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"So, I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings."

I was sleeping peacefully when my best friend decided to barge in my room and wake me up without any warning whatsoever. It's been a month since I along with my friends graduated from high school and my life has never been so good. After that awful prom which I wasn't going to attend but had to because Hannah, my best friend, didn't wanted to go with a guy and I had no date so I had to go with her and let me tell you it was awful. But after that prom I spend the last month reading books, watching movies with Hannah and chilling on the beach. But now she was here, on my bed, glaring at me.

"What is wrong with you Hannah? Why are you here so early?" I said burying my face in my pillows. Clearly, I hate waking up and it has nothing to do with me sleeping at 5 am because that book was so damn addicting and I had to complete it but that's not the point.

"It's 10 in the morning and we have to go for shopping! The trip is in two days and I need clothes." She sighed and pulled the curtains. "Hannah please, I don't want to go on this trip. I hate meeting those people and you know that," I was fully awake now and Hannah was looking at me like I had said something Alien.

She smiled and sat in front of me, "Liza, we are going to college next month and we have always wanted to go on this trip since we were in middle school and that time is here. I know you don't like to meet any of them, neither do I, but we just can't let this go just because of those people," She always know what to say and I have always admire her for that but sometimes this works against me too. This is kind of a tradition in our circle. Everyone going on this trip is a son or daughter of very rich parent, Hannah and I included but let's just say I rather not associate myself with them. Money ruins you and your family. It's an acid that eats everything up and it's freaking painful.

"Fine! But you will not leave my side, not even for Aiden," At this her cheeks flushed red. Aiden is my twin brother and Hannah has a teeny tiny crush on him. But my brother is like any other guy, totally oblivious to her feelings or maybe just trying not to repeat what our father did. I shouldn't be thinking about him.

"Shut up. I didn't told you so you can bring it up like this. Now get your ass out of bed and get ready," She pushed me, PUSHED me out of bed before practically running out of my room, "I am downstairs eating breakfast," She screamed.

After getting ready and taking my time I made my way towards the dining hall because I was starving and I needed food in my system. Hannah was already there and was eating like there is no tomorrow. She loved food and if it were up to her she would never stop eating but sadly it wasn't and thank the Lord for that. When she saw me, she waved and motion me to sit down in MY OWN HOUSE. I sighed and waited for Samantha to bring my food.

Samantha is a beautiful women and I love her a lot. She has always been here as far as I can remember. She looks after our house and other maids and she was in her mid fifties. Our family was nothing sort of normal. My mother owns a law firm, the best, in New York as she always likes to mention. And my father owns several oil companies. Money was never a problem in my life but love and warmth was always missing. My father met my mother in college. She was a law student from Pakistan and my father was a business major and they fell in love and that's how Aiden and I was born. Fun.

"Aliza, sweetie, you lost somewhere," I blinked and looked around. Samantha and Hannah were looking at me, concern in their eyes. I smiled, "Huh, just thinking about the trip. Nothing major." I winked trying to ease the situation. They weren't convinced but they let it go and I took a breath of relief. I tend to get lost in my mind sometimes and most of the time I am alone but when I am not the situation is always very awkward.

"Oh yes. I am really happy you decided to go, sweetheart. You need some fresh air and you are too young to be always occupied with books. You need to have fun with friends and boys," I gasped and Hannah burst out laughing and Samantha's eyes were laced with humour. She ruffled my hair and left. I narrowed my eyes at Hannah who was laughing so hard and was snorting like a pig but she looked so beautiful. Hannah has beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. Her hair were short and they never looked same. These days her hair were purple and this is my favourite colour so far. She was wearing a yellow, very flowery jump suit. She looked summer ready while I on the other hand was wearing a T-shirt which has 'Fuck Patriarchy' printed on it and my favourite baggy blue jeans. If my mother looked at my outfit she will be so disappointed but who cares. I am not here to live by society rules.

Hannah stopped and shrugged as if she wasn't laughing at me a second ago. "Where are we going?," I asked.

She smiled, her eyes bright. "Forever 21 is our first stop and we will see from there." I rolled my eyes. She loves shopping like me but I prefer buying online and she thinks I am just lazy and she is not wrong but also I hate people and online shopping is so much better and it also saves time. "How's gran and granny?"

Hannah lived with her grandparents. Her parents died when she was 10 and I always thought what's it's like to not have parents which I know is very shitty thing to say but when you have shitty parents you can't grasp the concept of loving them. Or having good memories. "They are wonderful like always. But gran asked you to visit because there is no one to play chess with," I know right. Hannah's grandparents absolutely love me but her granny is one strict woman while gran is such a big softie. " Well I miss him too. Let's do our shopping and then we'll spend the day at your place. I really want to eat Carbonara."

"Don't let granny hear that you miss her cooking. She is always saying that we don't appreciate her cooking." She said.

Somehow the shopping part wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Hannah made me try out so many bikinis that by the time we were done shopping I started hating bikinis. On the way back to her place we stopped at Starbucks and got our iced coffee and tried to finish it asap because granny hates coffee and she thinks it's a devil drinks which steals away our sleep which is partially true but oh well!

I won three games of chess and when I asked for the fourth Gran grumbled and said he was tired and mumbled something under the lines of Kids these days being way too clever. I mean he wasn't wrong but he taught me how to play chess so it's only fair that I don't disappoint him. I am a good student.

The day ended with me watching Beauty and the Beast while Hannah snored softly on my shoulders.


Phew! I finally did it. I started this book. I wanted the first chapter to be long but then I really liked how this ended. This book is very complex and my characters sometimes makes me cry in agony but trust me you will love them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would love to hear your thoughts on Aliza and Hannah.

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