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About an hour after the feast was when the true test began. Or so I assumed. The red guards came and took Chloe first, I assumed it was a first come first serve basis. That would only be fair, I suppose. It is like waiting to see the doctor in a sense. Who ever is through the door first gets seen to, simples. Chloe admitted to being the first lady through the door. She had actually arrived with Baroness herself. Chole had a look of exhilaration when she left. She had professed she was looking forward to joining SOW. 

Both myself and the other initiates waited approximately thirty minutes for Chloe to return but the only person who came through the door was another red guard. 

"Michonne Lea Mensah," the red guard called for the next initiate. Michonne had admitted to arriving a little while after Chloe. So this only cemented my initial theory that I would be last, typical. I roll my eyes and let out a quite tut. Tsk

Now what happenend to Chloe? I asked myself. I hoped she passed the "true test" I hoped the ditz with the big tits did not eat a bullet. That would be tragic, yes she is a bitch, but come on! She is a woman after all. I thought that it was all about girl power. That is what SOW stands for the Society Of Women. They would not think to take out one of there own. Would they? No, dont over think things, I told myself, you'll just give yourself a sore head. 

Michonne pushed back on her chair and stood to her feet. She was ever so clumsy in her heals. She looked at Kimmie, Hinata and lastly myself. If I had to say one word to describe how she looked that word would be dread. 

"We all said good luck," to Michonne in our own unique way off course. She did not respond however she paid us a reluctant smile and she did hold up a hand that let us know she appreciated the sentiment. 

Michonne's white dress is much longer and puffier at the botoom than Chloes andas such Michonne had to keep her legs close together and lift up the her dress in order to walk. She left and the door was closed by one of the red guards. I faintly could heal her heels, click, click, clicking away.

 Now it was me, Kimmie and Hinata. 

"What do you think happened to Chole?" Kimmie put the question to Hinata and I.

"What do you think will happen to Michonne?"  Hinata put the question to both Kimmie and I. 

"Probably the same thing that will happen to us." I said with a shrug. I held out my hand and kept it as straight as I could. I was trembling like jelly. All the powerfully ladies I had met today did not tell me it would be this nerve racking. They should have told me to bring a spair pair of pants.

"You are nervous?" Hinata put the question to me. 

"Cant you see she is?" Kimmie alluded Hinata to that point.  

"Its alright, Ella, you are the poster child for the new world," Hinata explained. "They would be mad to not sanction you into the order." 

But do I want to join? "You seem to know an awful lot about this order?" I put the question to Hinata.

"I told you, I am a child genius, also," Hinata lowered her voice her eyes darted left and right. She looked exceedingly paranoid. "I hacked the order. They hate me, for doing it, but they recongise my potential even if I am only fourteen."

Christ! I knew she Hinata was young but I was assumening she was a couple of years older than fourteen.  

"Is fourteen not a little to young?" Kimmie asked.

"Maybe so, I have learned a lot. These women are not to be crossed. It does not stop here. Oh no, we are seen as the old generation - even I am. You rememebr that missing kid from a few yars back. You know, the famous one."

 "Maddie Matthews?" Kimmie said.

"She has been taken by the order of SOW. Groomed for leadership. when she reaches the ripe age of eighteen she will have plastic surgeory and will change completely. It is awful what these women do. If you go against the, -"

"What?" Kimmie and I both said.

"Dont leave us with a cliffhanger," I put in. 

"If you go against SOW. . . You die."

Approximately half an hour now passed. Hinata, Kimmie and I tried to keep our spirits high. All three of us would talk about anything other than what happened to Chloe and now Michonne. But it irked me thinking about the worst case scenario. 

We were just about to talk about our partners or in Kimmie's case crushes. In Hinata's case it was all about fit celebrities . Just as I was about to talk fondly of Leon did we hear steps comeing form the other side of the door and slowly that same door opened. 

Still, there was not Chloe and now no Michonne. 

What happened to them? 

It was the red guard once again, I noted. "Hinata Yoshida," the red guard called our cyber hacking teen. Almost as reluctant as Michonne, Hinata stood to her feet. Hianta walked in fornt of the red guard so she did. She wore a very short dress I noted. The length ended just below her thigh. Sluts dressed more appropriately. 

I stood up, a little to fast and perhaps it could have been perceived as an aggressive move. The red guards stood in a slight combabtaive stance. They showed there red handled knucker duster blade that glowed a bright cirimson. "Easy," I was quick to show them my palms in a stance that shouted out I mean no harm. "I just want to know what happened to the others?"

"That is none of your concern," the authocratic red guard informed me loweing the weapon she held and turning on there heels to saunter back to the great hall, this time with Hianta. 

  Kimmie looked distressed as I sat down. "Then there were two." I nervously said. 

"Do you think the others are alive?"  Kimie asked. She should not have been here. 

"I just dont know Kimmie. I dont know. I hope they are alright. I mean, they can not take us out for failing a stupid test." Can they?

"I dont know, you heard Hinata, if you go against the grain they will take you out."

"Well, Kimmie, we are soon to find out what will happen now, wont we?"

Again the two of us fell silent. 

"What is he like?" Kimmie put the question to me. "Your man, Leon. You were about to tell me what he is like?" 

"Ah he is great you know. I have put up with some shit in my life and Leon was always there for me. We are child hood friend and we just connected one day and have been inseparable."

"Sounds like a great man. I wish I could find someone like that."

"Kimmie, you have a heart of gold you will find someone I know it."

"Thanks Ella." 

Still we tried to get out minds of what happened to the other initiates. Kimmie could talk and she was telling me all about her time in Tenesse. She loved it there. She was from a small town in Texas and she moved to Ten when she was fourteen. She lived in digs with other musicians. In no t time at all half an hour lapsed and again the door opened.

"Kimberly Stefannye Daly," the red guard called for the second to last initiate. We had been holding out hands in silent prayer Kimberly was ultra religious. 

"Good luck I said to Kimmie as she tood to her feet. She was wearing flats and she followed the red gurds.

Now I was alone and all I could think about is what will happen. I so wished I had my phone but that is one of the rules. No phones. Not even the  haord of other guests were allowed phoens. 

Again, thirty minutes passed and it is not my tunr to be see. 

Ella Ann Nijinksy. the red guard said would you come with us.    

"I stood to my feet and proceeded to walk with them back to the great hall. 

Now I have to face the true test. 

Thus ended; The Wait. 

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