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The campus is my happy place and has been my happy place for several years. God, I fear the day when I have to get a job. It fills me with a strange fear but also inpending excitement. I am going to be the best employee for any potential business. I know it.

Bigwigs are everywhere. They are easy to note in there grand plus suits.   

I am prime prey for them. 

They would offer me an advance and lure me into the corporate world. Full of backstabbers who fuck you raw.

I'm not one to play ball. 

Firstly I see the cars, Bentleys, Aston Martins, O Lord a Mercedes Benz. The rich are here and they are here to recruit. 

I have so much on my mind. 

I can't stand it anymore.

Firstly I am still shocked with fear after what happened at Jerry's. I literally thought I might die. Worst still, I had this awful feeling I'd wet myself. Especially after Leons courageous but outrageous Maverick move. 

I'm glad he is alright, truly. 

I also have the unknown, the meeting with doctor Minerva. I have no notion as to why I have been invited to such a secret meeting.

I flip a coin.

 Heads I go. 

Tales I don't.

I catch the coin and look at the outcome. 

Tales it is.

I am not going.

I navigated my way around the labyrinth of a building and made my way to doctor Minerva's room. Hopefully, she is still there. Fingers crossed she is.

I walk up the main stairs to her office and I am relieved.

She is in.

I knock on the door. 

"Come in," a sweet voice instructs me.

This room is very nice. Laminated flooring is a bit cheap. Cream walls is a bit plain. On a blue bullet board is various notes in an odd language I can't begin to understand. There is a calendar with the picture being of some kittens playing, today's date is marked in red. A desktop computer is just shutting down as I venture in.

Doctor Juilet Minerva is in her fifties but looks much younger. Of course the one thing you can't but help but note is her wonky eye. Her left eye looks up whilst her right eye looks straight at you. She knows people look at her oddly, she accepts that. She has soft skin a big mouth a pigs nose and short black hair which is going grey. She still wears black. I can see wh0y Leon calls her a witch. 

She created a drug that cures psychosis permanently off course this miracle drug was banned as it caused severe depression. 

Doctor Juliet Minerva's son was an intolerable drug addict, I knew him, he had severe psychosis. He came at me with a knife. I forgave him. Julian was his name and was also his mother's test subject and the medication she gave her son caused him so much depression he hung himself. 

Doctor Minerva told me that in confidence.

She never forgave herself. 

Then she found my experiment. 

She cleared up my mess. 

  "Ella," she says my name as softly as she can. "I expected to meet you at the hall. It's such a - my what is it?" She notes I am breaking up.

"Oh, doctor Minerva I have had the most torrid of days."

"But it's not even midday, Ella," 

"Did you happen to hear about Jerry's?"

"I heard your man was a hero."

"I was there and - and I left my robes behind an-and," 

"Hush, now, I have spare robes and a hat, you'll not go wanting. Come, come with me."

We exited her office, she was sure to lock the door behind her. She led me to the faculty carpark out back. "For emergencies, I always pack a spare robe and hat," she told me. "It seems every year someone forgets it. There now," she says as she opens the door of her Lexus. She takes out what I need and hands it to me."Come now, we should just about get there on time. Let us be quick about it."  

I quickly put on the robe and then the hat everything fits.

"Are you still coming to our event?" Doctor Minerva asks keenly. 

"I-I don't know if I can," I answer. "I mean, after the day I have had and all."  

"Dear, I understand," she walks on without glancing at me but I can tell she is disheartened. I think I have let her down.

"But," I said sensing doctor Minerva was going to try and change my mind.

"But indeed dear. This is a once and a lifetime opportunity. I really can't say anything else. You must come," she insisted.

"I'll think about it." 

We silently made our way to the hall and I noticed Mai sitting with her parents. Hwan gave doctor Minerva the dirtiest look I had ever seen. Doctor Minerva acted as if Hwan was not even there. 

I made my way to Mai.  

"You Ok?" Mai asks as she gives me a hug and a peck on the cheek. Giving me a look over. 

"Im fine," I answer. I take a seat. 

Mai is the best.

The Dean is just about to stand to the podium. And deliver a speech. I swear he has a wardrobe with nothing but the same tweed suit in it. He is dashing for a man who is pushing eighty. Can I say such a thing? Sure he has wrinkles but so do raisins and they are sweet. "You are all at the end of your schooling career. A lot of you will get prestigious jobs. Many of you have been approached by our most esteemed guests."

The Dean loved the sound of his own voice. He kept talking and kept us all waiting. I switched off momentarily and thought about all that had happened.

Eventually, it was time for us to get out diplomas. 

I was one of the first names called as it so happens.

I received a thunderous round of applause. 

I made my way to the stage and received my rolled up degree. A handshake from the Dean. And some parting words, "well done Miss Nijinsky."

I noted doctor Juliet Minerva on the I-phone.

I walked of the podium and was immediately taken away by doctor Minerva. 

"Its Madam President for your child."

My jaw dropped.

"The. President," I say utterly speechless. I take the phone.

"The. President," doctor Minerva says clearly. "You might want to take it outside. Child."

"Yeah, yeah sure." 

I rush to the exit where there is silence.

Why on earth does the president want to speak to me?

Thus ended; the graduation. 

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