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I thought you were healing me but no, you broke me even more


I stood there for a while frozen in shock. His lips were soft and warm. His lips felt perfect as they were made for kissing only. I closed my eyes in bliss for a moment. My body felt like it was on fire and I had this weird feeling. My hands travelled on their own consent and gripped on his hair. He groaned when I gripped his hair.

He grabbed my ass and squeezed it lightly making me gasp. He showed his tongue in my mouth and started exploring it. I pulled on his hair unable to breath. I think he got the signal cause his lips left my mouth and travelled down to my neck. He bit slightly on my neck where he should mark me. I gasped in shock and at that moment I realized what is happening. It was like bucket of cold water was dropped on me.

He was going down further leaving wet kisses on my neck. I took my hands away from his hair and pushed him lightly placing them on his chest. But he didn't move so I pushed him away hard with force. He fell on the ground not expecting me to push that hard. The only thing we could hear is our breathing. I don't know what to feel. My emotions were all over the place. But I know one thing for sure is what happened is not right.

He got up and looked at my neck where he gave me hickey. "Y/n I-" I didn't let him finish as I ran past him out of the door. He didn't stop me this time and I didn't stop running. I kept running until I reached the deserted place in the woods. I panted leaning down placing my hands on knees trying to catch my breath due to how fast I ran. I could hear my own hear beating so loudly.

Once I calmed down, I got angry. He took my first kiss without my consent. I wanted kill him for that but at the same time I felt so happy after the kiss. I cursed myself for feeling like that. Its just the bond messing with my head. I felt mad at myself for how I gave in to his kiss. I should have had more control on myself. Thinking about his lips still made me all giddy. I closed my eyes trying to clear my head.

This is not how I wanted things to turn out. I wanted to keep my distance from him but I ended up like this. He might think he has some control on my emotions. I sighed closing my eyes trying to ignore all the thoughts. But every time I close my eyes, I remember the kiss we had. It felt makes me all tingly. I opened my eyes when I sensed someone presence.

"What do you want now?" I heard him sigh before sitting next to where I was laying down. "I wanted to apologize" I scoffed not looking at him. "Are you really sorry?" I know he is lying. he doesn't feel bad for what he did. "I am not sorry about the kiss" I glared at him. "I am sorry cause it wasn't at the right time" I closed my eyes not wanting to see him. I wanted to kill him but at the same time I want to kiss the sense out of him.

I scolded myself for the thoughts I had. "Y/n, what I did is wrong. But it's just I couldn't control myself when I see you close with other males." I chuckled sarcastically. "You don't have the right to feel that way" he didn't say anything kept staring at me. "Can't you give me second chance?" I sat up and looked at him surprised. "I know I am not the best mate out there but I learned from my mistakes. I am willing to show you I have changed and I will do whatever it takes to make you like me" he slowly took my hands in his and looked at me.

"Please just forgive me" I looked at his eyes which were filled with tears. "Its not that easy Namjoon" I took my hands away from his and his eyes showed hurt and pain at my rejection. For a second, I felt guilty for what I did but I changed my expression to blank not wanting to show him any reaction. "Tell me what I can do to make you believe me again then?" his voice sounded so desperate and few tears fell down his eyes. This is the first time seeing him this vulnerable. I am seeing lot of emotions of him today.

I should have felt happy to see him cry since he made me cry in the past. But I didn't like it. Seeing him cry made me hate myself. I wanted to anything to stop him cry. Is it because of the bond or did I like him? I couldn't point exactly why I am feeling this way. Before I could respond to his question, I sensed someone else presence. It smelled different. That's when I realized its rogues.

"Mind link to others. Rogues are here" I told Namjoon but he seems to sense them too. I looked around slowly to see which way they are in. I turned to my right when I heard the movement in the bushes. Soon four wolves came out of the bushes. They shifted and changed in to something before walking back to us.

Taehyung take others and come to abandoned area now. Rogues are here

I mind linked him and blocked him not wanting to be distracted. "well well, if it isn't our lovely friend" he mocked me sarcastically. "Marcus, the person I was looking for" I said angrily and he chuckled at my words. "I was always near but you couldn't sense us" I didn't say anything and kept glaring at him. "I wanted to kill you that night but Jake stopped me" he walked near me and I stood my ground not showing any emotion.

"That idiot seems to care a lot about you. since he is not here, I can kill you today now" I looked around slowly and realized five more wolves joined them. Damn, we are outnumbered. Even though I can kill them all if I shift in to my wolf, it is not good to do that when Namjoon is here. He might get hurt in the process. I have lost control over my wolf after Areum death. The thing injected me with makes me insane when I turn in to wolf.

It's like all I can see I is blood. I don't care if it is my friends or rogues, I attack them all. I did this before and hurt Jimin very badly. He was admitted in hospital for a week. I don't want to hurt him too. "Are you sure about that?" he raised his eyebrow at me in a questioning way. "You think you can survive from me" I shrugged my arms "one can hope" he grinned evilly. "I will prove you wrong then"

I looked at Namjoon who was looking lost with all the conversation. When he sensed my gaze, he looked at me. I signalled him showing two wolves who were standing beside him. He got my signal and nodded his head slowly. I turned back and looked at Marcus like nothing happened. "Where are the others, Marcus" I asked him trying to buy some time till Taehyung and Jungkook come.

"They will be here soon but alas you won't be here to see them" he said before hitting me in the stomach. I bent down in pain and side looked at Namjoon. I nodded my head at him. He turned in to wolf and jumped on those two guys. I got up before kicking Marcus in the stomach. Two other wolves jumped on me and I dodged them. They turned and walking to me slowly like I am their prey.

"I don't have much time kids. Make it fast" I snapped my fingers making them angry. They growled jumping and I hit one of them in the mid air making him land across the tree. Another one jumped on me making me fall back. I hit him in the side making his grip loosen on me. I throwed him away after snapping his neck. I looked at Namjoon and saw he was attacked by three more wolves.

I was about to help him but I felt a hard kick in the back making me fall. I groaned in pain clutching my stomach. "I will kill you today" Marcus roared pulling me up by hair. I yelled in pain when he pulled on my hair hardly. I tugged on his hand trying loosen his grip but it only made him pull more. I kicked his knee with my leg and his grip loosened on me.

I got up and kicked his stomach not giving him chance to get up. Before I can punch him two of his men held me from behind. I elbowed one in the stomach before punching another in the face. I concentrated on Marcus again not caring about the others. He tried to punch me but I dodged it and double attacked him. "Hold her" he commanded to others and four of his men held me tight. I tried to free myself but they were holding me strongly.

I looked at Namjoon for help and saw he is busy with fighting four wolves on his own. Marcus took a gun out before pointing at me. I haven't observed he has weapons with him. I tried to shake those guys off but I couldn't do that. I looked at Marcus in anger and he pulled the trigger. I groaned in pain when the bullet hit my arm. But Marcus also fell down holding his hand. That's when I realized Taehyung shot his gun off. Marcus did aim for my heart but since shot him he lost the aim.

Jimin and Chayeon hit the guys who were holding me making me free. "You ok?" I nodded my head pointing behind. "Help Namjoon" she walked away and I saw Jungkook is also there helping Namjoon. "Ah ah not so fast" I said to Marcus who was trying to run away. He crawled on the ground from the pain. I looked at his hand and saw he is still bleeding. "I brought your gun" Taehyung commented showing me special weapon.

"Good" I grinned before concentrating on Marcus. "So, what were you saying earlier" I mocked him placing my leg on his bleeding hand. He groaned in pain while I crouched on the ground beside him. "Wait till Cayden finds you" he said making me laugh. "I am sure I will. Alas you won't be here witness that" I said using the same words he said few minutes back. I took the gun from Taehyung before shooting both of his legs. He cried out in pain.

I shot his arms this time making him shout. I hit his stomach next. "Just kill me already" he whimpered in the pain. I stopped shooting him and waited for him to feel the pain. He tried crawling away but his body wasn't supporting him. I loaded the gun and shot his head twice. I wanted to make him suffer more for everything he has done but I couldn't stop myself. I glared his body which laid on the ground.

"Burn his body along with the others" I told Jimin who nodded in return. I rubbed my face and cringed when I saw the blood. I looked down and saw my shirt covered in blood. when I looked up, I saw Namjoon looking at me with different emotion. I couldn't point what it was but it made me sad. I am sure he realized what kind of person I am. Killing people with out mercy. He must think I am crazy.

"They will take care of it. Let get you treated first" I looked at my bleeding arm and saw blood marks on the shirt. "Let's go" Taehyung said to Chayeon pulling me out of there along with Chayeon. Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi oppa were left there with the bodies. "You are in so much trouble" Taehyung whispered in my ear making me frown. I looked back and saw Namjoon following us few steps behind us. I looked down and let Taehyung pull me with him.

His grip was tight. It was hurting me more than bullet but I didn't say anything. I kept silent and let him guide me. I know he is pissed off but something told me it is not just about rogues. He is mad at me for some other reason. I stared at his face and saw how hard his jaw is clenched. Its like the time I have seen him when Areum died. I frowned not liking the idea of Taehyung being angry.

When we reached pack house, he walked directly to our room after informing Chayeon to bring Hoseok to our room. Once we were in the room, he locked the door. I sat on the bed rubbing my arm which Taehyung held till now waiting for him to speak. But nothing prepared me for the words came from his mouth.


Hi everyone... I haven't edited this chapter. so if you find any mistakes please ignore them. I will probably edit it next week. 

I just have a big exam next week. I will try to update to soon again. So bare with me and keep supporting me. I love you guys.

Do vote and comment your thoughts.


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