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Understanding someone or something is an art. But the thing is not everyone is an artist. 


"Hey mister, I am talking to you" I glared at the girl sitting in front of me. She must be out of her mind. I took a sniff and realized she is human. Though who in right mind ask a guy out just a minute after she sees him. What if the boy is some pervert or an asshole? "I am sure you are neither of them" my eyes widened when I heard her reply.

Did I say it loud?

"You did" she replied again. "I have to go" I got up before I can make fool of myself in front of her. "What?" she got up too. "But you didn't answer me" I took my coffee and walked out of the café. "I think you got your answer. I am not interested in you" she gasped at my straight forward answer. "Can't you just go on one date with me to make me happy?" she pouted cutely which almost made me say yes. Almost. "No"

"Ouch. You are so mean" I ignored her yelling and walked away from there. It's not that she is ugly. She was indeed beautiful with her hazel green eyes and pale skin which was complimented by pink cheeks which made her look so innocent. I am sure most of the boys would hit on her too but I am not any of them.

"Taehyung, there you are" I was attacked by Amanda as soon as I entered the house alpha gave me today. "Hey Amanda" Amanda is Alpha John daughter. She is really cool and kind girl who has been by my side since I came here. She found her mate few months before I came to their pack and she was training for alpha position now. She was like Chayeon to me. "I was looking for you"

"Do you need something?" she fiddled with her fingers slowly which is a habit of her. "I have a friend who is studying medicine. She need help in her research" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "About what?" she tucked her hair behind her ear looking at me nervously. "She is searching for the mixed species like half demons and half angels" realization hit me as she talked. "She wants to meet your friend if it is ok with you"

"I am not sure about that. I have to ask Y/n" she looked up in surprise. "Does that mean you will ask her?" I sighed knowing what I am signing up for. "I can't say for sure. Let's see if I can" she jumped in excitement hugging me. "Thank you" I chuckled ruffling her hair. "Now go and find your mate to bother. Leave me alone" she mock glared at me before leaving to find him as I said. I laughed quietly walking inside the house.

I started working on the papers which were sent to me by Mathews. He called earlier when I was out saying royals asked for some official confirmations from the pack. Though he is handling the pack I have to give official sign for the confirmation. He sent me the mail with all the documents needed in the process. I sighed loudly too tired from all the work I have been doing. Maybe Y/n is right after all. I have been working very hard without break since last few months.

I should go back to the pack once and visit them all. I am sure it would be relaxing to see them all. "Am I disturbing you?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. "Not at all. Come on in" he smiled and walked inside the room. "Amanda told me you agreed to help her friend" I rolled my eyes. "More like she forced me to" he laughed gently. "I know how she can be"

"She sounded so excited and happy when she told me you agreed. I was quite shocked to know actually. I mean I thought you would say no since you don't like bothering your friends at all" I knew what he is saying but I don't think Y/n would mind much about it. "Why is she doing it anyway?" he shrugged his shoulders casually. "I don't know either. I never got the chance to ask her" I was about to answer when his phone beeped signalling a message. "I have to go. Mate duty calls"

He got up signalling to his phone. "Bye, I will see you later" I smiled watching him leave the room. That's Daniel. He is Amanda mate. He was a part of her pack since his childhood. Alpha John was quite happy when he heard this news. Daniel is really good guy and hardworking too.

I checked my phone and saw missed call from Yoongi hyung. I called him right away. "Hyung you called me" I asked when he answered the call. "Tae, we need you here" my mind went alert when I heard his voice. "Is everything alright?" I was worried and lot of scenarios started playing in my mind. "Yeah, nothing serious happened. Namjoon and I decided on supporting this pack but we are not quite sure about them. So we thought you could come and help us with this issue"

"I am not sure hyung" he explained complete story and it seemed beneficial if we can get this pack alliance but I can't leave work behind here. "I won't force you but just let me know what your decision will be" he hung up the call making me feel guilty. They have been my first family so I can't ignore them like that. I guess I will have to go back to them.

I made my way to Alpha John house and knocked his door. "Taehyung, what's brings you here?" he was surprised to see me since he didn't expect me. "I have something to talk with you" he gestured for me to come in. "I got a call from my pack and it seems they need me there" I didn't elaborate the issue. Only told him what he needs to know about it. "Why are you asking me about permission?" though I can leave directly but he wanted me to train his new members so I can't just leave him hanging. 

"Your pack will always come first. Come when you are all sorted and we would be happy to welcome you again" I sighed in relief when he understood me. "I will inform about your departure to Daniel then" I thanked him and made a call to hyung to inform him I will be coming tonight. I went back to my room and packed the stuff I needed for the trip. I was in the middle of packing when someone barged in to the house through front door. I groaned in annoyance when I knew who it was.

"Amanda, knock before you come in like that" she grinned cheekily before sitting on my bed. "I heard you are going home" I nodded my head still packing. I became used to packing since I have been doing this from few months. First it was hard but now it became usual habit of mine. "Can you take my friend too?" my head snapped towards her when she said that. "No, I haven't talked to Y/n yet and besides I am going on a deal so she will be busy with it"

"I am sure she can spare some time since you are all there" I closed the bag and looked at her seriously. "Amanda, I told you clearly she is not normal Luna. She takes care of lot of things in their pack. She won't have free time to spare for your friend" she pouted sadly. "I kind of told my friend to get ready too since you are going" my eyes widened at her words. "You what?" she flinched when I shouted. "Calm down"

"I can't, not when you did that. I told you I will ask her" I pinched bridge of my nose in annoyance. "I promise she won't bother your work. Let her tag along" I sighed loudly. "I am not sure about that"

I stood beside my car waiting for Amanda so called friend. She somehow convinced me to take her with me. I don't know how they will react or what I have to tell them. I kicked the small rocks on the ground bored. "Ouch" I looked up and saw one of the stones hit a girl. "Are you ok?" I walked towards her and tried to look at her forehead worriedly. "I knew you weren't that bad" she looked up and grinned. "You" I pointed looking at the same girl from the café. "You remember me"

Of course, not everyday you get a girl who asks you on date out of blue. "What are you doing here?" before she can answer Amanda beat her to it. "You knew each other already" she pointed towards us. "He is Taehyung who will help you in your research and Taehyung, she is Jade. She is the one I told you about" my eyes bulged out as I realized the situation. I would be spending whole week with this girl. Oh god. 


Hello my lovely readers... I have been stressed with some issues recently and I am not too active. I am always thankful for the messages and support you guys are providing me. So I want to tell you all Thank you for this.

I hope you like this chapter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. 

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