Chapter 3: Name Picking

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Once Quill and the fox got onto the ship, she took the liberty of walking. She stumbled at first, but soon was walking like a human, or alien, in the situation she was in.

"What is the small creature standing beside you, Quill?" A oddly colored man said. He was a grayish green, and red tattoos were etched all across his chest, arms, stomach, and most likely back as well. The only reason the fox knew was because he was shirtless, and he also was rather muscular, and it was kinda scary.

"Drax, this is a fox, we're going to be nice to her because she comes from my planet."

"Terran? Do the rest of your females on your world look this 'fox'?"

"No, she's a type of animal that lives there." Quill sighed.

"How is she in space?"

"I was abducted and experimented on." The fox said patiently.

"Oh, we will show hospitality then."

"Thank you." Drax smiled and walked off.

"Alright, you've met Gamora, she's probably getting food for you. Uh, I don't think you've met Rocket." The fox cautiously stepped into a different room. She saw the raccoon, Rocket, tinkering with different parts that the fox didn't know of. There was also a moving tree on the table that Rocket was next to. The plant turned to Quill and her, and smiled. He waved at them, Quill waving back. When Rocket didn't look up, Quill cleared his throat.

"I know you're there." Rocket said, annoyed. "Can I help yo-" Rocket's eyes laid on the fox. If you listened hard enough you could hear his breathing catch, but no one really noticed.

"Who're you?" He asked, acting like nothing happened.

"I don't know. I don't have a name." She replied.

"She's the fox that was on that escape ship. You left before you could meet her. The tree that's growing in the pot is Groot. So Rocket, and Groot, meet, um, the fox."

"It'd be better if you'd get me a name." She said looking up at the human.

"Uh, yeah, I'll work on it." Rocket had turned back to his little mechanism that he made, completely ignoring the red animal and Quill.

"You can stay here until Gamora comes along with food, which I'm going to help her with, since she most likely knows absolutely nothing about what foxes eat." She nodded, and watched Quill leave, her back to Rocket, and her tail, somewhat, waving behind her.

She felt like someone was staring at her, she turned around, and saw that Rocket was still tinkering and Groot was watching him. She carefully moved to sit next to Rocket, who didn't take notice of her presence.

"What're you making?" She asked quietly.

"Some improvements for my gun." The raccoon nodded to the gun that was leaning against the table Groot was on. She stared at the gun.

"That's nice." She smiled.

"Groot likes you, by the way. He won't stop staring at you." He smirked. The fox looked up seeing Groot staring at her, smiling.

"Can he talk?"

"Not yet." Rocket replied. He picked up his gun and started to put the device he built, into it. "There we go, now it should be able to shoot faster."

Gamora walked in along with Quill and Drax.

"Alright, since everyone is here, maybe we can think of a name for the fox." Quill said, taking a seat, Gamora handed the fox a plate of food, and stood beside Quill. Drax sat down in the far corner of the room, and seemed to start polishing knives.

"Sly." Quill suggested. The fox shook her head as she began to dig into the food Gamora had given her.

"Why 'Sly'?" Gamora asked.

"Is she deceitful? If so she should not be on the ship." Drax said, the knife in his hand glistening, the fox gulped down her food, staring at the knife, becoming scared.

"No, on 'Terran', the foxes are sly because they're mysterious, and cunning."

"I see." Gamora said.

"She doesn't like the name anyway, so moving on."

"We don't exactly know her very well. It's hard to pick a name for her."

"You don't think I didn't figure that out?"

"Stop arguing, it's not doing anyone good." Rocket said, not looking up as he examined his gun.

"Ess-cop-ay." Quill said, quoting Dory from Finding Nemo.

"No." They all said, except or the fox who was utterly confused as she continued eating.

"Refugee, Rebel, Foxy, Whitetail, Amber."

"I don't really like any of those."

"How about Peter stops suggesting names." Gamora said.

"Who's Peter?" The fox asked.

"I'm Peter, everyone calls me by my last name though." Quill answered. She nodded, and continued eating.

"How about Red?" Rocket suggested, not even looking up. The fox gulped down the last of her food.

"I like that." She said.

"What? That's not any better than Sly!" Peter argued.

"It doesn't matter now, she likes it, so that's her name." Rocket said smirking.

"Fine. Well, welcome Red."

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