°Meeting Jack Sparrow°

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A ship named The Black Pearl, was rather parked in the deserted area of Davy Jones' locker. A man, only, could be seen on it talking to himself as he hallucinated his look-alike crew working quite undisciplined. 

He wore a long white sleeved loose shirt that was buttoned halfway that exposed his chiseled chest to some extent. He had also taken a dark brown coat along with greyish pants. He had a red bandana on his head with a triangular pirate hat above it, not to forget a sword and a rum bottle hunged from either sides of his waist.

His one hand was playing with his braided beard which twinned his braided long hairs with various colorful beads on it. Another hand was holding a rope that could help one climbing down the ship. 

"Ah! Two more Jackies coming to join my Pearl!" Jack sparrow, quite high on his hallucinations, said while looking down from corner of The Black Pearl. 

The two Jack, according to Jack, were looking very excited and were running towards him. He raised his eyebrows and played with his braided beard wondering the cause of their excitement. 

"Anyways, what do you think they are?" Jack turned back to ask his doubt to his virtual crew member, who looked alike him. 

"Sailors Captain!" His hallucination replied while scrubbing the deck.

"Aye! Come'on scrub scrub!" He pointed his long nail to crew member and climbed the rope down the ship. 


"Hey! Finally we found someone called human here!" Daya spoke as he huffed while heading towards the only person and the ship they saw.

"Yes! Come on fast! Let's ask him for help!" 


They ran as fast as they could and reached the ship soon. They saw a person climbing down the ship, who wasn't looking in a condition that was anywhere close to be called good. Their face scrunched slightly when they saw him standing in front of them.

"Hey! We kinda.. need your.. help!" Abhijeet stammered as he saw the person swaying unusually. 

"Help you said, eh?" Jack raised his eyebrows and spoke with his golden teeth, highly reflecting the sun. 

"Yes! We.. wanted to know is there anyway to escape this-" Abhijeet stopped abruptly when he saw Jack moving towards a rope, that hung down the Pearl. Jack's expressions and actions strongly proved his ignorance. 

"Is he in his right mind?" Daya made a face and whispered in Abhijeet's ear who was lost wondering something similar. 

"Hello Mister! We asked you if you could help us out and you..." Daya took a few steps towards Jack, who was pulling the rope in attempt to drag the ship, certainly a bad thing to do! 

"It would be better if you help me out rather sinking in the sand as for help, I can only think this now! Savvy?" Jack tried pulling the ship again while his efforts went all in vain. "Come on pull it you bilge-sucking deck apes!" He turned back to instruct his hallucinating ass while pointing along. 

"This is madness!" Daya spared a glance at Abhijeet who stood there, putting his efforts to judge the man swaying in half drunken gait in front of them.


"Ha! Was that it?!" Daya mocked as he saw the ship not moving an inch from the unearthly location on the forsaken deserted land. 

Abhijeet nudged Daya as they found Jack throwing another look to them, which could be sensed angry. Jack gave up the idea and threw himself on the ground, flat over his back.

"The.. The ship's moving! By itself?!" Abhijeet and Daya felt their jaws dropping down as they configured something in the background moving! 

Jack pulled his neck up and saw the ship moving on the stone like crabs, that he threw some moments ago. Miracle! Jack started following the ship, not forgetting to ask the other duo who weren't recovered from shock till now. 


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