Chapter Nineteen - Peace

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When Ben awoke the next morning, he felt both exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. Rey laid next to him, still sound asleep. Ben reached over and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, recalling all the events of the previous day. They were finally married. Ben smiled to himself. Finally. He used that word as if he had waited ages to marry this girl. But the truth was, he had only known her for a short period of time. And the even worse truth was that he hadn't even considered marriage until he had come back from the dead. Ben knew a long time ago he wanted Rey to be a part of his life for years to come, but marriage had never really seemed like a possibility or necessity. He assumed that's why it never crossed his mind. But now that they had gotten married, Ben couldn't imagine anything that could make him happier.

Ben kissed Rey's cheek gently before pulling the covers over her shoulders, being careful not to wake her. Part of him wanted to wake her and part of him wanted to let her sleep. But the majority of him knew that she would need plenty of rest in the weeks to come and that ruled over any other wants he had. Ben sighed. He had no idea what to expect in the next few months. The baby seemed to be growing at an alarming rate. It made him worry about what would happen once the baby was born. Would it continue to grow that quickly? Would he and Rey even have a chance to enjoy their child's young years? He didn't even know how much longer they would have to enjoy the pregnancy. He hoped there was still some time left. Ben wanted to be able to spoil Rey and give her a good pregnancy experience.

As if hearing her name, Rey began to stir, turning over so that she was facing him as she opened her eyes. When she saw him, a gentle smile crossed her lips and she sighed. "Good morning." Ben returned her smile and brushed her cheek with his fingers. "Good morning, my dear wife." He said while kissing the tip of her nose. His comment made Rey smile even more as yesterday's memories began flooding their minds. Rey sat up, the covers falling as she did, revealing her growing belly. Ben couldn't pull his eyes away from the entirety of her. Her body was transfixing. Rey noticed his apparent abstraction and hurried to pull the sheet up so as to cover herself again. Ben sensed her insecurity and reached out to take her hand. "Please don't worry." She paused and Ben nodded softly. "May I?" Rey nodded and Ben reached out gently, laying a hand on her stomach.

Rey placed her hand over his, shifting their hands to where she felt the baby moving. It was truly amazing, and Ben marveled at the small human growing inside his beautiful wife. Their little miracle. Ben smirked. They were all a miracle. The miracle of life. Both his and Rey's and their baby's. It just showed how important life truly was and gave him a constant reminder as not to waste it. But he didn't truly need a reminder. Ben knew he would never again turn away from those who loved him. Never again would he waste the precious gift of life. Ben knew he was blessed to have all that he did, despite everything he had done. Most who had followed in his footsteps had a much worse fate and Ben knew to cherish every moment of the new life he had been given.

After a couple minutes of holding one another, Ben got out of bed and put a robe on. Rey began to do the same, but he stopped her. "Oh no, you, dear wife, are going to stay in bed this morning." Rey opened her mouth to contend but Ben raised a hand to silence her. "And that's final." He leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. Rey bit her lip, trying to maintain her stance as he traced her shoulder blades with his fingertips. "Stay here," he whispered. "I won't be long. I promise." Rey sighed irritably, giving in with a nod. Ben grinned, nudging her neck with his nose. Rey tilted her head, leaning into his face as he tickled her neck with his nose. The sound of her laughter was only comparable to the chimes of bells. Ben scrunched up his nose as the hair on the nape of her neck ticked his cheeks.

"I'll be right back," Ben promised as he made his way out of their bedroom. He hurried down the hall to the kitchen so that he could make Rey and himself some breakfast. Ben would serve her breakfast in bed every day for the rest of her pregnancy if he was able. If he was capable of anything, it was cooking. Having to make his own meals for years, Ben had gained some culinary skills to be proud of. He smiled as he pulled some eggs, bacon, vegetables, and butter out of the refrigerator and set them on the counter. Then, while the bacon was cooking, he mixed together some batter for pancakes. Ben quickly flipped the bacon and poured the pancake batter into a separate pan in three even circles. As those were cooking, he mixed the eggs with the previously chopped onions, peppers, and his prepared seasonings.

"Smells delicious," Rey said as she wrapped her arms around him from behind. Ben glanced at her form the corner of his eye while he flipped the pancakes. "You're supposed to be in bed." He said sternly. Rey giggled. "I had to use the restroom and couldn't resist the wonderful aroma of your cooking." She said as she snatched a piece of bacon from his spatula. Ben narrowed his eyes, huffing. Rey grinned and gave him a quick squeeze. "Alright, alright. I will go back to bed now." Ben smiled approvingly, turning to give her a quick hug and kiss before she left. As he did, he noticed she was wearing one of his t-shirts. She was wearing only his t-shirt. Ben wrapped his arms around her waist. "You look cozy." Rey nodded with a smile. Ben couldn't help but notice the cute little wrinkles that appeared in the corners of her eyes and along her nose as she did. "Well, breakfast is almost done. So, get back to bed so I can serve you breakfast in bed."

After some argument, Rey reluctantly agreed to go back to bed while he finished cooking. Ben understood that she didn't like being waited on, but she was going to have to get used to it. There were a lot of things that they were both going to have to get used to. Married life was much unlike anything either of them had experienced before. Ben could only imagine the life she had had on Jakku and the life that followed after she joined the Resistance. And Ben's life in the Empire was no cake walk to say the least. But now, Ben would be able to give her life that she deserved. And he would be more than happy while doing so. It was strange how happy the idea of married life made him. Well, it wasn't quite an idea anymore. He was living in that exact moment, and he couldn't be happier.

Once everything had finished cooking, Ben prepared it all on a tray. On it, he laid out a plate of bacon, a plate with an omelet, and a plate with a tall stack on pancakes covered in maple syrup. He then poured a large glass of orange juice and garnished the tray with a flower in a vase. To the side, he also set a mug and fresh pot of coffee with cream and sugar beside it. He wished he knew how she liked her coffee, if she liked coffee at all, but he had plenty of time to figure those types of things out. And as of that morning, he would know how she liked her coffee, if she liked it. Ben took a moment to admire the presentation he had prepared and smiled before picking up the tray to take to their bedroom.

When he entered the room, Rey was snuggled back into bed, staring out the window. Ben approached slowly, as not to startle her. "Here you are darling." He said, setting the tray over her legs. Rey smiled at the beautiful display of food before her. "This all looks so wonderful," she said as she picked up her fork. He knew that she didn't have much opportunity for such pleasures in the Resistance and naturally had never had such foods on Jakku. In the back of his mind, Ben wondered if she might not like such extravagant and foreign foods but quickly dismissed the thought as Rey began to eat the meal swiftly. When she noticed him watching, she slowed down, realizing she had the ability to enjoy the way food tasted. Ben realized that she probably didn't have much time for food before.

For the next half hour, Ben and Rey both enjoyed the pleasure of eating a meal in peace. Rey shared, offering to feed Ben even though he was perfectly capable of feeding himself, and Ben laughed as Rey tried coffee for the first time, cringing at the bitter taste. No matter how much sugar or cream she added, she couldn't seem to dilute it enough for her to drink it. Ben told her it was alright not to like something while taking the cup from her hand. Then he poured the rest of the pot into her creamy cup to blacken it then drank it himself. "I know a hot drink you may like better. I will prepare it for you this evening. How about that?" He asked while kissing her nose. Rey smiled and nodded. "I would like that very much." She laughed. "At least I think I would."

Once they had finished eating, Ben took the tray and carried it into the kitchen. Rey insisted on following him this time and helping him clean the dishes. Ben would have rathered her stay in bed and allow him to do all the work, but she said that she enjoyed helping and doing simple housework. "It's definitely not as taxing as what I've been doing for the past few years. I think I can handle doing a few dishes. Besides, if we work together, they will be done sooner. So, there's no point in arguing about the topic any longer. It's only wasting precious time. Time that we could be spending together doing something else," she stated. Ben couldn't quite argue with that defense, so he allowed her to help him with the dishes. He washed, and she dried.

Soon, they had completed the chores and Rey lead Ben back to the bedroom. Ben smiled as she kissed him profusely, taking full advantage of their now married privileges. They hadn't even been married for a full twenty-four hours yet and they were already putting their time to good use. Ben wasn't complaining though. He picked Rey up and carried her to the bed, quickly disposing of the t-shirt that he found so adorable on her. Ben examined every inch of her, relishing the sight of her in natural sunlight. He could see her so much more clearly now than he had been able to the night before. They kissed and kissed and kissed until he was sure he didn't know where his lips ended and hers began. All of the memories of the previous evening returned as they relived them, and Ben knew that they would be reliving these memories for years to come.

When they had exhausted themselves thoroughly, Ben and Rey decided to take a nap, even though they had only recently woken up. Ben wasn't sure how much time had passed when Rey woke him again. He smiled up at her as she cradled his cheek with her hand. Ben reached up, covering her hand with his own. Her palm was so small, barely big enough to cover his cheek. Rey's eyes were soft as she played with his hair with her free hand. Ben sighed as she ran her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp with her nails. "That feels amazing." He commented, closing his eyes and enjoying the relaxing sensation that coursed through his body. Rey grinned and kissed his forehead. "Then I must be doing something right."

Ben pulled her hand to his chest and pressed it flat against his heart. "You're doing everything right." He said, smiling gently at her. Rey caressed his cheek with the back of her fingers then laid down against his chest. Ben sighed, enjoying the sensation of her skin flush against his. She was so warm and so soft. They stayed like that for several more minutes before Rey rolled on her stomach and met Ben's eyes. Ben craned his neck to look up at her. "Yes darling?" Rey didn't speak. She simply frowned and Ben tilted his head, confused. "What is it?" He asked, sensing something was wrong. She didn't speak for several seconds, her eyes trailing a line from his cheek down to his bare chest.

Rey lifted her hand and traced her index finger along his cheek where the scar she gave him once was. In turn, Ben reached up and grabbed her hand. "What's wrong, my love?" Rey sighed. "That night when the force connected us, and you were... shirtless..." Rey blushed as if they were both laying shirtless against one another. "I noticed that the scar ran all the way down your chest." Ben smirked. "Paying that much attention, were you?" He asked with a cheeky grin. Rey rolled her eyes. "I just mean that... Well, I hadn't realized how badly I hurt you that day. And frankly, I didn't really care." She said, somewhat ashamed. "Oh, don't worry about that dear, we were both a bit crazed that night. Neither one of us was in our right minds. And you had just witnessed me murder my own father." This time, it was Ben's turn to be ashamed.

Giving Rey's hand a gentle squeeze, Ben tried his best to be reassuring. "We needn't worry about the past anymore. Besides," Ben kissed the back of her hand. "I have a lot more to atone for than you do." Rey hesitated; uncertainty still heavily lacing her expression. "It's just, I hurt you so many times. I almost killed you..." Her hand lightly grazed the area where she had stabbed him in the abdomen. Rey met his eyes. "You were the enemy. You were with the Empire, and you didn't try to kill me. In fact, you saved my life more than once. I was supposed to be the hero and all I ever did was hurt you over and over." Ben could see the remorse in her gaze as her eyes trailed across each flesh wound that she had inflicted upon him. The scars were gone but the memory still lingered and very much remained in Rey's eyes.

Reaching up, Ben twisted a strand of her hair between his index finger and thumb, studying it thoughtfully. He considered his words carefully, being sure as to say the right things. "My love, you were the first light in my life for years. I saw you, and I knew that I needed you in my life. I wanted you. I'll admit that my desires were not always pure. I wanted you for myself. I didn't know what love was, even when we first met. I didn't hurt you because my desires were stronger than my hatred. But I did things. Bad things. Things that caused you to hate me. You were justified in your anger. I know that you never meant to hurt me. Or at least if you had known me better then, you wouldn't have. But you stood up for me and believed in me when everyone else thought I was gone for good. I don't blame you for anything."

Tears welled up in his beloved wife's eyes as she leaned down to kiss him. The tears trailed down her cheeks, falling upon their lips. Ben kissed her back, desperately trying to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close in his warm embrace. He could taste the salt of her tears as they fell upon their lips, but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was hold her until all her sorrows had disappeared. Rey seemed to calm down after a few minutes and Ben continued to run his hand up and down her back. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" Rey nodded silently, wrapping her arms around Ben's neck and resting her head on his chest once more. "I can feel your heartbeat," she whispered. "I feel yours too. I can always feel yours," Ben said, gently brushing the tearstained hair from her cheek.

Now that she was feeling better, Ben took the opportunity to remind her that her friends were leaving today. "Why don't we get dressed and make sure we are decent," he emphasized the word 'decent'. "So that we can go say goodbye to all your friends before they have to take off this evening." Rey nodded, not budging from her cozy spot on his chest. Ben grinned and chuckled slightly. He knew that she would want to see her friends and spend some time with them before they left. If she didn't, then she would regret it. "Come along dear, we have the rest of our lives to look forward to. Let's go chat a bit and bid your friends a farewell. Then we can return to enjoying one another's presence." Rey let out an exasperated sigh but nodded in agreement and got up.

   Once they were both fully clothed and their hair was fixed, Ben and Rey made their way down to the courtyard where all of their friends were waiting. Ben frowned slightly. Well, Rey's friends. He wasn't quite certain he could call them his friends yet. Poe and Finn were waiting with Rose and Zorii, while Chewy was receiving an earful from Maz. Ben grimaced, wondering what he had done to receive such a tongue lashing but he was also glad that he wasn't in the Wookie's position. Maz was not a force to be trifled with. From the sound of it, she was telling Chewy he had better keep in touch. The Wookie was taking it like a champ too, not saying a word in retaliation. Normally he would be howling his arguments back at her.

   Everyone else watched from a distance, laughing slightly at the display. Finn was the first to approach them and hug Rey. She smiled as Finn squeezed her tightly, and Ben tried his best not to be jealous. He knew he had no reason to be jealous. Rey was his wife. Not Finn's. They were just close friends. It wasn't quite that Ben thought there was anything more between them, he just didn't like how closely they hugged. But a hand on Ben's shoulder brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to see Poe. The general smiled as he squeezed Ben's shoulder. "Take care of our girl, won't you?" Ben smiled and nodded. Secretly thinking to himself that Rey was his girl and his alone. But Ben understood the sentiment behind Poe's words.

   "Of course. That was a part of my vows, was it not?" Poe smirked and Zorii joined them "Well you had better keep them Mr. Solo. Or you'll have all of us to answer to," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Yes ma'am." Ben said, not daring to challenge her authority. Besides, he had every intention on keeping his vows. So therefore, they would have no problems in the future. "She will never be in need of anything, and she will never be in want of anything. I can assure you both of that. I intend to see to it that she will have anything she's ever wanted. Rey will never go hungry or be in need of clothes or shelter." Poe scoffed slightly. "Well, that much is very obvious," he said jokingly, and Zorii elbowed him in the ribcage. A small gesture that warned him to play nice and be polite.

After a few minutes, the rest of the group rejoined them, and everyone said their final goodbyes. Rey and Ben both watched as the remaining members of the Resistance began to load into their ships and X-wings. Ben wrapped his arm around Rey as she waved to her friends. He knew this would be hard on her. She had spent a lot of time with them over the past year or so. They were all so very close. Ben thought that it would be a good idea to invite some of them back after Rey had the baby. She would need the support of her friends. Especially Rose and Zorii. Ben looked at his wife and saw tears in her eyes. "It's alright my love," he said. "It's not goodbye forever. You'll see them later. I'm sure they will visit soon." Rey nodded, wiping her tears away and leaning into Ben's embrace.

As evening approached, Ben knew night would soon be upon them. So, when everyone's ships were out of sight, Ben brought Rey back inside. But when she walked towards the bed, Ben shook his head, taking her hand. "Not yet my love. I have other plans for this evening," he said, leading her out to the balcony. Ben wanted to make this evening a special one, but he didn't want to it to be in an intimate way. He wanted to make her feel special in other ways. This would be their first evening as a married couple. So, Ben was going to show Rey the more relaxed side to being married. He also knew that she had been through a lot recently and too much excitement wouldn't be good for her or the baby. Ben wanted to make sure Rey was taking it easy at times as well.

   The cool breeze of the ocean chilled them as they walked towards the archway that lead to the balcony. So on their way outside, Ben took a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around Rey's shoulders. She looked up at him with gratitude as she pulled it tighter around herself. Ben smiled and squeezed her shoulders gently. The wind was heavy and whistled through the air, combining with the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. It was peaceful to Ben, but when he looked at Rey he could sense something was wrong. "What is it? What's wrong love?" She shivered slightly. "This just reminds me of that night... in the cave..." Her voice trailed off as her mind wandered to that night.

   Ben knew the way the cold, frigid air chilled her to the bone. He could see her memories, remembering that night and everything she had told him. About how utterly empty and alone that cave had made her feel. Until that night, Ben had felt completely alone and empty as well. It was that night that Ben had realized how he truly felt about her. They had comforted each other in a way he had never experienced before. She was there for him in a way he had never known possible. Though he wasn't sure how much his presence had comforted her that night, he knew from that point on that she was the one. Ben wrapped his arms around Rey, pulling her into his embrace. "Don't worry. You never have to feel like that again. I promise you, Rey. You'll never have to be alone again."

Rey wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging Ben back tightly. "I know." She whispered, laying her head against his chest. Ben's heart swelled with joy. He finally felt complete, like his life was fulfilled. And Ben realized that his promise to Rey meant that he also would never have to feel alone again. After a few minutes of pure tranquility, Ben looked Rey in the eye and smiled. "Now, I want you to wait here, and I will be right back," he said, smiling. "Oh, and this time, no sneaking off to follow me," he said with a wink. Rey rolled her eyes but nodded. She sat down on one of the many benches outside, wrapped the blanket closer around herself, being sure to cover her legs, and waited patiently.

When Ben returned, he carried two mugs in his hands, filled to the brim with hot cocoa. He handed Rey one of the mugs and she stared down into the creamy mixture with floating clouds, or that's what she called them. Ben chuckled slightly as she lifted the mug to her lips and took a sip, coating her top lip in a chocolatey foam. Her eyes lit up and she sighed with delight, downing half of it in one drink. "Slow down love. I can always make some more. Take your time and enjoy it." Ben said. "It's so delicious," she said. "Much better than the coffee. What is it called?" She asked as Ben sat down next to her, taking a sip of his own. "It's called hot chocolate." Ben said as she wrapped half of the blanket around him. Rey smiled, lifting her legs to lay them in his lap. Ben made sure her feet were covered as they continued to drink their cocoa.

The wind began to blow once more, but heat from their drinks warmed their insides and the mugs warmed their hands. "So," Ben started. "How are you this evening, my dear?" Rey smiled then tilted her head. "Very well... although I wish you would not call me 'my dear'." Ben chuckled. "Why is that?" He asked, curiously. "Because it's what your mother always called me when she was cross about something," she responded. "Then what endearments am I allowed?" Ben questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Well let me think..." She considered his question for a moment before responding. "Rey, for every day, My Pearl, for Sundays, and... Goddess Divine... but only on very special occasions." Rey said smugly, smiling.

"And..." Ben began, curious."What should I call you when I am cross? Mrs. Solo...?" Rey scrunched up her nose and eyebrows, disapprovingly. "No!" She shouted. "No. You may only call me, Mrs. Solo..., when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy." Ben snickered slightly, lifting his hand to cradle her chin. "Then how are you this evening... Mrs. Solo?" He asked and kissed her on the forehead. "Mrs. Solo..." He kissed her right cheek, while brushing everywhere his lips touched with the tips of his fingers. "Mrs. Solo..." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Mrs. Solo..." Her left cheek. "Mrs. Solo..." Finally, Ben kissed her on the lips. Those beautiful, wonderful, soft, sweet lips.

Author's Note: Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It had been a bit since my last update and I do apologize. I have been between jobs so things have been hectic. But hopefully this little update helps. Did y'all catch that little Pride and Prejudice scene I added at the end there? I hope so. I thought it's be a cute addition. But overall, I hope you all liked this chapter. We've only got two more chapters to go before this story will be finished out! So keep eye out for updates and let me know what you think! Please be sure to leave a vote and a comment if you enjoyed! Have a great day!!!

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