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It had been five years since Ben and Rey had gotten married and she had given birth to the twins. Since then, they had had another beautiful baby girl and Rey decided to name her Leia, which brought Ben to tears. And much to everyone's shock... Rey was expecting, yet again. They had already chosen a name, planning on Anakin if it was a boy or Annie if it were a girl. Ben and Rey had considered naming the baby Luke but ended up choosing his grandfather's name instead. They both loved Luke dearly, but Ben wished to honor Anakin and Rey respected his choice. He had told her that he wanted to honor Anakin Skywalker for once, rather than Darth Vader.

As for all of their friends and family, Chewy had decided to stay on Naboo with Ben and Rey. He was amazing with the children. Although that wasn't a surprise. Ben said that they had been very close when he was little and Chewy loved being around him and the children. Rey assumed it was because they reminded him of Han. As for the others, Finn and Rose had gotten married and began an expedition alongside Lando, helping ex-stormtroopers to find their homeland and remaining family. Poe was still general of the Resistance, while the ever-stubborn Zorii continued to deny his marriage proposals. Everyone made sure to visit often, including Maz Kanata. She never missed an opportunity to see her beloved Wookie.

There was no denying that they all had a wonderful life. It was so much more than either of them could have hoped for and they realized that more and more every day. At times, Ben found himself regretting his past, and Rey would comfort him. There were also times when Rey would think about all the time that she was alone on Jakku, and Ben would do his best to comfort her in return. But mostly, it was the children that provided the biggest comfort. Ben and Rey's children were their pride and joy. Ben would often times wonder why he ever wanted anything other than this. Rey would remind him that things were different back then, to which he agreed. But now that he had a family, he wouldn't trade it for anything in the galaxy.

Both Rey and Ben made sure to spend as much time with the children as they could. On warm, sunny days, they would take the children down to the beach, and Ben would tell them stories about how their great grandfather had hated sand and Rey would nod in agreement. (Something about growing up on a planet made of sand did that to someone.) Then Ben would have the children all gang up and splash their mother together. On the colder days, Ben would make them all hot chocolate and they would sit in the den, wrapped in blankets, while their father tended to the fireplace. Then Ben and Rey would tell stories of their adventures. For the children's sake, they wouldn't go into great detail about Ben's part in the war. But they did make sure to tell each child about their namesake.

Some evenings, Anakin, Luke, and Leia would appear to see their grandchildren. They didn't interact with them very often, as the children were still so very young, and they didn't want to scare them. But they always promised Ben and Rey that they would keep Han and Padmé informed as to how the children were. It was difficult since Han and Padmé were not Force sensitive themselves and were unable be there themselves to see their namesakes. But they were always watching over them. Sometimes, Ben and Rey would take the children for a ride on the Falcon, in honor of Han. Which, by any chance, was exactly what they were preparing the children for that day.

It was Ben who awoke first that morning, as usual. And like every other morning, he went downstairs to make breakfast. Rey always complained about him doing the majority of the cooking, saying that it was supposed to be her job, but Ben insisted she stay in bed. Especially while she was pregnant. Besides, he enjoyed taking care of his family. So, after preparing a quick and healthy breakfast, he brough Rey her food on a tray and laid the children's food out on the table. When he entered the bedroom again, Rey was getting dressed. Ben sat the tray on the bed and walked over to her. He grinned as he wrapped his arms around her back, resting his chin on the top of her head and his hands on her stomach. The baby's life force hummed just as strongly as the twin's had.

With a kiss on the cheek, Ben began to help Rey button her clothes up. Today, she had insisted upon wearing her normal attire instead of a dress, which he was perfectly fine with. Although he appreciated it when she wore the dresses he bought her, he wanted her to be comfortable during her pregnancy. So, for days that they did activities with the children, like today, she would wear he old attire. After she was dressed, she sat down to eat while Ben dressed. He chose something that resembled his old attire. A black vest, pants, belt, and gloves. It wasn't his favorite thing to wear, but it served well while going on flying outings. It also served as a reminder of who he once was and why he would never go back.

Once he was dressed and Rey had finished eating, Ben climbed into the bed with her and pulled her into his arms. Rey grinned, sighing into her husband's embrace. "Come along now, Ben. We have such a busy day ahead. We have to wake the children! Oh!" She squealed the last sentence as Ben began to tickle her. Rey hated being tickled, but Ben liked the way it stirred the baby up. As Ben continued to irritate his wife, Rey swatted at his hands, trying to wiggle free of his grasp. Once he stopped tickling her, Rey fell into his arms, exhausted and exasperated. Ben chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Okay. Now we can go wake the children." Rey gave him a dirty look and grumbled as he let her go.

When Ben and Rey entered the twin's room that morning, they were both still fast asleep. The couple smiled as Rey approached Han's bed and Ben picked Padme up. Leia, they allowed to sleep in somewhat as she was younger than the twins. As little Han sat up, Rey walked over to the dresser and pulled out some clothes, handing a dress to Ben as he hushed their crying girl. Padme wasn't especially fond of mornings and usually put up a fight to get out of bed. That was until Ben picked her up and bounced her for a bit. She then usually perked up somewhat and allowed Ben to dress her. She loved it when daddy helped her to pick a dress. Han wasn't so difficult. He loved mornings, always excited for the adventure the day would bring. But today, he was especially excited, as he knew they were going for a ride on his grandpa's ship.

Thankfully for Ben and Rey, today, the children had picked out their outfits the day before. It didn't take long to get them dressed and ready. Ben always took a little bit longer with Padme though, as he would brush her hair and fix it any way she liked, a habit Ben had practiced on Rey while she was pregnant just in case they had a girl. After Rey finished dressing Han, she would go and wake Leia while Ben helped Padme get ready. Leia was usually fairly cranky, but today, when Rey entered the nursery, she was standing at the edge of her crib, smiling, cooing, and reaching out for Rey to hold her. Rey grinned as she picked up her little toddler. "My, my, you are getting big little one," she said as she sat Leia down on the changing table. "Only a few more months and you're going to need a new bed."

The new baby was due in just under six months. By then, Ben and Rey planned to have Leia situated in a toddler bed, as she was outgrowing the crib, and use her old crib for the baby. For the time being, they had decided to keep her in the nursery, as it was closer to their bedroom. Ben and Rey hadn't decided whether they wanted to put her new bed in the nursery or in another room. They didn't want the baby to disturb Leia while she was sleeping by crying, but at the same time, they wanted both of the younger children close. The twins had chosen to share a room, so they had plenty of space, but Rey and Ben had decided to place that decision on hold until closer to the delivery date.

Once Leia was changed and dressed, Rey turned to see Ben leaning against the doorframe, a wide smile on his face. Rey walked over to him, handing Leia over with a kiss on her cheek and Ben's. "Are the twins ready?" She asked and Ben nodded. Rey looked over his shoulder. "Well, where are they?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Ben grinned. "They're in the kitchen, finishing their breakfast as quickly as possible with their Uncle Chewy," he said. Rey nodded. "Ah. That checks out." She placed a kiss on Ben's lips. "Is Han excited?" Ben quirked his eyebrows and lips into an expression that dripped with sarcasm. "Not at all." Rey rolled her eyes and smacked Ben's shoulder. "You think you're so funny." She grunted and he smirked. "Indeed, I do."

After Ben and Rey had finished their squabble of petty remarks, they made their way to the dining room. When they made it, the kids had almost already finished their breakfast. Rey looked up at Ben. "Well darling, I do believe the children are excited. I don't think I've ever seen them eat their breakfast so quickly before." Ben chuckled. "I don't know honey, they seem to like my cooking better than even you do. Or at least, they like it better than they like your cooking." Rey rolled her eyes and jabbed Ben in the side with her elbow. Ben grunted and rubbed his side while Rey placed Leia in her highchair and they both sat down at the table.

The twins continued to scarf down their food until they had cleared their plates then looked at their parents. "We're finished!" They said in unison. "Can we go board the Falcon with Uncle Chewy now?" Han asked. Ben looked at Rey, allowing her to answer and she nodded. "Just take your plates to the sink and rinse them first please." The twins nodded, taking their dishes to the kitchen, Han carting Chewy in tow. Chewy groaned, complaining that he hadn't finished his own breakfast yet. He looked at Ben and Rey who simply shrugged as Han pulled him by the paw into the other room. Ben looked at Rey and they shared an amused smile at their son's antics while Rey continued to spoon-feed little Leia.

After Leia had finished eating, Ben cleared off the table and Rey helped clean the dishes, then they made their way to the Millenium Falcon. When they reached the cockpit, they found Chewy with Han in the driver's seat and Padme sitting on the floor with her favorite doll. Rey smiled, picked Padme up and sat her on the couch next to the hologram board. When she returned to the cockpit, she found Ben in the driver's seat with Han on his lap. She smiled, picturing a younger version of Ben, sitting in that very same seat with his own father. Rey walked up behind Ben, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his neck before whispering in his ear. "You are a wonderful father, you know that?"

Ben grinned, while leaning into her embrace and placing a hand on her arm. "I do my best." He sighed. "I love this... Our life together. And I love you," he whispered. Rey felt her heart swell. Ben placed a quick kiss on her lips and flashed her a bright smile before turning back to Han. "Alright son, are you ready to learn how to drive your grandpa's ship?" Han bounced up and down with excitement, nodding enthusiastically. Rey chuckled, placing a hand on her son's shoulder. "He is so much like his grandfather, isn't he?" She said, looking at Ben and Chewy. Chewy shouted in agreement and Ben nodded. "I'll say."

Rey laughed, shaking her head and walked over to fasten Leia into her seat. "Don't take off yet! I have to get the girls situated!" She shouted. Ben chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry my love! We have a lot of learning to do before take-off!" Rey finished buckling the girls in and entered the cockpit again. "Oh, come now. We don't have time for all that. Do we, Han?" She looked at the child sitting on Ben's lap. Their son looked back and forth between his parents with wide eyes before shaking his head. "No daddy," he finally said. "I wanna go fast!" Rey nodded. "That's my boy," she said while taking her seat. Ben frowned, accepting defeat. He placed a hand on the boy's head, ruffling his dark, wavy hair and leaned down. "Traitor," he whispered in Han's ear.

As they prepared for takeoff, Ben sat Han in the child's seat that they'd had installed next to the pilot's and buckled him in. He then patted his son on the head and handed him the little toy model of the Falcon that Ben had carved for him. Han took it gladly with a wide toothy grin and began making rocket ship sounds with his mouth while flying the toy in circles. Ben looked down at the child with an expression of pure joy. Ever since Ben and Rey had gotten married, there wasn't a day that went by that Ben didn't count his many blessings. "So where to, my dear wife?" Ben said while turning to face his wife. Rey smirked. "Ajan Kloss. I think it's time we give Uncle Poe and Auntie Zorii a visit." Ben nodded, turning back around and prepared the ship for liftoff.

Once they had landed on the foreign moon, Chewy helped to unbuckle the twins and held their hands as they exited the Falcon. Rey began to unbuckle Leia and Ben stepped in. "Here, let me hold her." He said, picking her up and balancing her on his hip. Rey smiled as he wrapped his free arm around her waist, and they left the ship together. As they walked into the sun, they saw Poe and Zorii waiting for them at the end of the ramp. Han was running in circles around Poe's feet, chasing after BB-8, and Padme rested peacefully with her dolly in Zorii's arms. Their friends smiled at them, and Rey saw something glisten around Zorii's finger as she waved to them. Rey's eyes widened and Zorii smiled, raising her hand to show them a golden ring with a shining diamond in the center.

Rey broke away from Ben's arms and rushed over to her friend. "It's finally happening!" She said as she pulled Zorii in for a hug. "I finally said yes!" Zorii responded, giving Rey a one-armed hug, being careful not to crush little Padme. The girls grinned and chattered, excitement filling the air as they began to make wedding plans. After almost six years of waiting with anticipation, it was finally happening. The wedding of General Poe Dameron and Zorii Bliss had been a long-awaited event. After Ben and Rey's wedding, and then Finn and Rose's wedding, Poe and Zorii were the last in line. It was only natural that all of the Resistance wished to see their beloved war hero and heroines finally have their happy ending.

Ben chuckled as he approached Poe and patted him on the back. "Congratulations General." Poe nodded with gratitude and Ben nudged him with his elbow. "Be careful mate, it's the stubborn ones that you have to look out for," Ben said under his breath. Rey turned to face the boys and crossed her arms while giving Ben a dirty look. "Now, now, Mr. Solo, I suggest you not be spreading nasty rumors. Poe and Zorii have been waiting a long time for this moment. We wouldn't want you to be the cause of any uncertainty, now, would we?" Ben smirked, giving Poe a look that said, 'told you so'. "No, of course not dear," Ben replied. "I was simply explaining the benefits of being married." Rey smiled with a nod and returned to speaking with Zorii. Shortly after, they all entered the base to celebrate.

Even with all her stubbornness and all of the silly banter, Ben couldn't deny it. Being married and having a family was wonderful. It was so much more amazing than he ever could have thought possible. He couldn't even imagine going back to the life he once had. Ben found out a long time ago that being married and having a family was the most precious thing in the world. Now, Ben woke up every morning, thanking his lucky stars for everything he had. It was an incredible relief to know that he didn't have to worry about the empire any longer. His family was safe, and that was all that he could ask for. Ben and Rey could rest easy, knowing that they could live in peace for the rest of their lives.

Even after everything they had been through and all her time spent alone, Rey also couldn't deny that the family life had grown on her. She had come to love being a part of something so special. Although there were some times when she missed her scavenging days, and her alone time. But more often than not, she preferred to spend her time with her family. Rey had been alone for so long on Jakku, it was difficult to establish a healthy balance between being alone and spending time with Ben and the children. But somehow, she managed to spend time with Ben while also getting the quiet and privacy she needed. It was almost as if they had become so comfortable with one another, that they would spend time together while also doing their own project. It had made them almost inseparable.

Dinner was marvelous. There was a wonderful feast prepared in honor of Poe and Zorii's engagement, and everyone had attended. Much to Ben and Rey's surprise, they had been the first to arrive and the last to know. When Zorii questioned Rey, asking if she'd gotten her message about the dinner, Rey simply replied that she hadn't received any message but she had wonderful intuition. "It comes with being an expectant mother, I suppose." But regardless of how everyone had been informed about the dinner party, it was a splendid affair. So many people talking and joking and laughing. Ever since the war had ended, the Resistance had been filled with parties just as such.

As usual, Finn and Rose had been questioned by many about the possibility of children in the near future, to which they would always respond that they were terribly busy and didn't have time for children at the moment. Poe had given a lovely speech about his dedication to commanding the Resistance and how grateful he was for having Zorii by his side the entire time. Over the years, Beaumont had softened slightly when it came to Ben and held an occasional conversation with him. BB-8 was always glad to see Rey and Han loved to play with him. Whenever they ventured off together, Rey would have to chase after them. "Han Solo you come back here right now!" She'd shout, causing Ben and everyone else around the dinner table to laugh.

After the celebrations had died down, and most of the crowd had cleared away, Ben and Rey decided to go for a walk. Poe offered to played with Han and Padmé while Zorii rocked Leia to sleep, to which they were very grateful. It was important to Ben and Rey that they had time together, separate from the children. Even if it was simply a fifteen minute walk once in a while. Once they were out of earshot, Ben looked at Rey. "They will make wonderful parents one day." Rey nodded with a soft smile. "Yes, I agree." Ben smiled himself, taking Rey's hand in his own and kissed it. "I love you." Rey smiled. "I love you too." Ben pressed his forehead against Rey's and she laid her hand on his chest as he wrapped his hands around her waist. Even three months pregnant,  she was thin enough for him to wrap his hands around her entire waist. Especially since this pregnancy was moving at a normal pace. Leia's had as well. Ben noticed that it was when the children were borne of normal conception, the pregnancy lasted the full nine months.

   As they stood, comforted by one another's presence, it occurred to both of them that they had finally found their happiness. Through each other, through their children, through their friends and family, and through the Force. Inner peace had been something that was always hard for Ben and Rey. Whether it had been because of desires, or hatred, fear of abandonment. But once they set their differences aside, they had been able to forget about all of those things and find it within one another. Now, there was nothing left for either of them to want for in life. Anything and everything they ever would have wanted had been given to them after they surrendered their misgivings. And whether it had been their fate or their choice, Ben and Rey knew that this was exactly where they were meant to be.

Through the years, Ben and Rey had come to truly appreciate each other and their new lives. It had taken some adjusting. They had run into disagreements and arguments, but it was nothing that they were not able to discuss and overcome. All in all, it helped them to get to know one another better and become better parents for their children. Now, there was nothing that Ben and Rey were unable to accomplish as far as their relationship or parenthood was concerned. It was truly a miracle that both Ben and Rey felt grateful for each and every time they looked at one another or any one of their three beautiful children. But as wonderful as every part of their lives were, Ben and Rey knew that this was only the end of the beginning.

Author's Note:
I hope everyone was satisfied with the final chapter of this story! I tried my best to give everyone the ending I thought they deserved. The baby turns out to be a boy for anyone who is curious. I  had considered them naming the last baby Luke if it were a boy but I considered all the facts. Rey wasn't that close to Luke. Yes, he trained her for a short time, but they also hadn't spoken since she found out the truth about Ben and left him on that Ahch-To. As far as Ben goes, it's natural that he'd want to name the baby after his grandfather after seeing the truth to who he was, rather than a man who tried to kill him when he was innocent. Now I do know that Luke didn't go through with it, but that stuff leaves trauma. Like, imagine waking up to see your uncle standing over you with a lightsaber. But anyways, regardless of whether or not everyone liked the baby names I chose, I hope you all enjoyed this book! I truly loved writing it and giving Ben and Rey a happy ending, especially after the trauma that was Rise of Skywalker. (I cried for hours after leaving the theater.) So thank you to everyone who has stuck with me to the very end, and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!!

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