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The person you care the most is the person you'll let hurt you the most.


I walked out of the shower after a long shower. I changed in to black leggings with over sized t-shirt. I jumped a bit in surprise when I saw Taehyung laying on the bed. "Geez, you scared me" he opened one eye and looked at me. "You should have sensed my presence" he is right. I should smell his scent. But I was too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't realize he entered the room.

"How was the training?" I asked him while drying my hair. "As usual boring" he sat up on the bed and I observed him in the mirror. "Are you okay Tae?" he seems different. He is not like his usual self. "Don't worry about me. I am fine" his words didn't sound convincing. I was about to ask but he beat me to it. "We need to check with Namjoon about rogues. If they can enter the pack border, they can attack us anytime"

"How did they enter in to the pack in first place?" Namjoon has increased the security at the border after our meeting. Last time I went there lot of guards were there. But yesterday none of them was there. How come everyone leave the border at the same time. At least five guards will stay till others come even for the shift change. If they were near, they would have come to help us which means they weren't guarding the border.

"Have you talked to anyone?" I asked him. "No, I haven't. we will go and talk now" he said earning nod from me. he left to get a shower and I dried my hair and combed it. I took the bandage out before shower. It seems to be healed almost so I decided to leave it without bandage. It will take two to three days to heal completely but it is not bleeding anymore.

I went downstairs knowing Taehyung will come when he is done with shower. I walked in to dining room and saw others are already there. "How is your arm?" first thing I heard was this from Chorong. "It's healing" I took a seat beside Jimin who was scoffing down his breakfast. "Eat slowly Jimin. You look like someone who was starved for days" I said kind of disgusted at his eating. "Stop bothering me" he said his mouth full of food. "Stop talking while eating food Jimin" Jin oppa scolded him. I didn't notice his presence till now.

"Oppa?" I looked at him confused. "Here I made breakfast for you" he placed a plate of French toast in front of me. "Thanks" I realized he prepared the breakfast for everyone. "Where is Taehyung?" I took a bite of my food. "He will be here in few minutes" I looked around the table and noticed Namjoon and some of his pack members were here too. I saw Namjoon in deep thought not paying attention to anything.

He must have felt my gaze cause he looked up in my direction. I looked away when he caught me watching him. He sighed before getting up from the table and walked in to kitchen with his plate which wasn't even touched. "Aren't you gonna eat it?" Jin oppa asked him mid-way. "I am not feeling hungry" he said before placing the plate in the sink. Somehow that action made me sad. It felt like I am the reason he lost his appetite.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?" I glanced at Hoseok who just entered the room with Minah hot on his trail. "Thank god you are ok" she hugged me not giving me a chance to answer Hoseok. "I will kill him if he hurt you again" she said glaring at the space making me chuckle. "Too bad. She already killed him" Jimin commented. "You did?" she asked me surprised. I nodded my head slowly thinking back to the moment.

"Everyone is here already" I looked Taehyung who just came down. His hair is still wet and messy which made him look hot. He was dressed blue button shirt with dress pants. He looked at me in confusion when I was looking at him for too long. I shook my head as in a way of saying nothing. "Namjoon can I talk to you?" he asked Namjoon earning a nod from him. His pack members left few minutes back expect his warrior Luke who was also a good friend to him and Jungkook.

"Where is Jungkook? He should be here too" I glanced at others in nervousness. I told Chayeon I will cover for her but I didn't thought Taehyung will have a meeting this early. "I saw Jungkook going out with Chayeon" I cursed Minah mentally. This girl never knows what to speak and when to speak. "With Jungkook?" to say everyone was confused would be an understatement. "Y/n would like to say something?" I haven't realized I am the center of attention till now.

"Well nothing. I have nothing to say" I said casually making Jimin chuckle. "They are mates. Aren't they?" Jimin said making my eyes widen in shock. "Its obvious from the looks Jungkook was giving me when I spend time with her" I glanced at Taehyung and lowered in my seat. "You didn't think it is important to tell me about this" I sighed. "Tae, it is not my place to tell you"

"Still, you should have told me. After everything happened you can't just let her go with him with out telling us" his voice was getting louder and angrier as he spoke. "Taehyung calm down. Its not right time to argue about it" Suga oppa said glancing at others in the room. I looked up and saw Namjoon, Hoseok and others looking at us confusedly. "We will talk about this later" he said every word clearly like I won't get it if he said it any fast.

"We will inform them later about it" Jimin said trying to change the topic. "How about we discuss in office room" Namjoon said making others get up. I got up not finishing my breakfast. I placed it in the sink along with Namjoon's and walked upstairs not making any eye contact. "You okay?" I nodded my head Jin but I couldn't help but let the tear escape my eye. I quickly wiped it not wanting anyone to see it. Something about Taehyung expression made me sad.

I didn't like the fact he is angry at me. I sat down in the back and waited for others. Taehyung looked around and his eyes stayed on me more than a minute. "Well, have you found anything on the bodies?" that was the first question Taehyung asked Jimin and Suga oppa. "nothing" Jimin answered him. "What happened to the guards who were supposed to guard the border"

"It was shift change time and only six of them were there. We found the guards knocked out near the border after few hours." Namjoon explained. "Don't you change the timings every week" I asked him confused. "We do. Only few higher officials in the pack know the timing" there is no way rogues will know the timing. "That mean someone in the pack is helping them" Namjoon glared at Suga oppa.

"My pack members wouldn't do that" he said. "You never know who will betray you until you really come through a situation like that" Taehyung said looking my way. His words hit me hard. I don't understand why he is so mad about it. Its not like they ran away. They just went on a date. Shouldn't he be happy that she found her mate. Then why is he so mad?

"We have to be careful who we believe from now on wards" Hoseok commented making Namjoon nod. "I will reschedule and share the details with few of my trusted men" he said. "We should check the woods cause I think we will find some of them will be still in their hide out place" I looked at Chorong. She might be right. If they attacked from that place then some of them will be there. But they might have left after finding out what happened with others.

But then again, they might not know too. We used to go for days when we were rogues. So there is a chance for both. We just have to check for ourselves. "Good idea. You should go and check with Jimin, Dylan and Jason" he informed Suga oppa. "How about Y/n?" Jimin asked him and he looked at me. "She is not going" I looked down. I will break down if I stay here for few more minutes.

"I have been wanting to ask you, how does he know you?" I looked at Namjoon confused not understanding what he saying. "The Marcus guy. He said your name when attacked us. He even said you missed before. What does he meant by that" I stiffened at the mention of that night? I was hoping to ignore our conversation but he has brought it up in front of everyone.

"What else did he say?" Taehyung asked him glaring at me. "Um... he wanted to kill her but some guy named Jake stopped him" Namjoon answered him not so sure. I sighed knowing I will get a big lecture about it later. "He is another rogue we came across helping other pack. He might have referred to one of our previous fights" Suga oppa said trying to cover up. We can tell him the truth if you ask me. I think I am fine with my past. I won't care even if Namjoon and entire pack finds out about me being rogue. I am too tired with all the secrets and lies.

"Ok, I will arrange some people to go with you. It might be dangerous for you only if few of you go" he said earning a nod from Taehyung. "I will leave you to that. Make sure you to keep an eye on the people with strange behaviors" he said referring to the bug in their pack. I couldn't guess who could do this. I mean people are happy in this pack even though some minor issues are there. None of the pack members showed any dislike towards the pack or alpha.

I have seen way worse alphas who treat their pack members as dirt. But Namjoon and his father always had been there for the pack members. "I will leave then. If you need anything call me" Namjoon got up signalling others of his pack members to leave.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Taehyung yelled when everyone left. Only Jimin, Suga oppa, Taehyung and Chorong are left in the room. Jin oppa decided to leave when Namjoon left. He hesitated first but he might have thought he doesn't have to be here when we are talking about our pack. "We didn't have that conversation"

"I asked you last night but you didn't tell me" others in the room were looking at us nervously. We never fought before. Even if we did it would be about stupid things like tv or food that too only for just few minutes. This is the first time he is getting mad at me for something serious. "I thought it is not important" he scoffed. "Right, it won't matter to me about the people who killed my mate"

"Taehyung stop it" Suga oppa warned him seeing he is losing control of himself. "I am sorry Tae but I didn't want to worry you" I was almost at the verge of crying. "What did he say Y/n?" I looked at Chorong then at Taehyung again. "He said he wanted to kill me that night but Jake stopped him. Jake always seems to stop them when it is about us" I said thinking about his behaviour and Marcus words.

"We should be careful until we kill them all. Don't leave the pack house alone without telling anyone" Suga oppa said. "Call Chayeon and inform her to come back" He told Jimin to which he took his phone messaging her. "She wouldn't have gone in the first place if it wasn't for her" Taehyung mumbled but I heard him clearly. "Taehyung, I was just helping her. They are mates. It is bound to happen anyway"

"You know how dangerous it is for us right now. Yet you sent her alone" I sighed tired of his words. "She is with Jungkook. She is not alone so stop making it big issue" I snapped at him. "I lost my mate because of your stupidity once. I don't want to lose one more family member just because you are so dumb" I heard the gasps in the room.

I couldn't stop the tears that flowed out of my eyes. His words pierced my heart like knives. I always blamed myself but hearing it from him didn't lessen the impact at all. "Y/n" Taehyung face softened but I couldn't look at him. Not after what he said. I turned around before running out of the room trying to control my sobs.


Hi readers... Next chapter is here. Do vote and comment your thoughts.

Have you got the holidays yet. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone. 


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