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The cure for the pain is pain


I looked around my surroundings in confusion as this place was unfamiliar. I have no idea how I ended up here. All I can see is thick and large trees around me. It was getting dark as the sun was setting down. I moved forward when I heard the muffled voices. I can hear birds chirping and little animals sounds. It didn't make me scared as it should.

Somehow, I felt calm. It wasn't affecting me at all. I slowly made my way towards the noise and found myself standing in front of the dirt path. It has stairs built with tree branches. They seemed old as they were tied and grown in the sides. I cautiously placed my foot on it. I waited for few seconds making sure it wont break down. When I am sure it won't break down, I walked further.

It led to a hill. I walked to the edge and looked down. I can see whole forest from here. In the middle of the forest a small pound is located. I smiled enjoying the serene scenery. My smile faded when I saw a hooded person looking at me from the forest. He was near the pound looking at me. He was wearing dark clothes and his face was covered by the hood he is wearing.

"Enjoying the view?" I turned around in panic when I heard someone speak behind me. It was the same guy. I looked back to the lake and saw no one was there. "Who are you?" I asked him in fear wondering how he came from there to here in seconds. "That is not important now" he said and I can only see his lips and nose. I couldn't see his features clearly as it was getting dark and he was making sure I don't see his face by covering his face.

"I am here to help you" he said walking front enough for me to hear him. "with what?" I took a step forward to look at him but he stepped back adjusting his hood. "Come with me. I will show you" he offered his hand asking me to take it. I was hesitant at first but I know I have nowhere to go here. I took his hand and he twirled us making me close my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, we were in some other place. It was a dudgeon, I think. I can people tied up to the wall with the chains in the cells. They were all crying in pain and begging to let them go to no one in particular. Their bodies were full of scars and I can see the bones. It is clear they weren't fed food in months. I saw a guard came in from the door and opened a cell.

The girl in the cell started screaming in fear. "Please let me go" she begged him when he started undoing her chain. She fell down when he freed her. "Please" she sobbed hard as the guard throw her on his shoulder and walked out of the room. After few minutes I heard her screams from upstairs. I panicked when she was crying in agony.

"Look around yourself" he said. "To get the answers you have to solve others problems first" he said pointing to the people in the cells. "You will meet your brother soon but you have to save them and solve all the riddles by yourself" I was confused. I wanted to ask him what this place is and how I can help them. But before I can ask him, he disappeared.

I looked around trying to find something to see where I am. My surroundings were fading as light flooded from somewhere. The only thing that caught my attention was a guy tied in the last cell and the a mark on his hind leg. I was pulled out of the place by a force and I saw the board of pack name which happened to be Chorong pack. My eyes opened and I realized I was dreaming till now.


I had this dream two days back. I have been trying to find out about Blood Moon pack but had no luck. When Taehyung told me how they lied about helping rogues and they are planning to check themselves, I thought this would be an opportunity for me to find out. I didn't realize it was Jake in my dream. But now standing here seeing him in this state, I don't know what to feel.

"You shouldn't have come here" he said panicking. He tried to get up and move towards me but fell back instantly. I wanted to help him but the cell was locked. "Where do they keep the keys?" I asked him to which his eyes widened. "No, just leave" he shook his negatively. "He will come back soon. If he come, he will kill you" I was confused. Who is he talking about?

"Who are you talking about?" I tried breaking the lock but it wasn't working. "Cayden. He is here with Victor. Blake is helping them to gather the rogues" I stopped when I heard him. "What?" he sighed. "He is gathering people to attack your pack. Just go and get all the help you can get. He can't be killed that easily" he moved towards me crawling slowly. "I am not leaving you here. you are coming with me" I looked around trying to find something to break the lock. I spotted a hammer in the corner. I took it before hitting on the lock with it.

"You are wasting your time. I won't survive for much time anyway" I looked at him. His eyes have lost all the liveliness. I know he is right but I ignored him and broke the lock by hitting it one more time. I opened the door and walked in. "Let's go. I won't let you die so easily" I helped him get up by placing his arm around my shoulder and I held him with another hand on his waist. We walked out of the cell. I glanced down at his leg.

"I am not your brother if you are wondering about that" I stopped walking in surprise. "How do you know about it?" he looked down guiltily. "I know it all along since the day you got kidnapped" I frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?" he looked at me before smiling. "There are lot of things you don't know. Everything happened to you has been planned by Cayden"

I wanted to ask him lot of questions but I stopped when I heard shuffling on the other side of the room. "They are back" I smelled Victor scent faintly. Even though its been a while I can sense their smell. I have an amazing memory thanks to my wolf. "You should leave" he looked around in panic trying to find an escape. But the only door to the basement was the front door.

"Open the door" we heard the voices outside the door. Soon I heard the crack as the door opened. Everyone in the cells were panicking and backing up against the wall like they can disappear from here. I heard foot steps on the stairs as they were entering the room. "Well well, look who we got here" Victor grinned when he saw me in the dudgeon. Five guards were with him. They were holding small silver guns in their hands.

"It's good to see you again" he sounded like an old friend but I know it is not the case. "I see you met your friend already" he added looking at Jake who was out of his cell. "Victor, let her go" guard punched Jake in the stomach making him fall on the floor clutching his stomach. "Don't interrupt me when I am speaking" I tried to help Jake but guards stopped me.

"So, Y/n how is your new pack?" I glared at him as he spoke. "I heard you are in your old pack huh. Must be depressing to see all those who bullied you" I didn't say anything or moved but my patience was running out. "I have a lot to catch up with you. take them to upstairs room" he said to guards. Five more guards came and dragged both of us to upstairs probably to some other room.

I didn't fight back knowing he will kill Jake. I should buy some time till others come so we have a better chance. This place is full of his people. I won't stand a chance against them if I attack them now. I looked around the house memorizing the place in case of escape. They throw us in a small room and Jake fell on the ground groaning in pain. I helped Jake get up and lean against the wall.

"Check where Blake is? And also call Cayden and inform him about her" Victor said to the guard and he left the room. "I want to kill you badly but I will wait till Cayden come" he sat on the chair glaring at us. No one talked till the guard came back and whispered something in Victor ear. "I am impressed Y/n, my training didn't go waste" he grinned. "I am sure I will show you soon how much good I am when I kill you" I said through my gritted teeth. He laughed throwing his head back.

"I would like to see you try" I smiled in mocking. "Trust me I can. You should have known by now since I killed one of your best guys" I said referring to Marcus. "You were lucky that day but not today" his face showed me how angry he is when talked about Marcus. I checked the time and saw its been almost half an hour since I came here. Others should be here in few minutes.

"This bastard will die with you too" he pointed to Jake who closed his eyes from pain. "Why did you do this to him?" I don't know why he was doing this to Jake. Jake has been with him for almost all his life. "I don't like anyone who betray me" he said looking at me without any emotion. "He saved you that day when Cayden was about to kill you"

I am completely lost now. I don't understand what they are talking about at all. It felt like I am the only one missing the story. Everyone around me is completely aware of the facts except me. "What are you talking about?" he chuckled seeing my confusion. "I will tell you. You see you are the one blessed with angel wolf and you are the only barrier we have in our way to rule this entire werewolf world"

"We kidnapped you to check if we are right about you but you escaped before we can confirm. We injected the poison to kill you that night but he changed it which made you to shift in to your real form" I tried understanding his words but I couldn't wrap my mind with the thoughts.

"What happened?" Victor got up when he heard the guards. "She brought her friends" he hissed looking at me but I was too busy in my thoughts to be bothered. "Kill them all" Victor ordered him and he left the room. "I was hoping to chat for a while but it has to end now" he said pulling his knife out. He lunged at me but I dodged him coming to my senses. I kicked him right in the chest and he landed across the room.

Two guards ran to attack me. I dodged one and twisted another person hand. He groaned in pain as I thrown him on the ground. All the guards attacked me on the same time. I pulled the guard from ground and throw at them. One of them attacked me with the knife cutting my palm. I held the knife tightly even though I was bleeding. I punched his jaw with my free hand knocking him out.

"Y/n" I looked back and saw Victor holding Jake by knife. "I must say I am impressed" he said looking at the guards who were laying on the ground. "But as you know I don't like to lose" I took a step further and Victor pressed the knife hard making a trickle of blood ooze from Jake neck. "Easy. You don't want him to be killed" I froze on my steps.

"He didn't do anything Vic. Leave him" I said trying to calm him. "I know you will kill me if I leave him now" he hissed tightening his arm around Jake. "You will not move till I say" he said walking back slowly. I looked at Jake sadly. I am making the same mistakes every time. I can't let Jake die too. Vic won't kill him till he leaves the house. Knowing that I let him go.

"I am sorry for everything Y/n" Jake whispered before moving Victor hand. My eyes widened when his limp body fell to the floor. Blood was gushing out of his wounded neck. "Jake" I held his body in my arms. I took of my scarf and held it on his neck trying to stop the blood. "Why did you do it?" I asked him gently as the tears made its way out of my eyes. He smiled through his tears looking at me.

"Someone help" I yelled hoping some one will hear me. I didn't realize Victor has escaped the house and he wasn't my concern now. "Y/n" I looked up and saw Jungkook running towards us. "Please help him" I said through my tears. Jungkook scooped him in his arms and ran out of the room. Before we can move out of the house, I heard Jake breath stop. Jungkook stopped running when he realized Jake is not breathing.

I saw Jake as his body was limp in Jungkook arms with his eyes closed. I never wanted this to happen to him. My eyes burned with rage. From the corner of my eye I saw Jungkook move of away from me in fright. Right, be afraid. I will kill every single one of them. That's when all the hell broke loose.


Hello readers... I haven't edited the chapter so please ignore the mistakes. Don't forget to vote while reading. Also comment your thoughts on the chapter. 

By the way who is your favorite character in the book so far?


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