Chapter Six - Conflict

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  Making his way through the corridors, Finn kept an eye out in search of Rose. He knew she was outside, celebrating with everybody else and that his search inside the base was pointless, but he still needed some time to think. Finn couldn't face her yet. He still didn't know what he was going to do. Though it hadn't been officially confirmed, everyone knew he and Rose had been going steady for quite some time now. Finn had been the only one who hadn't actually realized it until it was too late. And by that point, he didn't have the heart to call things off. Finn sighed. He cared for Rose. But it bothered him that he had gained feelings for Jannah so easily and so quickly. But we're his feelings truly from the heart, or had they spurred from just common interest?

   Finn grumbled and continued on his way, down the hall. He was running out of time. Finn knew that he had to figure out where he stood in all this. He needed to choose between Jannah and Rose. Lando's words kept running through his mind. He had to look deep inside himself and decide which one he truly loved. By it wasn't a matter of deciding who he loved. Finn knew that he loved Rose, but he didn't really know in what way. Finn stopped to lean against the wall and rubbed his temples. Was it true that if he had loved Rose then he wouldn't have fallen for Jannah? And even if he hadn't fallen for Jannah, would things have worked out between him and Rose?

All Finn knew was that things had been difficult between him and Rose for a while now. Both of them had been distant. And Rose had her studies to look forward to. She had a whole life ahead of her. Did she truly care for him? Or had it only been the spur of the moment when she'd kissed him after saving him. Perhaps it had been the pure shock of almost dying that brought her to kiss him. And Finn had felt compelled to retaliate her feelings because she'd risked her life to save him. Was that truly all it had been? Impulse and hormones? Finn growled and beat his clenched fist against the wall.

He couldn't face her. Finn shook his head, burying his face in his fists. He couldn't go out there and face Rose during the celebration. She was happy, they all were, that the Resistance had won the war. There was no reason to ruin her happiness. And Finn couldn't go on pretending that everything was alright. He couldn't face Rose and act as if nothing had changed. Because a lot had changed, and he wasn't certain if he could keep up an act. Finn slid down the wall and crumbled into a ball on the floor. Why was it so hard? Why couldn't he figure out how he felt? This was his life. Surely he could decipher his own feelings. Surely he knew in his heart what was right.

"Finn?" A voice called and Finn looked up. He saw Jannah running towards him and shifted uncomfortably. He didn't know why, but for some reason, Jannah wasn't the one he wanted to talk to. "Finn? Are you alright?" She asked with a wide smile. Finn gave her a weak smile. He didn't want to bring down her happy mood. She was thrilled that the First Order was defeated and the war was over. And she had much reason to be. Finn sighed. "I'm fine." Jannah nodded and her smile wavered slightly. "And your friend? Is she going to be alright?" Finn shrugged slightly by nodded. "I don't know what the doctors said yet, but Rey is strong. She'll get through this."

   Jannah nodded and sat down beside Finn. "I'm sure she'll be alright." She said and Finn nodded, not making eye contact. Jannah hesitated, seemingly unsure of what to say. "Do you love her?" She asked, tilting her head. There was a certain jealousy in her eyes. Finn's eyes widened and he shook his head furiously. "It's not like that." He sighed. "I love her like a sister. Rey was the first person I met when I left the First Order. She was my first friend and she is my best friend." Jannah nodded but looked relieved. She smiled slightly and tilted her head. "Then what's wrong? Aren't you happy the First Order is finally defeated?" She asked with concern in her voice.

   Finn sighed and nodded. "I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed. I mean, the war is over. I couldn't be happier." He said with the widest smile he could manage. Jannah grinned. She stood and reached out, offering her hand to him. "That's great! Come on then! Join us for the celebration." She said as Finn hesitantly took her hand. Jannah pulled Finn to his feet with more force than he had thought possible and laughed slightly. "Your lighter than I thought you'd be." Finn rolled his eyes at her comment. He wasn't sure if she meant it as a compliment or an insult. Jannah continued to smile, so Finn took it as a lighthearted joke.

After that, the two continued to walk through the corridors for several minutes in silence. With her hands behind her back, Jannah bit her lip and looked up at Finn. "You know, it's the strangest thing, but I feel that I've known you for the longest time." Finn swallowed, suddenly feeling very hot and nodded. She didn't seem to notice his uneasiness and continued. "I know that we only just met but I feel like we're connected, Finn. Our pasts connect us." Finn continued to nod, at a loss for words. Jannah frowned. "Finn. I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to join me on a quest." Finn started at her in shock.

"What kind of quest?" He asked and Jannah grinned. "To discover our pasts! We could find out where we belong. We could learn of where we once lived, before the First Order took us from out homes." Finn hesitated, staring at her with his jaw dropped open like a guppy. He couldn't register what she was asking of him. The idea sounded amazing. Like everything he'd ever wanted. Finn wanted more than anything to find out where he had come from, even if there wasn't anybody left who'd remember him. Finn held back a groan. He didn't even know if his home planet existed anymore. But it was worth a shot. Finn looked at Jannah. Was it truly that easy? Was Jannah making his decision for him?

Finn slowly nodded and Jannah tilted her head. "Are you saying you'll come?" She asked with a bit too much enthusiasm. Finn sighed. "I... I guess I am." He said with a shrug and Jannah threw her arms around Finn's neck. Finn had to take a few large step back to keep from falling over. Jannah blushed to slid her arms from around his neck. "Oh this is so exiting! I've always wanted to go on an adventure. Not that these past few days haven't been one, but this will be our own adventure. Well find out where we came from!" She said excitedly. Finn had to admit. Her excitement was cute. It wasn't a immature and girlish excitement, but a deep happiness that she'd longed for for a long time now.

When he and Jannah started walking Finn nodded. "It'll be good to know more about my past. It's bothered me for a long time now." He said truthfully. It had been bothering him since he found out he was Force sensitive. Finn had slowly come to discover that he too was Force sensitive. It started about four months ago when he had accidentally knocked over a glass of water without touching it. Ever since then, Finn had practiced moving things with his mind. He had to be sure before he confirmed to to Rey. Finn gasped. He hadn't told Rey yet. He wanted to ask Rey to train him but he never got the right opportunity.

   Jannah looked over at Finn. "You seem stressed." Finn sighed. "I just have a lot on my mind." Jannah nodded. "The end of the war had given us a lot to think about. But most of it had been good." Jannah reached out and took Finn's hand and Finn stiffened. He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned to face Jannah. "Listen, Jannah. I do want to help you find out where you're from, and it would be nice to know where I am from as well, but I have a lot going on right now." Finn sighed. "The truth is, we probably won't be able to go on that adventure for a while. I need to be here for Rey and there are other things I have to take care of."

   "I'll help you." She said, not understanding what Finn was trying to say. Finn sighed and took both of her hands in his. "I need some time alone, Jannah. I need to find my place in all this. I need to know where I stand, and I need to figure out where I belong." Finn's voice was pleading, desperate. He needed her to understand. Jannah frowned. "I understand, Finn. But I want you to know that I will always be here for you, and I will wait as long as it takes." Jannah leaned forward and placed a kiss on Finn's cheek. "You belong with me." She whispered softly. Her voice wasn't demanding or desperate, but it shook something within him.

   Finn turned his head a fraction and met Jannah's eye. He saw sincerity. She truly did think that they belonged together. That destiny had brought them together and fate had caused  them to meet. But Finn wasn't so sure. He couldn't figure it out. He knew that he had feelings for her, but here, so close to claiming Jannah's heart for his own, he couldn't place them. Finn couldn't even breath. Their eyes were locked in a deep gaze. Jannah's glare was slightly pleading but not overbearing. She was offering him a chance. Finn let out a breath that barely passed for a sigh. He did care for her. So why was he so hesitant?

The seconds passed like hours. Finn stares into Jannah's eyes and her gaze became warm. She smiled slightly and Finn smiled to match it. He couldn't help but feel some bit of happiness at her confession. But it was what happened next that left him completely and utterly shocked. Jannah leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Finn stood there, unable to move, unable to think. Jannah's eyes were closed and her hands were on his upper arms. She pulled him closer and Finn stood, frozen, unable to retaliate. He couldn't bring himself to kiss her. Finn fought the urge to back away. It was then that he realized something. He couldn't kiss her back. He couldn't return her affection. It was in that moment that Finn realized...

   Gently but firmly, Finn placed his hands on Jannah's arms and pushed her back. He kept his hands on her arms and met her eyes. "I can't do this Jannah. I'm sorry, but... I... I love somebody else." Finn said then turned on his heel and ran down the hall. Jannah did not follow. He felt terribly guilty for leaving her behind, but he had to find Rose. Finn stopped slightly in his tracks and raised a fist to his teeth. He bit his knuckles and fought a grin. Finn dropped his hand when he felt the pain. He wasn't dreaming. He finally knew what he had to do! He finally figured out who he loved. Finn laughed slightly and raised his fist to the air in triumph.

   There was no more conflict, only resolve. He'd never felt such a peace enter his heart. Finn knew where he stood, he knew where he belonged, and he knew who he loved. He loved Rose. He'd always loved Rose. He just hadn't realized it until he'd been offered the chance to live without her. But that was just it... He couldn't live without her. Finn loved her. No matter how much time she spend researching or he'd spend on a mission. No matter how long they were apart. They'd always find their way back to each other. Finn sighed and hurried outside. He had to find her. Had to tell her how he felt.

The crowds were still thick, people still hugging and holding each other. Helmets lay scattered across the grass as couples kissed. Finn felt his heart leap as he ran through the crowds. He searched for Rose, praying that he was not too late. A hand reached out a grabbed him by the arm and he spun around. Finn frowned, a bit disappointed, but did not ignore her. "Hey Bliss." She girl in the helmet nodded. "Where is Poe?" She asked and Finn took a moment to collect himself. He could help her. His search for Rose could wait a moment. "He's in the med bay. You have to enter the base and it's on the far left corner. There should be some people who can help you along the way." Zorii nodded. "Thank you." Finn nodded then turned around to continue his search but froze in his tracks.

There she stood. Finn let out a sigh of relief when he saw her. Rose looked at him as if she hadn't seen him in years. A look of concern entered her gaze. "Finn?" Finn let down his guard. He ran over to her and threw his arms around her. "Rose." He whispered. Rose blinked in shock but returned his embrace. "Finn. I was so worried about you. Are you alright?" She said, pulling back to meet his eyes. "I am now." Finn said with a smile. He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips. Rose stood there in shock, but when he pulled away, she laced her arms around his neck and pulled him close for another kiss. He returned it gratefully and grinned. "I love you." He said when they pulled away. Rose smiled gently. "I love you too."

   Cheers erupted around them and Finn looked around. His eyes widened when he realized that he and Rose had been the center of attention for several minutes now. He felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder and turned to see Beaumont. "Well, it's about time mate." He said with a grin. Beaumont held it a hand and Finn shook it. "Thanks. But..." He looked around. "How long has this been going on?" Beaumont laughed. "We've all been waiting for you two to admit your feelings for each other. We knew you guys hadn't made it official yet but we figured if we acted like you had you'd figure it out eventually. It took you long enough."

   Finn laughed, amused and too happy to be upset with any of them. "Well, it's official!" He turned to Rose. "I love you, Rose Tico. Would you do me the honor of being mine?" Rose raised a hand to his cheek and nodded. "Yes, Finn. I will." More cheers erupted and Finn laughed as he pulled Rose close. He'd never been happier. He'd finally found where he belonged. He and his best friend were both commanding generals of the Resistance, the war was won, and he had found the woman he loved. What more could he want for in life? Guilt still nudged at him for leaving Jannah behind and he made it a mission in his mind to help her find where she was from. It was the least he could do for her.

   Beaumont stood awkwardly to the side until Finn and Rose realized that he had something else to say. Finn nodded to Beaumont and followed him away from the crowd, holding Rose's hand and leading her with him. Once they were aside, Rose frowned. "What's going on, Beaumont?" Finn tried to keep from smiling as tried to keep a serious expression. "Is Rey alright? Has there been any change?" Beaumont nodded. "I cannot say anything here. I've been sent to fetch you both and bring you to the hospital wing. There has been a major development that General Dameron wants you both to know." Finn looked over at Rose then nodded. "Let's go Beaumont."

   When they reached the med bay, Finn saw Poe and the medic waiting for them. Finn nodded to Rose and let go of her hand as she walked over to Rey's bedside. "What's going on?" Finn asked once he reached Poe's side. Poe frowned and sighed. "She's going to be alright, that's the most important thing, but there's something you have to know. I need you to be calm about this. I probably shouldn't even be telling you before... before I tell her..." He pointed his thumb in Rey's direction. "But you deserve to know as General." Finn nodded and Poe sighed. "Rey is expecting." Finn's eyebrows snapped downward and Poe let off a slight smile. "She's going to have a baby." Finn's eyes widened and he stumbled backwards a few steps. "Wha... when... how??"

Poe shook his head. "We don't know yet. I suppose that'll be for Rey to tell if she wishes." Finn nodded and Poe gave him a nod in return. "Don't judge her too harshly. We don't know the full story and that's up to her whether she wants to tell us. It's her life and it's not our place to tell her what she can and can't or should and shouldn't do. I can only guess who the father is but I think we both know. But what matters the most is that she is alive." Poe sighed. "A child is a blessing to be sure, no matter where it came from or how it came to be. If Ren is the father of this child, then perhaps it is a good thing. At least Rey will have something to remember him by." Finn stared at the ground, still too shocked to respond.

"Listen Finn, I don't want you to say anything about this when she wakes up. She doesn't even know herself and it's not right that we know before even she does. I know that you are her best friend but I would like to be the one to tell her. I think it would be for the best." Finn looked at the ground and sighed. He knew Poe was right. He was likely to get emotional if he had to tell her. But it was still so much of a shock that he didn't know how to respond. Rey was pregnant? With Ren's child?? Finn shook his head. He had to stop referring to him as that. He was Ben Solo. Ben Solo was the one Rey had fallen in love with and he was surely the father. Finn took a shallow breath. "Will she be alright?" Poe nodded. "She's weak, and it will be a hard couple of days for her, but she'll be alright." Finn looked over at Rey and sighed. "That's good news." Poe nodded. "By the way, Beaumont mentioned that you and Rose are together. Congratulations, pal." Finn smiled. "Thanks."

Finn kept his gaze on Rose and Rey. He still couldn't believe it. He was happy for Rey, to say the least, but the idea of her and Ben together still left a bit of a sour taste in his mouth. But Finn would have to accept it. If he wanted to be a part of Rey and the baby's life, then he would have to accept who the baby's father was and try to look past the bad things he had done. If Ben Solo had gone into that, knowing he could be a father, then he had to have been ready. Finn wondered if he would have been a good father. Rey seemed to think he was a good man in the end.

With a sigh, Finn walked over and sat beside Rose. She smiled at him and Finn took her hand. With his free hand, he reached over and took Rey's. He couldn't help but wonder if he and Rose would one day have a child of their own. Like Rey and Ben. Finn could only imagine being a father. He knew that Rose would be an amazing mother, just like Rey was going to be. Finn looked down. Rey was going to have to raise this child alone. His heart broke for her. Finn gave Rose's hand a squeeze and sighed. He promised himself that he would be there for Rey. No matter what happened, she would not have to raise this child alone.

Author's Note:
Hello!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I was really torn between who Finn should choose but I feel like he made the right choice. I hope you all think so as well. Yes he and Jannah have chemistry, but that doesn't change who you love. But t is true that if you meet someone whom you may have a lot in common with it can alter your way of thinking. But I think I made the right choice. So I hope you all enjoyed, please comment and let me know what you thought! And please vote for this chapter if you already have not.

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