15: Attack (Riley)

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I woke up to my room shaking and a massive rumbling sound coming from outside. I leapt out of bed and looked out my window. The ground outside seemed to be shaking, almost like an earthquake. As I watched, the shaking slowly stopped and everything went back to normal. I walked outside my room and down the stairs to find my friends in a small huddle.

"What was that?" Sky asked when I arrived.

"Earthquake," Steve said, entering the room. He had a pack on one shoulder.

"Vanilla Minecraft doesn't have earthquakes," Jerome said.

"We do now."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Oh! Guys, remember how Notch added in some extra surprises?" Bajan asked. "I think we just found one!"

"Well that's a horrible surprise," Sub said.

"It's not the worst one," Steve said. "Nether mobs have a 67% chance of spawning on moonless nights."

"Why would Notch put that in?"

Steve shrugged. "But you can find naturally green sheep now. And there's camels in the desert."

"At least it's not all bad."

An hour later, we said goodbye to Steve and parted ways. Steve headed north while my friends and I went west. We had our armour in chests that Steve somehow made transportable and our weapons were at our sides. My banner was rolled up and I had it diagonally across my back. We walked west for the whole day, grabbing apples from the oak trees that we passed to eat as we walked. Sky and Bajan tried to talk to me a few times but I ignored them. I didn't feel like talking. The boring day finally passed into the night and we made a sort of camp under the stars. We rolled out my banner and looked at how far we had come.

"Another day and a half, maybe two of walking, and we'll be there," Bajan estimated, looking over my shoulder.

"That's my line," I said, almost no humour in my voice.

Bajan gave me a little grin. Sky sighed and stretched, then lay down.

"Nothing much to do," he said. "I'm gonna catch some Z's. Night!"

While Sky slept (Or pretended to sleep), the rest of us sat around the fire, talking quietly. I mostly listened and stared at the fire. I have always loved fires, there's just something comforting about them. A branch snapped behind me and Bajan's head whipped up, looking in the direction. He very slowly stood up, making no sudden movements.

"Guys, get up and get your weapons," he said, his voice low and soft. Sky turned and saw what Bajan saw. He copied Bajan's movements, his hand going to his sword that was resting on the ground.

Dread creeped in me. I slowly turned around, standing up at the same time. In the forest, several pairs of red eyes watched us, not attacking, just watching. One bobbed forward and we saw in the light of our fire that it was a skeleton. But skeletons don't have red eyes, they have black ones. All the mobs have black ones. My hand reached down and scrabbled in the dirt for my sword.

Then the mobs charged.

I jumped away as a zombie swung its sword at me, my foot accidentally kicking my sword, sending it spinning away. Dozens of mobs poured out of the forest, skeletons, zombies, spiders and creepers, all with red eyes, all intending to kill us. I sprinted away, my friends just ahead of me. I was the only one who didn't have a weapon. The uncaring moon watched us as we sprinted away, the mobs hot on our tails. A skeleton arrow shot the tree just next to me and I jerked away, running faster. I didn't realise that I was splitting up from my friends.

I ran for who knows how long, my only thought being to get away from those killer mobs. The moon rose higher as I slowed from my headlong sprint. My breath came in ragged gasps and I bent over my knees, trying to calm myself down. Something stirred in the bushes behind me and I turned, thinking that it was one of my friends. I saw a blur of red eyes and an iron sword rushing towards me, only centimetres from my heart.

And I couldn't move.


I thought that my main problem would be finding the group. I knew that Entity couldn't find them (He had been yelling about that when he thought I wasn't there), so I didn't see how I could. But it turned out to be easier than I thought. When I walked outside, trying to find them, there was a faint white line hovering just above the ground, like a trail. Using my super-speed, I followed the trail, covering hundreds and hundreds of blocks in minutes. I reached the group and I hid behind one of the many trees, squinting so my glowing eyes wouldn't give me away. Strangely, the white trail ended right at the girl's feet, but she acted like she couldn't see it.

I watched them until night came and they set up their camp. I slowly edged away, heading back to the castle. Nothing much had happened, just them talking to each other about multiple random things. They certainly didn't talk about evil plans or traps or curses. But they were armed, and although they looked relaxed, they were constantly scanning the forest around them.

I felt a sudden surge of fear behind me and I quickly turned around. There was no one there, but I still felt that fear. It seemed to come from something, or someone. And it was moving, away from me. I ran towards it, hearing dozens of pairs of footsteps, all running. To my left, I saw mobs flashing in and out of trees, waving weapons in their hands. I recognised them as the ones that Entity had been talking to several days ago. Was he behind this? Or did he have nothing to do with it?

The fear feeling was separating from the mobs and I followed it, coming closer and closer but not too close. I didn't know where it was coming from. Finally, it slowed down and I hid again, looking at the source. It was the girl from the group. Just her. Nothing special. She was bent over her knees, gasping for breath. I caught a flash of movement behind her and I saw a zombie with an iron sword rushing out of the forest, its sword already moving forward for the killing stroke. The girl turned around, not able to react fast enough to avoid the stroke.

But as fast as the zombie was, I was faster.

Without even realising I was doing it, I ran forward, summoned my sword from my room, blocked the zombie's stroke and killed it with a single thrust. It gurgled and fell to the ground, dead. I looked down at it, conflicting emotions raging inside me. What have I done? Why did I do it?


I stumbled back as Herobrine came out of nowhere, stopping the stroke and killing the wielder. He stood there, looking down at the dead zombie. My mind flashed back to that time so long ago, when Herobrine stood in front of me, protecting me from Entity. But he didn't remember that. He couldn't.

Then a horrible thought occurred to me. If Herobrine never remembered us, he couldn't send us home. We had no way of knowing how to get home, only Herobrine knew how to do that. And if he didn't send us home, then we were stuck here. Forever. We would never see our world again, I would never see my parents, or my brother ever again. We would be here until we died, running from Entity and the mobs. We would constantly watching our backs, never safe for a moment. And if Entity convinced Herobrine that we were evil.... He would kill us. Nothing we could do would be able to stop him. I had seen Herobrine in action. I knew we had no hope against him.

Without me realising it, hot tears had begun to run their way down my face as fears crowded me. I couldn't think clearly, I couldn't stop them. Fear after fear jumped into my head. What if I couldn't find Bajan, Jerome, Sky and Sub? What would I do? What would Entity do if he found me? Would Herobrine take me to Entity? What if my friends just decided to leave me? What if they found a way back home but I was left behind?

Strong arms wrapped around me and hugged me. I cried into the shirt of someone, my cries muffled by the darkness. Dimly, I heard words being said, slowly working their way through the fears, giving me a way out. My tears slowed as I listened to the voice, focusing on it as the words became clear.

"It's okay. You're okay. Calm down."

I relaxed in the speaker's grip, my fears fading. The familiar voice kept speaking, telling me that it was alright. That I was alright. But he wasn't.

"I've been here before," I said quietly. He stopped speaking. I felt his head tilt down to look at me curiously.

"What do you mean?" Herobrine asked.

I pushed myself out of his hug slightly. "You don't remember it, do you?"

"Remember what?"

"The first time I came here. You told us about Entity and Null, and how you needed our help to stop them. I..." I looked down at the ground, slightly embarrassed. "I was freaking out about all of it, and then you came and calmed me down." I looked up at him. He was frowning slightly, like he was struggling to remember. A brief hope sparked in me. "Do you remember that?"

Herobrine didn't answer, and the spark died inside me. He looked away from me, scanning the forest. "You should be getting back to your... friends," he said.

"I don't know where they are," I told him. "I don't know where I am."

"They're over there," he said, pointing. He walked in the direction he had been pointing and I followed him, catching up to walk beside him. Herobrine was scanning the forest, looking everywhere but at me. I sighed and watched the ground as we walked. (And all of a sudden, my writing changed to third person. WHY?)

"My name's Riley by the way," I said.

Herobrine didn't answer.

I hesitated. I wanted to talk to Herobrine, wanted to tell him the truth, but it was risky. He probably wouldn't believe me, in fact, almost definitely. I didn't know what Entity had told him about me and my friends.

"Entity's not who he say he is," I started.

Herobrine stiffened beside me but kept walking. "He's my friend," he said shortly.

"No he's not. He's tried to kill you, he even captured you once."

Herobrine frowned at me. "You told me that before."

"It's the truth," I insisted.

"I remember him being my friend," Herobrine said firmly. "I remember helping him."

Something inside me sunk to my stomach but I kept talking. "He was your friend when you first saw him, but he grew jealous and you sent him away. Then he came back and took your sword. And then you realised that he had teamed up with Null and was trying to take over Minecraft, so you-"

"Who's Null?"

I hesitated. "He's.... I don't know actually. But he's a completely black figure, doesn't speak and had black tendrils as his weapons."

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. He might not have respawned."

Herobrine shook his head, like he couldn't believe it. "How do you know all that stuff?"

"You told me," I said quietly.

He was about to say something when a voice that was calling my name interrupted us. It was coming from in front of us and I ran forward, recognising the caller.


Sky turned, saw me and ran over to me. "You're okay! Where were you?"

"I got lost, Herobrine found me, he brought me here, he's over-" When I turned to point Herobrine out to Sky, he was gone. Herobrine had disappeared.

There's only a few more chapters left of the book guys. And yes, there is going to be a fight scene. But who's going to be fighting who?

I feel like I've already said this. But I don't know.....


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