[chapter 1] Virus

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The moon was full that night, the stars were crystal clear, it seemed like an invasion was happening by how twinkling the stars were. But everyone knew it was normal, people often sat on the roof of the science building to get a breath of air and star at the sky; to forget and remember when times were good. Sadly, relief doesn't last very long. Their shifts had begun again, things had to happen in order or else the system would fail. The lead scientist, Dr. Quinzel, slid her card through the reader and stepped inside one of the laboratories and began looking over the various dishes, holding the Vertigo Virus. She slid on her gloves and slid it under the microscope, adjusting the magnification. Her head perked up as she watched her husband was through the door.

They came from two separate divides, two separate planets really. They were currently on the planet Blüdhaven, where the creator was created. A meteor had struck in the center of a field on the planet, seemingly opening rift between realities. When scientists went to inspect it, their skin turned chalk white, their hair green, blonde, blue, red, purple and a smile was permanently etched on their faces. Their mind housed a delirium as they attack security, violently and angrily. Dr. Quinzel was able obtain a sample from the last victim captured successfully.

A similar connection between all of them was a high pain tolerance, a god-like complex, eerie laughter and a morbid sense of humor. The scientists joked about it being a Joker Virus. Dr. Quinzel' friend and business partner, Thomas Wayne, was one to ally with Jack to ensure they could discover all they could about Joker Virus. And that's where Jack and Harleen met. The two clicked instantly, over science, energy, exploration, and curiosity. Which prompted a alliance with the planet Gotham. They had been researching ever since.

"Jacky," Her voice was calm, a soft smile stretched on her lips as she adjusted her glasses. His face was lively with color, sun kissed skin, soft brown eyes and dark hair. His hand gently brushed over her back and kissed the top of her head. Her face soon shifted into worry, "This virus... it's nothing like I've seen before. It's not created from any man made element... It seems to just contain energy. It keeps multiplying at four times the natural rate. It's only transferred through saliva too... How interesting. What do you think Jack?"

"Harleen." Jack spoke in return, a calm voice. To calm his wife, she has been a bit frazzled these last few days, She always insisted that she was fine. Jack never let her by herself at night, that was a mistake when she stayed up for 5 nights while he was on a peace mission, Jack was the emperor of Blüdhaven was all. "You need to relax. Science can wait till tomorrow. You need to eat. You're looking thinner by the days and your getting paler." he said, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Her head didn't raise from the microscope, her eyes watching the energy connect and separate into more cells. It has nearly doubled in size since she had been looking at it. It was so. Fascinating.

"Amazing." her breathing was short as she watched the cells reproduce at twice the speed of a regular asexual reproduction. It was breathtaking, her eyes watched in awe as they clumped together like small patches of bacteria. But one was a brighter white while the other was green. Almost like chloroplast. "They're two different entities, they're symbiotic." She raised her head from the microscope and looked to her husband with as smile.

Harleen's eyes softened as she looked up at the man she knew as her husband. Her hand reached up, taking off her glove. Resting her hand on his cheek. "Honey, Jacky... you worry too much." she said as he hummed. She pulled his head down into a smooth kiss. It was warm, even for Jack. He relaxed as he held it for a little longer, hardly getting to see her anymore. His hand slid against her lower back before pulling away.

"I just miss you..." he whispered and rested their foreheads together, closing his eyes as she carted her fingers through his hair gently. His shoulder dropped near instantly, an instant way to get him to relax.

"I miss you too, Jay." she whispered softly and gently brushed their noses together, a smile grew on Jack's thin lips before he sighed softly. He wasn't sure about this but Harleen always found a way to calm him down.

The wailing sirens were a wake up call to the officials within the base, men stormed down the hallway to Sector 5. Jack accidentally banged their foreheads together as he looked around. "Harley, I'm so sorry!" he said as he held her, she blinked and looked at him.

"What's going on?" she asked as she looked out the windows, seeing the security run by. He grabbed her and ran outside to follow them. Jack's eyes were calculating as he slid to a halt. Their guns drawn as the security filled in behind them, a strong scent filled their nose as another scientist swiped his card, causing the doors to the sector to open. Security immediately rolled a smoke bomb inside.

"Be cautious!" General Pennyworth yelled as he held his weapon, the smoke slowly began to fill the room. The only thing seen was green eyes in the haze of the smoke. Hazard after hazard began to multiply as the lights shut out. Flickering out slowly before the red back up lights rolled down the hallway, bringing gradual light.

"Attack!" General Pennyworth hollered as the security began to open fire on the victims from the 'Joker Virus'. Things were just hazy. Harley suddenly slumped against Jack, his eyes flicked to her in worry as his eyes widened. Picking her up and running away from this threat. He heard horrible screams from both security and the victims.

"Don't worry hon- Harley?" He asked as he looked down at her, her eyes were staring up at him in a green glowing haze. She stared at him as her hand slowly ran down the side of his face. Her hair was a bleach blonde, her eyes green, her skin chalk white and a smile on her face. It wasn't kind and warm anymore... Not like he knew it to be. Now it was cold and sinister.

"My dearest Jay..." She whispered, her Gotham accent showing true as she looked up at him. Her hands smoothed against his jacket as her eyes looked at him with sorrow, a crazy green staring at him. Who had replaced his wife with this monster.

"You're not my wife." he said, his breathing catching in his throat. She chuckled and shook her head as she wrapped her legs around his waist, face to face. She leaned forward and licked up the side of his face, over his eye. He managed to close it in time. She giggled with a hidden madness he couldn't quite calculate. "You are not her. You're cold. You're horrible. She was warm. What have you done with her?!" he demanded as he tried to push her off. She chuckled at his attempts.

"So weak... she said and started laughing maniacally as she shoved her face against his neck. She licked, he tried one again to push her off, her legs only tightened there. " But honey... I am!" she yelled and sank her teeth in. The white pain shot through him as he felt blood running down his collar bone. The sounds of gunshots seemed to fade to him as his eyes felt like they were drooping. One voice was crystal clear though this new haze.



Hello my assassin children! 

I hope you enjoyed this new book, END CODE 22! 

I would like to thank a few people here today. 


Anyways! I hope you enjoyed! I look forward to updating weekly for you folk who read it!


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