2: Waking Up

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Okay, so this would normally be in first person's POV, but just for the sake of simplicity, it's in third person.


Only the darkness.

The nothingness that he was a part of.

He wasn't aware. That would imply a sense of consciousness. No, instead his subconscious mind knew what had happened to him and where he was, while his conscious mind was completely unaware.

He floated in the nothingness for days, months, years. Then, out of nowhere, came light and pain.

If he had a body, he would have screamed. The light pushed back the dark, seeming to pull him forward from the nothing into something. In only moments, his conscious mind became aware and he took his first breath of air. His eyes flashed open, squinting suddenly as harsh light greeted him. He groaned in pain as feeling rushed through his limbs, a new sensation that he had never felt before. He struggled up, not in full control of his new arms and legs. His eyes, now adjusted to the light, scanned his surroundings. They were almost familiar. He knew that he was supposed to be here.

But who was he? He knew, somehow he knew but he just couldn't remember.

"Think, think!" he muttered angrily to himself. Then he knew.


He was Herobrine.

As that knowledge came, so did others. This world was Minecraft. This was his world. He was supposed to protect it against those who wished to use it or harm it in any way.

But where to start?

For a vague moment, he remembered something. A small shred of a memory. An outline of an image that appeared for a split second before disappearing. It looked.... Like a castle?

Herobrine wasn't sure. He certainly couldn't remember any castle. He couldn't remember anything before he woke up. Nothing had happened before.

"Okay, okay, focus," he muttered to himself. "You're supposed to protect this place and you don't even know what it looks like. So go exploring."

With a definite objective, Herobrine stood up and set off to the west, running away from the rising sun.

Meanwhile, in the darkness, another consciousness lurked.

This consciousness was aware, unlike the one before it. It was full of hatred and revenge, trapped in the dark confines of emptiness. He felt a subtle shift in the dark, not much, but it was something. He sent out his senses, trying to find what it was. After only minutes of searching, he found it.

The world he had been banished from had been recreated.

He felt a sudden burst of happiness, excitement and the raging thirst for revenge. He may not have a body, but he still knew how to hack. And for most of his hacking, he only needed his mind.

He felt again for the world. When he found it, he clutched onto it, determined not to lose it. It took some time, but he managed to form a small rip in it. He expanded the rip, making it bigger and bigger until it was just big enough for him to slip through. He gasped in pain as he took on a physical form. The ground formed beneath him and he fell on it, landing at an awkward angle. Growling, he picked himself up, looking at the rip he had formed. The tall oval with jagged edges stood in mid-air, its bottom a metre above the ground. When he looked through it, he could see the darkness beyond.

"Better make my base here," he muttered. "Don't want anyone finding this."

Using his hacking skills once again, he made a castle that would have taken years to make in only a few seconds. Mindful of how his castle had turned out last time, he strove for a simpler design: black coal blocks highlighted with white quartz and redstone. He built it around himself, with the rip at the bottom in the middle of the castle.

As he walked up the new stairs of his castle, he noticed a few details; his armour was on its stand outside the main hall, his black sword was beside his black and white throne and the pure black throne that was supposed to be beside his was gone.

"Guess Null's not coming back," he muttered to himself. He didn't feel sorry for the fact. Null had just been a 'tool' (if you must) in his overall plan.

A sudden thought occurred to him and he went up another flight of stairs to check a room located at the top of one of the towers. There was a door with a heavy lock on it, which Entity opened with a touch of his hand. Swinging the door open, he saw a plain room with nothing inside it except for a simple table with a long wooden box on it. Opening the box, he saw that its contents still lay inside, untouched. He reached out a hand to brush the surface but stopped himself. That might alert the owner of it to his presence. Sighing slightly, he closed the box again and left the room, closing the door behind him and locking it. A grin broke out on his face, showing his yellow teeth.

"Be careful Herobrine," he said out loud to himself. "Entity is back."

Herobrine was standing at the top of a mountain, overlooking the forest down below. The sun was now on its downward curve, heading towards the horizon. So far, Herobrine had seen snow, ice towers, plains, oceans, villages (he stayed away from those) and forests of every kind. Apart from the simple villagers, he had seen no other humans. In fact, he had seen no one who looked similar to him. The villagers with their large noses, bald heads and tunics were a far cry from his white eyes, brown hair, blue shirt and purple pants.

A flicker of movement caught Herobrine's eye and he looked closer at the forest down below. He saw it again, just a brief glimpse. He wondered if it was a sheep or maybe a cow, except he had seen no animal move as fast at the thing did. He thought it might be a villager, but dismissed the notion. There were no villagers this far north.

As fast as he could, Herobrine slipped down the mountain, jumping a few metres at a time. He landed on all fours at the bottom of the mountain, his ankles flexing to absorb the impact of the last 6 metre drop. His eyes searched for the movement. A minute later, he saw it again. It was forward and to his left. Herobrine set out, aiming to make his way behind the thing. As he came closer, he could see it better.

The figure looked like a human wearing white and grey clothes of some kind. One of the human's arms was longer than the other one, with half of it being black. Herobrine kept following the figure, waiting for the perfect moment to get a good look. The opportunity came only a minute later.

The human stopped in the shade of a tree, looking up at the mountain. Now that it had stopped, Herobrine saw that it was male and had black skin and was wearing a white and grey suit. The long black thing wasn't his arm; it was a black sword. For a split second, Herobrine felt like he knew the person. Making a decision, Herobrine stepped out from behind a tree.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" he asked.

The person jumped, spinning around. His sword came to the ready position. Herobrine took half a step back as he saw the person's eyes.

"You have red eyes," he blurted.

The person narrowed these red eyes. "You act as if you don't know me."

"Should I?" Herobrine asked. He wracked his brains, trying to remember anything about this person and coming up with nothing. "What's your name?"

The man hesitated. "Uh... Entity."

Herobrine frowned. "Entity," he said softly. He had a feeling that he knew this Entity. At least, he thought he did. "Am I supposed to know you?"

Entity hesitated and then smiled. "Of course!"


"Yeah! After all, we're friends."

"W... we are?" Herobrine asked.

"Yeah yeah." Entity put his sword away. "You had disappeared so I was trying to find you."

"I did?"

"Yeah. But you're here now! You're safe!" Entity moved towards Herobrine. "You're not hurt right?"

"No, no, I'm not hurt." Herobrine's mind was reeling. Entity was his friend? But then, why didn't he remember him? What had happened to him?

"Come on. Let's go home." Entity started walking, gesturing for Herobrine to follow.

"Um, Entity?"

"Yeah Herobrine?"

"Why don't I remember you? Why don't I remember anything?"

Entity stopped and slowly turned around. "You don't remember anything? Anything at all?"

Herobrine shook his head.

Entity smiled again. "Don't worry. I'll help you remember. That's what friends do, right?"


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