants.

It takes me several minutes to work out how the top works. I first have to criss cross the fabric tightly over my breasts, then wind the thinner fabric like strap around my upper abdomen twice before tying it off in front. I check myself in the full length mirror and find myself exceptionally pleased. I add the bucket hat I had 'borrowed' from Jk then double check the temperature outside. I grin when I realize it is just chilly enough I can wear my hooded jacket with the outfit. I pull said hooded jacket out of the closet and go ahead and put it on. This way Hobi won't see the full outfit until we get to our destination.

That's when I frown at my slippered feet. Jiwoo didn't include shoes. I was sure due to my deductive reasoning that she might include a pair of sneakers, but the only articles in the bag were the top and the pants.

Just then there is a knock on my door. Hobi is similarly dressed and holding a shoe box out in his right hand. "I think you might need these."

Inside I am unsurprised to find a pair of sneakers in a similar shade to my top with iridescent accents. "Thank you, Hobi."

He shakes his head. "Jiwoo picked those out too, but because I paid for everything and didn't get you anything extra for today I decided to present you with them."

It's my turn to shake my head. "You didn't have to admit that to me. If you had kept me in the dark I would have never known."

"I just didn't think it was worth it to keep it from you. It's not a secret I have to keep. It's not a surprise I can't share with you. It was simply an oversight on my part that I did my best to correct." I nod and put my new shoes on quickly. When I look back up I find Hobi taking me in from the top of my borrowed bucket hat to the bottom of my sneakered toes and immediately frowning. "You are going to make me wait until we get to our destination before showing me what is under that jacket. Aren't you?"


A/N:  Originally I wasn't going to include Jk's name in this chapter then I realized that didn't make sense and sounded kinda strange keeping whose bucket hat she borrowed as a secret so I changed it.  But that's why his picture appears twice in this chapter.  I had already made the collage before I had changed my mind.

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