End of An Era

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A Tired Man can be seen packing up his bags and placing multiple books into the bag.

He stands up, grabs his bags, and turns behind him to see a group of Marines from different Eras, even in the future. "...Take care will you." The Man says as he approaches one of them, patting his shoulder. "Your in charge now Alan, take good care of them all."

He walks out of the room, revealing a long hallway filled with doors with titles of books he has written as he begins to walk down the hall. His footsteps sounded quiet.

He suddenly felt something hug his leg and the man turns to see a Pink Pony. "PLEASE DON'T GO! PLEASE!" The Man smiles as he picks up the pink pony. "...My kids love you, used to hate you but...What the hell." The Man hugs the Pink Pony as she sniffs, she quietly let's go as the man continues to walk down the hallway.

As he walks forwards, he stops and turns to see a group of 1960s Era US Marines and Soviet Soldiers forming a line and Saluting. The man chuckles and salutes back. "At ease Grant, take care of your unit."

As the man walks forward, he salutes two Clone troopers walking by as they salute back. "General!" the clones say as the man continues.

He passes by a World war two American soldier covered in snow, then an Admiral, then a group of Anime girls holding American ARs.

As he continues to walk forward, he smiles to himself.

He was suddenly tackled by Ruby as she cries heavily. "PLEASE!DON'T GO! PLEASE! WE CAN'T LOSE YOU!" The man sighs and quietly hugs her back. "I'm old Ruby, you'll understand...Go back to your brother." The man says quietly as he finally reaches the door at the end of the hallway.

As he opens it, he was greeted by a large hanger with more characters waiting to greet him, ranging from fictional to historical figures. He slowly walked forward, F-22s flying over the Hanger as he stops. He then turns to you, the Readers.

"End of an Era, it's been a hell of a Ride...Started with Ruby, and ended with more I couldn't imagine back then. Thanks for the ride fellas...Oorah Boys, Hitman 1-1 Going Dark. Out."

He then begins walking forward, the characters of all his books saluting as his wife and two children wait for him. The man hugs his two kids then kisses his wife. The Hanger door opens as he and his family begins to walk out, as they exit the hanger it begins closing.

As the Hanger doors closes, He glances back behind the characters and to you the readers and made a cocky grin.

"Semper Fi."

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