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I broke my own heart loving you


I was quite confused by the turn of events. I am sure no one know the fact I am Namjoon mate except for Namjoon, Minah and me. So how come these people know about it. Did Minah told others about it? Cause there is no way Namjoon would tell others. He would be happy with the fact I left him. He might have mated some other girl too to be honest.

It's not that easy to mark another female wolf. You might feel it if he mates or mark another girl.

I nodded in understanding at my wolf words. She always informs me the things about things in werewolf world which I am unaware of.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone called my name. I saw everyone looking at me with worry and curiosity. I gave them a nervous smile and turned toward Chayeon. "How do you know that?" she shrugged casually. "Your alpha has been looking for you. All the packs were informed about kidnap and he is searching everywhere for you" Taehyung answered instead of Chayeon. So, my guess was right. Namjoon wouldn't waste his time on me. His father must have forced him to look for me.

"So, you are the Luna, right?" Jimin asked me and Chorong squeezed my hand encouraging me to tell them. I told her after few days we met. It felt good to share all my problems with someone who actually care. "I was" they all looked at me confused. I know what they are thinking. "Until my mate rejected me" their faces still has the confusion with mix of shock.

"Why would he reject you?" Suga asked me. I guess I should tell them entire story. I sighed and looked at them before starting. "My dad died when I am ten years old and my mom married a guy after a year of my dad's death. The guy she married has a mate and kid. So most of the people started hating my family and few kids bullied me. Few days back I found that Namjoon our alpha son is my mate. He said he deserves someone beautiful and popular not like me and he rejected me." Everyone was furious about the way they treated me.

"But why would he look for you?" I looked at Taehyung who was thinking hard. "It might be due to his father. Alpha was good friend of my dad so he must be forcing him to look for me" Jimin shook his head. "I don't think that's it. From the call I had with him it feel he is genuinely worried about you" I scoffed hearing that. "I know him better than you Jimin, trust me he will be happy I left him for good" I do want Jimin words to be true but I know they won't. I am not desperate to ignore the truth for some fantasy.

"I seriously can't believe he rejected his mate" Jimin muttered in disbelief. "I mean it is very hard to find your mate that early and he gave up on that so easily" he has been ranting about it since we had this discussion. Its been an hour we had this conversation. Areum nudged his shoulder pointing to me. He shut his mouth after looking at me. Even though I know its true I don't feel comfortable with the fact I was rejected. "Sorry y/n" he said pouting cutely.

I smiled unknowingly and he pulled me in a hug patting my head. I was surprised for a moment but slowly I wrapped my arms around him and patted his back. "You can always talk to me if you need an ear" he said earning a nod from me. "Let's get you ready. You should look presentable for evening." Areum said pulling me toward her room. I waved to Jimin who was frowning at Areum.

"I think Chayeon dresses will fit you perfectly" she said looking at me from head to toe. She is of five feet three inch where Chayeon and I are slightly taller than her and stood of five feet six inches. I have grown some height in the past few months. "We should go to her room" she didn't give me chance to reply as she dragged me along with her. "What about Chorong?" I almost tripped unable to keep up with her. "She is with Suga right now. She already selected one of my dresses when you were sleeping" she has been with Suga all the time since she found out they are mates. I am so happy for her.

"Chayeon~ah, we need to find a nice dress for her" she announced when she entered the room. "You expect to find a dress in my room" Chayeon was looking at her in disbelief. Areum opened her closet and started looking through the dresses. I chuckled looking at her expression. Chayeon closet is full of jeans and shorts. "I brought you few dresses last time we shopped" she pointed to right side of the closet and Areum checked where she pointed.

"Try this" it was purple colored sleeveless dress with v neck. It is tight at top and flowed down till knee length. It looks decent enough for the ceremony. I went in to the bathroom and changed in to the dress she gave me. "You look pretty" they both said when I came back from bathroom. "Now we should find a dress for you" Chayeon eyes widened at her comment. I can see Chayeon is kind of tomboy. She doesn't like cute dresses and make up. Whereas Areum is a barbie who like every girlie thing.

"Wear the yellow dress I bought for you last week" Areum said in stern voice not leaving the room for arguments. Chayeon pouted silently nodding her head. Taehyung decided to do the joining ceremony tonight. He thought it can be as both party for Areum return and our joining ceremony. Areum is more excited about the party than any of us. She had been making everyone work and prepare for the party.

"I am going to die today" Chayeon groaned making me laugh at her. "It won't be that bad" she gave me a stink eye and I laughed. "I didn't get the chance to say this but thank you for bringing my sister back safely" I smiled at her words. "She may try to act tough but she is very fragile. I can't imagine what we would do if something happens to her" I took her hand in mine and smiled assuringly. "She will be fine. We will make sure nothing happens to her" she nodded agreeing with me.

"Let's go and get ready before she kills us both for being late" she said taking the yellow dress out. I agreed and left to my room to get ready.

In the evening whole pack house was decorated with lights. We have to do the traditional acceptance to be a part of their pack. Entire pack is gathered in meeting hall which is capable of three hundred people. Taehyung stood in the front with Suga and Areum and his and Areum parents. He cleared his throat to get attention of people. "I have good news for all of you which some of you already know. Our Luna Lee Areum escaped from rouges" everyone cheered and clapped giving their appreciation.

"She also bought two girls with her who helped her in escaping. One of them is your beta female." He pointed to Chorong asking her introduce herself. "Hello everyone. My name is Chorong" she said shyly while everyone cheered for Suga and her. Then Taehyung signaled me to introduce and I did the same. "They are going to join our pack today. I hope you all will respect and treat them as family" he motioned for me and Chorong to come to front.

He turned to me with a knife. "Do you accept to be a member of Crescent moon pack and protect and be loyal to it as a pack member?" I nodded "I promise to be a loyal and protect my pack from every threat" he cut his palm and gave me the knife. I did the same with mine and we joined our hands. It is a part of procedure. Now I am officially part of this pack. All connections to my old pack are vanished.

"Welcome to the pack y/n" Taehyung told me through the mind link. I smiled "thank you" everyone was interacting and celebrating the party. Suga and Chorong were meeting some of the elders of the pack while Jimin and Chayeon were fooling around each other. "Hey Y/n, come on I will introduce to pack members" Areum dragged me towards a group of people. They were all of our age. "Hey guys. This is Y/n. this is Jason, Dylan, Andrew and this is Dylan mate Lily."

All of the boys were handsome and well built. Dylan has blonde hair with black eyes. Andrew has jet black hair with forest green eyes. Jason has brown hair with hazel green eyes. His eyes color is lighter than Andrew's eyes. Lily has red hair up to her waist line. She has brown eyes. She looked so small in front of all the guys. They were all huge and six feet height. Lily looked around five feet four inches. She is taller than Areum but still shorter comparing to boys. "Nice to meet you y/n" we talked for a few more minutes.

Dylan and Andrew are sweet guys whereas Jason is kind of player. He does have lot of girlfriends and he is just sixteen years old. Andrew and Dylan are eighteen and Dylan found his mate on his birthday. Till that day they are inseparable which is cute. Lily is one of Areum's friends. She is hyper and bubbly just like Minah. God, I miss her. She is the only one in the pack probably missing me aside Jin oppa.

After a while everyone was left. Taehyung told me to stay in his house for tonight until they decide where I should stay. Chorong is staying with Suga in his house which was next to Taehyung house. It looked like cabin rather than home but it was cozy. I haven't seen his parents and Jimin mentioned he lives alone.

Pack house has enough rooms for everyone but they like to live in their own houses. They built houses near to pack house in the woods. All the teenagers are staying in pack house where families live in own houses. Taehyung informed me it is a rule so that teenage kids can learn about all the history and necessary things of werewolf world.

It is important for them to know the importance of the mates and pack loyalty and other things. I couldn't help but be amazed by all these facts. This pack is the best so far, I have seen. They are not only physically fit but they also have the knowledge which my older pack is lacking. If only Namjoon knows the value of mate he wouldn't have rejected me.

Taehyung and Areum families live in the same house since they are Alpha and Luna of the pack and they convinced their parents too. Because they don't want to stay away from them. Jimin is also stays in this house. according to him Taehyung is his only friend and he literally stays with him all the time. so, he moved in to this house.

After the party all of us hanging out in the living room getting to know each other. They were telling me about lake in the pack territory. According to them Areum found that place when she is fifteen since then it was their hang out spot. Only few members know about the lake. "We will go for a run tomorrow. I will show you the lake" Areum suggested to me. "Sounds good" Jimin piped in the conversation. "Count us in too" Chorong said making Suga groan.

"I don't want to wake up so early just to see a lake" I can't believe this guy. He likes sleeping more than anything in the world. "But I want to see the lake" Chorong pouted whining cutely. He sighed before agreeing with her. We all laughed watching how whipped he became. "Hey we should take the pictures to remember today. You know we got two members added to the family" Areum said excitedly.

"Not now" Chayeon and Suga groaned which Areum ignored. "Lets just take pictures. She won't listen to us" Taehyung said making others agree. As far I have known Areum she is kind of nice and kind girl. But she is also stubborn when it comes the things she wants. "Come on its only a picture hyung" Jimin pulled Suga arm making him groan. "I will take your picture. Smile" Areum said making all of us pose for her.

"Let's take some selfies" Taehyung took the camera pointing it to us. Chorong linked her arm with Suga who was frowning at camera. Jimin took his hands and put them under chin like flower cup doing the same. "I am going to kill you" he glared at him. "You look good Suga" I said giving high five to Jimin. Taehyung clicked the photos randomly while all of us were fighting. "What was that?" Suga asked me when Taehyung stopped his photo session.

"What?" I looked at him confused. "You are younger than me so call me oppa not by name" he said sternly but I can sense the care in his voice. "Ok oppa" he smiled when he heard me. "Aww" Jimin cooed pinching my cheek. "You should call us oppa too" he said and I looked at him like he is crazy. "But Chorong is also older than you then why don't you call her unnie" Areum asked me. "I found out she is older few days later and I didn't feel like calling her unnie"

"You can call us oppa too. We will feel happy if you do" Taehyung said making me nod. It felt weird for me to call someone oppa. Even though Namjoon and Hoseok are older than me I never called them oppa. I only call Jin oppa that till now. Maybe I have to add Suga to that list now. As for Taehyung and Jimin, I don't think I can call them that any time soon. "Chayeon, you should call me oppa and listen to me" she scoffed pushing Jimin arm away from her shoulder. "in your dreams Jimin" he fell down hurting his arm. We all laughed when they started bickering again. This is a start of my new life for the second time. Hopefully I will be happy this time.


Dresses pics for the party 

You can imagine anything you like if you don't like these dresses ;)

Chapter is not edited so ignore the mistakes if you find any.

Do read and vote. Let me know your thoughts on the story. :)


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