Chapter 13: The Plan

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The Guardians, and Red, had decided to stay around the restaurant, café or whatever, a bit longer, to make sure that the pink aliens wouldn't follow them. After maybe an hour or so, Peter called for a bathroom break, in which everyone started discussing again over if the pink aliens would ambush Peter on his way to bathroom or something.

"Look, this is getting ridiculous!" Rocket said, standing up in his chair so he could appear taller.

"If we're all going to argue about something as dumb as getting ambushed while takin' a piss, how about we all go. We can leave when we're done."

"Rocket, do you gotta whizz too?" Peter asked, jokingly.

"Of course I gotta whizz I drank like five of those purple things."

Rocket picked up Baby Groot and grudgingly headed to the bathroom, practically leading everyone to get up and head there too, Gamora being the only sensible person to put money in the table they were sitting at. Red followed the she-alien to the restroom, sticking close and trying not to be too paranoid. Every time she calmed down though, she'd swear she saw something pink in the corner of her eye. Gamora could see the animal's eyes darting back and forth throughout the room.

"Red, it's going to be alright." She said. Red's head snapped to the green alien. Gamora frowned at the paranoia in the fox's face. She reached down and patted her head, which seemed to ease the creature. Gamora opened the door for Red to step into the bathroom. As she walked into the room, Gamora swept the café with a suspicious stare, then followed suit into the room. Red didn't need to go, but Gamora did. So she sat Red up on the counter to sit as she went to do her business. The fox looked into the mirror that was behind what appeared to be a sink and she sighed. She ran a her fingers through her fur, and tried to perk her ears back up. They stayed flat though, her fears controlling them. When Red looked away from herself, Gamora was standing right behind her, looking at herself in the mirror. Red gave out a yelp, surprised by the sudden appearance of the alien behind her.

"My apologies, Red." She said, starting to wash her hands. Red merely nodded. When Gamora finished she picked up Red and put her down. She led the way out the bathroom, and they both waited for the boys to finish. The fox stayed close to the alien, she looked around anxiously, her tail wrapping around herself. Gamora noticed this and told Red to go into the bathroom they were just in to be safe, so she could speak privately with the boys.

Gamora peeked her head into the bathroom that Peter, Drax, Rocket and Groot had gone into. Peter was standing right by the door and he let out a small scream when Gamora had suddenly appeared.

"Jesus Christ! Gamora what the shit?"

"Red is very anxious, we need to hurry up. Rocket?"

"What is it kid?"

"Kid?" Gamora scoffed and shook her head. "Rocket, you need to stay by Red, she's closer to you."

"What?" Rocket poked his head past Peter.

"Why do I have to babysit her?" He asked.

"Because I said so- and I'll tear your tail off and shove it down your throat if you don't." Gamora glared. Rocket rolled his eyes.

"And it might give you the chance to tell her how you feel." Gamora added and left.

"Ooo~ she's setting you up perfectly!" Peter said.

"Yes- the small creature is afraid. When females are afraid they tend to latch onto strong men to protect them. You're neither strong nor a man but you will do for Red's time in need." Drax said stepping out from a stall. Peter gave a look that read 'what even', but shrugged it off and picked Baby Groot off from the counter, going out of the bathroom.

In a few moments, the team was out and heading for the Milano. Red was practically glued to Rocket's side- much to his somewhat annoyance. Yes, he wanted to be by Red, but he felt- weird. He couldn't think straight and his stomach didn't feel right. He knew that he liked her, just didn't want to face the facts, and being by her only made him face them, which is not what he wanted to do. Red didn't realize what she was doing, all she knew was that she did not feel safe unless she was next to someone she trusted, that someone happened to be Rocket. She latched onto his arm as the walked, trying to get as close as possible. Rocket's mind was reeling. Half of him wanted to shove her and tell her to get off, but the other half wanted to hold her closer to make sure she really felt safe. He decided to not act on either and just kept walking, pretending like she wasn't holding him in a death grip.

When they got to the Milano, Drax stayed outside as everyone else got in to double check for Dewitty and Frensky, then going into the ship. The team sat around the bridge of the ship. Peter paced, biting his thumb, contemplating, Red was still holding onto Rocket, who was now holding Baby Groot. Gamora had her elbows on her knees and was staring into the floor, and Drax was polishing a knife, as he does in most situations.

"I know they're following us, I just know it." Red mumbled and wiped at her eyes as tears started to flow from them. "I don't want them to take me again!"

"Hey- hey!" Peter exclaimed, frowning at Red's tears. "Ye of so little faith! I am currently thinking of a plan to get rid of the pink fuckers."

"Really?" Red sniffed, hope starting to rebuild.

"Well- yeah- I just said I was, didn't I?"

Red gave a small smile.

"Whatever Star-Ass has planned I bet it'll take both of those motherfuckers down. . . Or get us killed. Either way you'll never see them again!" Rocket said hopefully. Red wasn't sure whether to find that reassuring or not.

For next fifteen minutes, Peter informed everyone of his plan, which honestly wasn't terrible. It was a simple plan, easy to follow and carry out. When everyone was clear on what to do for the plan, Peter went into the cockpit and started up the Milano. The ship roared to life and it took off. It slowly cruised through the stars and waited for the plan to take its own course. Drax was off on the side polishing his knives as he was before, the guy could never get enough shine. Gamora was with Peter in the cockpit, talking quietly about God knows what.

That left Red with Rocket and Baby Groot. She waited with bated breath for the pink scientists to come in and take her as the raccoon was off on the side tinkering. He looked over his shoulder at the fox, who was staring at the door of the spaceship. Her amber eyes were wide and Rocket could tell she was going to start crying again. Her tail flicked back and forth, sweeping gears and bolts that had rolled near her. Baby Groot was set next to her, watching her with a sad look of someone who wanted to help but could only do so much. The small plant humanoid reached out a small hand, and placed it on the red fur of the Earth creature. Red jumped at the sudden contact and they looked down at Baby Groot, who smiled up at her. She gave a weak smile back, and softly patted his head in thanks.

"He has a gift like that, ya know? Bein' able to calm someone down." Rocket muttered. Red looked up at him and nodded, her smile growing stronger.

"He truly does." Red muttered back, breaking her gaze from Rocket back to Baby Groot. Rocket got up and sat next to Red so they were both in front of the potted plant. Red glanced over at Rocket for a moment, her smile turning to a grin for a split second then scooted closer to him. They both sat there, playing with Baby Groot to calm the nerves of Red for a good while, the time being peaceful for once in Red's life. It can be argued that Rocket felt the same way and more. He started to get that feeling from earlier, and he hated it. Almost as if Groot could sense what Rocket was feeling, he looked at the raccoon, then nodded towards Red, who was now observing a bolt in her hands. Rocket shook his head, mouthing 'no' to the plant who only kept nodding to Red.

"What're you two doing?" Red asked, when she looked up to find the two doing their wordless arguing.

"Uh- a game that Groot likes. I say 'no' and he says 'yes', he gets a kick out of it." Rocket lied. Red narrowed her eyes but nodded.

"Huh- weird, but okay." She went back to looking at the bolt, picking up another and a screw. Rocket looked back at Baby Groot, who was looking disappointed. Rocket gave a look back saying 'Really? What's that for?', which was replied with a look of 'Whatever- you do you- be sad and lonely forever.'. Rocket rolled his eyes, landing on Red. Rocket sighed, deflating a bit.

"Hey Red,"

"Yes?" She looked up, her amber eyes
no longer filled with tears, but instead of peace.

"I got somethin' to tell ya. . ." Rocket muttered, looking down in his lap.

"Go on." Red leaned forward a bit to show that he had her full attention. Rocket took a deep breath and looked up.

"Red- I-"

There was a crash into the ship, knocking everyone over. Red grabbed onto Baby Groot, holding him tightly to her chest so he doesn't get hurt.

"Holy shit!" You could hear Peter yell from the cockpit.

"What the fuck was that?!" Rocket yelled back. Before Peter could reply, Red cut in, tears starting to fall down her face.

"It's them."

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