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Real loss is only possible when you lose something you love more than yourself


His smirk widened as he looked at me. He scanned me from head to toe then his eyes roamed to the people behind me. Namjoon and Taehyung stood one step beside me with their teams behind them. We started preparing as soon as I got the message from the guards. We didn't have much time cause it was already ten in the night. Near to midnight is when we found the movement in the woods.

We were sure it was Cayden from the rouges scent. They didn't hide it this time. We quickly executed the plan and made sure all the people are safe in the house with Chayeon and Chorong. I glanced at Namjoon and Taehyung who were observing Cayden for him to make any move. I took this time to observe him. He looked different from the last time. I didn't have much of interaction with him that night since Areum saved me right away and I never saw him in my dreams either.

The only thing I saw were his eyes. Even in the dreams I can feel his aura and it felt different. Now that I am watching him I can see his aura is stronger. He stood with Blake who was grinning evilly at me. I had the urge to wipe that grin from his face but I held it in. I can't risk my people by being a fool. I can't act without thinking.

"Finally, we met" his voice had an authority which could scare the opposite person. Though I was prepared it still sent shivers down my spine from the way he uttered those words. I kept my face void as I don't want to show him his words had impact on me. "I have been waiting so long for this day" he continued eyeing others behind me.

"I can see you prepared yourself. But are you they are all on your side?" he mocked me which made me clench my hands in to fists. "I know cause my people doesn't betray their families" I said glancing at Blake. "You bitch" Blake was about to move but Cayden held his hand up stopping him. "You should think again"

He is trying to play you. Don't believe him.

I heard Taehyung voice in my head. I glanced at him nodding my head. "Do you think you can defeat me with those?" he asked pointing to people behind me. "I am sure I can live up to your expectations" his lips curved up in amusement at my words. I felt mad that he is not taking me seriously. "We will see that tonight"

"Well it is nice chatting and all but aren't we gonna start this fight cause I am really dying to kill that bastard and you" my head snapped towards Jungkook. Cayden chuckled sensing his anger. "Jungkook, what are you doing here?" I whispered to him wondering what they hell he is doing here. He was supposed to be with Jimin and others at the safe house. "I am not gonna stay there when those bastards are here. They are the reason for my sister condition"

"Jungkook don't make any mistakes" I pulled his hand but he wasn't listening at all. I can see Cayden and Blake were getting ready to attack us. Jungkook won't stand a chance against them. Maybe he can kill Blake but Cayden is out of option for him. "Namjoon, stop him" he nodded mind linking him but he was shaking so badly. Before we can process this and stop him something happened.


Huge one.

The eruption was so loud that my ears were ringing. Everything felt distant as the dust covered the whole ground. I couldn't see anything clearly since it created smoke clouds. Strong smell of blood wafted my nose making me feel like puking. I looked around after adjusting my sight. I saw some of our warriors injured and trying to get up.

Yoongi oppa I need your help. Get Jimin and help the people injured.

I moved a guy of Namjoon pack when rogue was about to attack. "Take him" I handed him to another guy before punching the rogue. I twisted his neck killing him in second. I moved forward and I can hear the screams and howls of the fighting. This is not how I wanted it to happen. I grabbed the dagger I prepared when I was with Taeyang. I proceeded to move towards the rogues killing them all.

I am evacuating the place

I heard Yoongi oppa voice in my head. Even though he is not part of my pack I can still contact him cause we have same bloodline and we are not normal wolves.

Take all the injured wolves to Hoseok.

Taehyung find Jungkook

I instantly got his reply.

I am on it.

It was taking so much time for the smoke to be cleared. I can't see properly but I heard a movement to my side. Without hesitation I flung my dagger that way. I heard a scream and I walked towards it. I saw a man laying on the with bleeding arm where my dagger hit. I grabbed the dagger and slit his throat making him die instantly.

I felt movement behind me and I instantly kicked him turning around. He grabbed my leg making me turn so my back was facing his front. "Stop it's me" I relaxed when I heard Namjoon voice. I felt shocked that I couldn't smell him.

Keep your head clear.

My wolf scolded me making me nod. She is right. I have to be alert.

"Have you seen Jungkook?" he shook his head. "Taehyung is looking for him too. Go and help him" I informed him moving front. "What about you?" I stopped walking and looked at him. "I will be fine" he looked at me worried but nodded his head. I kept moving front killing all the rogues of different ages and genders. I killed every single one of them not caring about them.

They all had the same look before I killed them. Look of hatred. They all are like Cayden. I stopped when I saw Cayden sitting on the rock like he is watching some movie. He has his hands folded over his chest and his eyes closed with a smile on his face. "Took you long enough" he still didn't open his eyes.

"I am surprised you still don't know everything" I fisted my hands. "This is just a trailer. You will see the real war soon" he opened his eyes and grinned wickedly at me. "Only if I let you walk from here alive" I walked closer to him and his eyes changed in to complete black which means his demon is in control. "I sure will"

I gasped in shock. His voice and His aura have completely changed. he looked more demonic if that was possible.

Give me the control.

I gave the control to Drina and stayed in the back.


I paced in in front of the safe house. Jimin and Hoseok were talking with each other waiting for Y/n signal. When she said they will attack us today I felt my blood boil. I wanted to kill them but she put me on guarding duty. Though I know why she did that I can't stay here while they are out there. I have to kill that bastard for ruining my sister life. I slowly left the place when no one was watching me. When I reached there I saw Cayden and Blake with rogues. My fists clenched when I saw they weren't attacking them at all.

"Well it is nice chatting and all but aren't we gonna start this fight cause I am really dying to kill that bastard and you" I stood beside Y/n who looked shocked. She tried to make me leave but my eyes were trailed on those assholes. "Namjoon, stop him"

Jungkook, go back this instant.

I heard Namjoon hyung voice in my head. He was using his alpha power and my wolf was fighting hard to disobey him. He wants the same thing as me to kill them. Before I can react we heard the explosion. I fell back not expecting the explosion. I coughed when the smoke filled in. I looked around to find someone but everything was in chaos.

Lot of people were injured. I dusted myself getting up and moved forward. I couldn't smell anyone from the pack due to the smoke. To my right I caught someone running and without thinking I followed that person. "Stop running" I yelled when we reached clearance. "You are right. I am tired too"

"I am going to kill you" I said through gritted teeth when I saw it was Blake. "Bring it on boy" I ran towards him but he dodged my attack. I tried to kick his leg but he moved it and punched me in the stomach. I swung a punch at him but he dodged it and hit me in the face. I fell backwards from the impact.

"Is that all" he chuckled mocking me. I closed my eyes remembering the training I had.

Never let your anger blind you, have a clear mind

I remember Y/n words clearly. I opened my eyes and took deep breath calming myself. I got up circling Blake. He attacked me first with his fist but I dodged it and hit his back with my leg. He stumbled a little in shock not expecting me to kick him. Not giving him much time, I punched his jaw line. He growled in anger attacking me.

He shifted in to his wolf mid-air and attacked me. I rolled away and shifted in to wolf too. I jumped on him tackling him to the ground. We both rolled in the dirt trying to get the upper hand. In the end I rolled on top of him and bit him in the side. He howled in pain and tried to shake me off of him but I tightened my grip on him.

He rolled aggressively making me lose my grip on him. He got up quickly and ran away. I followed him but stopped. My eyes widened when I saw the scene. Cayden and y/n were fighting but that is not what amazed me. They both looked different. Y/n eyes turned complete blue and she has an aura of power around her. As for Cayden, his eyes were pitch black and waves of black smoke were surrounding him.

The sight of him sent chills down my spine. They both were in human form if I can call that this. They were so immersed in the fight they didn't observe anything around them. From the look of it it wont end anytime soon. They both were fighting hard to win.

I was too immersed in the fight I completely forgot about Blake until something happened. Blake attacked Y/n from behind and she didn't observe cause she was too busy in fighting Cayden. "Y/n watch behind you" before she can turn Blake attacked her. She had no time to register the attack so she braced herself for the impact.

But Namjoon hyung jumped in the way and took the hit. I ran towards Blake biting his neck too hard till he stayed limp. When I was sure he died I pulled away and thrown his body away. "Hyung" I yelled in mind link before joining y/n who was holding Namjoon hyung. His eyes closed and blood was gushing out of his stomach.

Hang in there hyung. We will get you help.


Hello lovely readers... I am sorry for the delay in update. This is the last week for my work and studies. So I am little busy but I will have the holidays from next week so I will frequently update. 

As I said last time, this book is going to end soon but I am not sure how many chapters it will take though. 

I am not good at action stuff. I am sorry if the chapter is boring. What do you think will happen next to Namjoon? comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote while reading.


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