12: Something's wrong (Herobrine)

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For the next few days, I settled into a routine. Wake up in the morning, go train in the training room, explore the castle, have a chat with Entity if I see him, walk around outside, come back just before sundown, go to bed, repeat. I had found nothing interesting and no new memories flashed in my head. I also hadn't seen those mobs that Entity had been talking to, and I hadn't seen any other mobs either.

I was walking around the castle and was considering going outside for a run when I came across a new part of the castle. At least, I assumed it was a new part of the castle, I couldn't really tell. The hallways looked no different and the torches burned the same way, but I decided to look around anyway. There were only a few doors here and I ignored all of them, just following the hallways.

At some point, I started climbing a set of stairs that wound up in a circular fashion. I reasoned that I was inside one of the towers. The only other tower I had been in was one on the left side of the castle. That tower had a pretty good view actually. Maybe this one would too. At the top of the stairs was a single door with a heavy lock on it. This was the first lock I had seen in the castle.

"Maybe I shouldn't go in there," I muttered to myself, but curiosity overcame my wariness and I picked up the lock, trying to see if I could open it somehow. It clicked open at my touch.

I slowly opened the door, crouching slightly, ready to jump out of the way if something flew at me. With the door open, I saw that the room was completely empty except for a simple table in the centre. There were no windows, the only light source came from a torch above the door. On the table lay a long wooden box. I stepped inside the room, approaching the box. It was just longer than a sword, made of wood with a simple lid that wasn't locked. I reached out and slowly opened the lid, not sure of what I would find inside.

All that was inside was a simple diamond sword. There was nothing special about it, no jewels or patterns, no glowing enchantments, nothing. Why would Entity even bother to keep this sword locked away? He had identical diamond swords in the armoury below. Why keep this one separate? My hand unconsciously brushed the surface of the sword. As soon as I touched it, it caught alight with white fire, dancing on the blade. A vivid memory flashed in my head the second I touched it. I saw Entity crouched on a window ledge, this diamond sword in his hand. He was grinning a grin that I had never seen him wear before and he jumped out of the window, disappearing into the night.

I jerked my hand away from the sword, letting the lid shut with a bang. What was wrong with that sword? It looked so normal but when I touched it, it caught alight. And that white fire... it was the same colour as my magic and my eyes. Could this.... Could it be my sword?

"Herobrine! Where are you!"

I dimly heard Entity's voice calling me. I ran out of the room, locking the door behind me and taking the stairs down two at a time. For some reason, I didn't want Entity to catch me up here. There was a reason that door was locked, there was a reason that strange sword was locked away. Entity found me a few hallways away from the tower.

"Herobrine! There you are!" he said, running up to me. "Where did you go?"

I shrugged. "Just looking around."

Entity nodded a few times. "Okay. Just... don't go too far." He started to walk away.


He turned around. "Hm?"

"Um... I found a room," I started. "The door was locked and inside the room was a box." Part of my mind shrieked at me to stop talking but I ignored it. Entity was my friend, right? I shouldn't hide things from him. "And in the box was a sword-"

"Stay away from it."

Entity's voice was low and threatening. I took a step back.

"What do you mean?"

Entity seemed to make a decision very quickly. "It's cursed. One of the traps of that group you found a few days ago. It's really dangerous. We agreed to put it up there so we wouldn't accidentally use it."

"Why don't we just destroy it?" I asked.

"It's powerful Herobrine. You can't just destroy something as powerful as that. Only the person who made it can destroy it."

"Then why do we keep it here?"

Entity hesitated. "I want to see if I can control it, get rid of the... curse. If I can, we can get rid of that group for good."

"Then why-"

"Just leave it Herobrine. I need to do something." Entity walked off, signalling that he wasn't going to talk about it any more.

Something about Entity's story didn't match what my mind was telling me. If that sword was cursed, why am I fine? Why did it glow with white fire when I touched it? Something unreasonable in my head told me that it was my sword, that Entity stole it. But he wouldn't do that. He's my friend. He said so.


At midnight that night, I snuck out of my room and through the castle. Entity told me to stay away from the sword, but I just had to see it again. When I touched it, I remembered. If I touched it again, maybe I would remember something else. I climbed the tower, opened the locked door and went inside.

The box was gone.

Entity must have moved it. There was no other way it could have disappeared. Swords and boxes don't just disappear into thin air. It couldn't be a coincidence. I told Entity about the sword and then it's gone. There was something about the sword that Entity didn't like. If he was telling the truth, why did he need to move it? If he was telling the truth, why does my mind say he's lying? What if there's something else he's lied about?

A worm of doubt started to eat away at me. 

Hey guys, how are ya going?

I'm going to be away from Wattpad for the next 4 or 5 days, so I'm not going to be able to update or reply to anything, hence the reason why this chapter is coming out early.

See you on the other side internet!

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