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Its hard to let go of someone who is close to your heart


"How are you feeling?" I looked at Taehyung awkwardly. "I will be fine" its been almost two hours after we met in the party and we thought of talking. We are currently sitting in his office room in the pack house. The ceremony has ended happily. Mom introduced me and Yoongi oppa to some of her old friends. They were all happy about us. I am sure Yoongi oppa will be great in leading the pack since he has all help from Jin oppa and his father.

Pack members are really nice too. Mom was ecstatic. I know she will heal quickly if she is with them. All of the pack members promised to help Yoongi oppa with the work. "Well -" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Taehyung. "Yes?" he sighed rubbing his face. "I don't like it" I looked at him confused. "We are being awkward and I don't like it" he sat in front of me. "We are best friends before dating so can't we talk comfortably. Whatever it is, it shouldn't make us awkward"

"I am sorry Taehyung" I told him quietly. "It wasn't your fault at all" tears made its way down as I thought about it. "Hey... look at me" he grabbed my chin gently making me look at him. "Don't cry" he pulled me in his arms while I cried. "It will be ok" he kept murmuring soothing words caressing my hair as I cried. I pulled away when I calmed down a little. "I shouldn't have cried" I sniffed wiping my eyes.

"You look like a baby" he chuckled taking tissue from the table. He wiped the mascara which was ruined. "I am sure I look terrible" I frowned when I saw the black liquid on the tissue. "Trust me, I have seen you worse than this" he smiled at me. "I missed you" he caressed my face and then his gaze fell on my neck. He took away his hand away instantly. "I wish things were normal for us"

"You know I don't blame him" he sat up beside me on the couch. "Why not?" he looked at me seriously. "He is your mate Y/n, he can't resist the bond forever" I looked away. "But he didn't want me first then why now?" I can't help but feel sad and confused. "He was an idiot I guess but since we came here I have been watching him. He is working hard to make you forgive him. I am not saying he did right but I guess it is bound to happen"

I wouldn't lie I am not happy at all cause I am happy that my mate will be with me. I can never resist the bond like Taehyung said. Mate bond will be stronger for us than our own feelings but I didn't want it to happen this way. Moreover, I am not sure what I feel for Namjoon at the moment. I am still confused about my feelings. "Are you saying I should accept him?"

"Of course not?" he shook his head. "I am not saying you should but I think you should" I frowned at him. He is being weird again. "You are not making any sense" he chuckled at my annoyed expression. "What I am saying is, you are mates and some day you have to be together either way. Since things are different for you guys I think you should think about it and take decision. But I personally think you should forgive him"

I can't believe it. Off all people I thought he would never say that but here he is asking me to accept Namjoon. How can I simply forgive him after everything? even more how can I stay with him when he put me through so much? Forgiving Jungkook and Jiyeon was easy cause they weren't anything to me but he was supposed to be my mate and everything. But he gave up on me without even giving me a chance.

Is Taheyung also giving up on whatever we had so easily? Did he ever feel anything at all? Thousands of questions were running in my mind. I felt so suffocated right now. "So, you think I should go to him?" a single tear escaped my eye at the thought of leaving him.

"Hey I am not asking you to do anything. You should take your decisions on your own" he wiped the tear. "If you think about us let me clarify this to you first" he held my shoulders gently. "I asked you out because I like you. After Areum death you are the one I felt close to and I didn't want to lose you like I said last time" he paused. "You were the hope in my life and it scared me when Namjoon was getting close to you. I guess I am too attached to you. I won't say I regret last few weeks cause I was really happy" he was confusing me. I don't understand him anymore.

"But you will be happier with your mate than any guy in your life. That's how it is for all of us. I don't want you to miss on that in your life. I know Namjoon made lot of mistakes but I have seen him work hard to make things right. He is nice guy who works very hard to take care of his loved ones. I know he messed up with this but talk to him and see how things will work then" he said pointing to my mark. "What about you?" I asked him quietly.

"We will be friends forever. It's not like I am going anyway. We are just an hour away" I don't know what he is trying to prove but I can't believe him. I know he is saying the truth about Namjoon and me. but I am not sure how he will be after this. But it would be better this way, I guess. He will get some time to adjust to live without me in his life. So even if I leave, he would be fine then.

"You know I was scared to face you" I told him trying to change the topic since he is not mad at me. "I couldn't imagine how you will react" he smiled showing his boxy smile which I admire a lot. "I wouldn't be mad or angry at you like ever" that made me smile. Though he is wrong and he can get mad at me, he would always find a way to make things go back to normal again. that's why I feel comfortable with him.

"So, tell me what did I miss?" I turned towards him. "Everything is fine back home. Thomas handling the issues very well. Charles told me he takes care of the most of the stuff" I know Thomas is good since his family has the alpha blood. He is born leader like Taehyung.

"I told them about Chayeon. Charles knew about them already and wanted to come and meet them but he decided to stay back since Jungkook is not stable now. And also, I told them about you and Yoongi hyung. All of them were so happy and they want to meet Yoongi hyung to congratulate him on becoming alpha" he has the smile when he was speaking about pack which made me smile too.

"I told them we will throw a party and invite you and hyung as guests when everything is over" my smile faded instantly. I wouldn't be there to witness that though. "I got call from the royals and I don't know what to do with Blake pack" since his brother is in coma Blood moon pack is getting big issue for all of us. "Have you spoke to anyone about this?" he nodded his head. "I talked to Namjoon and Jiyong hyung today. They think we should wait for few more days since there is a chance he might wake up"

"Why don't you ask Minho to take over the pack for a while until everything sorts out" his eyes widened in realization. "That's a good idea. I will talk to others and ask hyung about this" I felt glad I could help him. "I still have to choose the beta though" he frowned again. "Who do you have in mind?" he sighed. "Jimin, you and Thomas. Oh, Andrew is also good" I got surprised. "Since you are marked you can't be my beta and Chayeon will probably move to this pack too"

"You are right. A lot changed since we came here right?" I laid my head on his shoulder. "Everyone is finding their happiness. I am happy for them. I am glad you decided to help them even though you went through a lot" I thought about our lives before coming here again. "I am glad I did that too" he smiled at me. "I think you should choose Jimin or Thomas. They both are really good at their work" I suggested him knowing they are the best options.

"You are right. But for now, I told Jimin to handle the issues till we go back to the pack. Moreover, I have to make some amends and allies with Namjoon after this is over" every time he mentions it, I feel sad. "What do you think will happen?" I asked him wondering about the future. "Whatever happens, you are not alone in this. You have all of us with you"

"Oh, you are here" we heard someone opened the door. "Tae, we need to talk" Yoongi oppa motioned for him to come out. "You too Y/n" I followed them out. "We found something in the woods" we walked out of the pack house and walked towards the woods. "Hey guys" I saw Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin and Jin oppa were there along with Hoseok. "We found a dead body in the woods with black mark thing again"

"Is it the same?" I asked Jimin earning a nod from him. "It's the same we saw before. I am sure it is Cayden. I checked the marks and bruises. It looks exactly like the ones who were killed by Cayden group previously" Hoseok said frowning. I bent down to examine the dead body. "He is part of Namjoon pack and he was on patrol today" Jin oppa told me. Cayden is working faster than us. We have to start preparing soon if we don't want to lose more people. I observed something shining in his shirt pocket. I took it out. "What is it?" Taehyung asked me. "I think some letter" I opened and my blood boiled at the words written there.

You are next         



Hello readers... First of all, Thank you for all the comments and messages for my health. I am better now. I am sorry I couldn't reply to most of you since I had lot of work to catch up as I was absent. But I am really thankful for all of the wishes and messages.

Secondly, I am so happy right now. 10K reads. I was shocked when I saw this yesterday. You guys are really amazing. Thanks for all the support. 

It is more of filling type chapter. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote.

I love you all ♥♥

Thank you.


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