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"Still nothing Ella?" My proud Professor (Doctor) Juliet Minerva asks me sweetly. She sees me as her star student, or so my peers constantly remind me, jealous wannabe's. She has a warm brew for a cold winter night. I must get one for myself soon, I think. My eyes are leaden with sleep. Outside I hear the rain drip, drip, dripping. The old radio is also on but all I have been listening to is Classic FM,  depressive tunes. Tunes Doctor Minerva likes. Bands from yesteryear.

We administered the medication for Matt the rat. Yes, an actual rat. I know you animal activists are going to hate me for testing on animals but its the only way in truth, isn't it? I had begged my professor if I could do this experiment, begged all year long. She agreed all be it reluctantly. In general, most students are prohibited from trying out new bold and daring experiments. Not I said the Walrus. Doctor Minerva noticed my talent early, she nurtured me and looked after me as if I were her own child.

I bet you are dying to know what the experiment is?

Hey. . .

Don't wet your panties. 

The experiment Is this.

Matt the rat's penis grew to a modest size for a rodent that is. Yes, I did say penis. Your eyes are not deceiving you. The experimental drug also acts an aphrodisiac, very fast acting, for a maximum erection. To top it all off the drug makes a person, in this case, Matt the rat, last twice as long. 

This is all I could have hoped for and more. 

Matt the rat and his partner whom we called Stella, well. . . kinda of fucked. It was fascinating to see in a morbid kind of way. I mean who wants to see two rodents mating? Its not on many peoples bucket list now, is it?

I had taken notes but my main log book was back at the house which was a half-hours drive away. My log book contained all of my secrets. I should keep it somewhere more safe than under my mattress, but hindsight is a wonderful gift. Is it not? Its really a bitch.  

Now, Matt, the rat, and his loving partner Stella slept. I could even hear the breathing in unison if that is romantic? I know its just a tad bit weird, but I am a firm believer in the weird and wonderful, thank you very much. 

I was observing them closely. 

I had too.

The two rats in the same cage.

If this experiment worked. I mean truly worked. I would be a billionaire or so Doctor Minerva professed. 

And it had worked. 

To my utter bewilderment. 

I was overjoyed. 

The theory had been meticulously thought up over the last few years. 

My own boyfriend Leon Holmes has had problems with erectile dysfunction. I did this for him and all males, especially those a little shy or insecure. Hey guys? 

My idea was a genius one. A closely guarded secret. After all, if the secret to penis enhancement became common knowledge I would be the center of attention now wouldn't I? 

Only a cure for baldness would probably be more lucrative in the male sector after Doctor Hwan Ling had discovered a cure for testicular cancer.  

"Ella," I hear my professor walk up behind me.   

"4:12 am, nothing",  I note in my temporary log book.  "Ugh, I so nearly dozed off." 

"Its quite alright, Ella. Well, we know the first part works." Doctor Minerva tells me nothing new. "You want to be here don't you when the little guy wakes?"

"Wait," I say. "Aww, the little guy, wait -"

"What is it?" Doctor Minerva takes a step forward. The gasps. 

Then there is a savage sound and I feel sick. I look away and down at my professors feet.

Stella the rat just viciously attacked her partner, Matt. In fact, if I look, I realize the sickly sound first. Stella is eating her partner. Slowly. There is a struggle, the cage shakes wildly, I hold it in place. It is as if Stella is possessed.

"Oh no," my Professor says covering her hand over her mouth and dropping her mug onto the laminated floor. 

Stella, the rat violently attacked and killed her partner. Now she is eating him. Bit by bit. 

It was sick.

I threw up my dinner. 

Chunks of lasagne. 

I discovered my miracle pill works, but has a nasty side effect.

"What will I do?" I ask Doctor Minerva in a state of panic. Tears welling in my eyes.

"Go, Ella, I will clean this up." My Professor demands in an autocratic manner. She began shoo shoo, shooing me out of the door.

"But -"

"But nothing Ella! This stays between us," Doctor Minerva icily said. "Heavens forbid, If the Dean or anyone found out, I - I would dread to think of the repercussions."

She thought of her career no doubt.

That is me fucked. 

 "Go home and forget all you saw." 

"Will I burn my notes?" 

"Heavens no!" Doctor Minerva snapped. "This is a setback," my Professor admits. "That is all it is. Every scientist I have met has a blip of some description on there resume. Go, Ella," she jutted her chin toward the door. "I will sort this mess out." Her tone is self assured.  

I, for one, trust her. 

I feel awful. 

I left without saying a further word. 

"Is it right?" I ask myself as I walk out of the lab and make my way for the exit with haste. I feel, abysmal in the most exhilarating way possible. My heart is now attempting to pound its way out of my chest. 

Adrenaline mixed with fear. 

 What a high.   

Though I did not know it then.

This dubious experiment would change the world.

It would bring about.

 The end of man. 

What have I done?  

Thus ended; The Prologue.  

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