Chapter 13

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Delhi Day 1

Plane ride wasn't as bad as Drishti had dreaded it to be. After the initial fear, surprisingly rest of the journey proved to be full of laughter.

Seema who wasn't even interested in talking before was now almost clinging to her and Nalini madam had always been close to her. Drishti had forgotten that she was in plane. It was when the landing instructions were being announced that her fear crept in again.

Drishti had just clutched the seat handle when she realised her husband was standing beside her seat. The ladies besides her immediately sprang out of their seats realising their boss wanted his seat back.

Regaining his original seat Rakshit immediately fastened his as well as Drishti's seat belt. Looking at Drishti's pale face he had immediately intertwined their hands. Drishti had clung to him till the plane came to absolute standstill.

Rest of the day was busy for Shergills as well as the staff. Reaching their hotel... checking in... getting fresh.. leaving for meeting was all done in a rush. They were already behind schedule due to flight delay.

Being day one of merger many presentations were lined up. Meetings were held. It was hectic. Apart from the lunch break, which was also in a jiffy, everyone were on their toes. By the time they reached back to hotel, it was already night. Exhausted, everyone just retired to their rooms. No one had energy to say goodbye even. Bed was the only temptation now.

Entering the room Drishti stood still at the door absorbing in the room she was in. In the morning she hardly had time to give it a second glance. But now, she was stunned by it.

Why does it have sitting area and kitchen? Who needs it in a hotel? But it was well furnished and screamed elegance. Sitting area itself was that of a size of small room. Entering the sleeping area she was surprised to find it bigger than their bedroom. On the left wall was a humongous TV. Beautifully carved wooden table, two chairs and a sofa, all wooden, were at some distance from the TV wall. A beautiful flower vase with equally beautiful flowers was adding to the beauty of the table.

Huge french doors could be seen which were covered by white curtains. The door probably opened to a balcony, Drishti thought. On the right was a king size bed. Another small but beautifully crafted sofa was at the foot of the bed. The wall behind the bed had a large size painting of waterfall. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling was delicate and exquisite. The room was bigger than their bedroom.

Drishti recollected the last time she was in a hotel room. It consisted of a small bed, a chair and once her bag was kept, hardly any space was left for standing. This was the first time she was stepping into a five star hotel, that too in VIP suite. Perks of marrying a top businessman she thought in her head. The very next moment she thought it was waste of money. All they needed was a bed to sleep in. But the room was beautiful and she found it peaceful even with the headache that made her head feel heavy, as if a dinosaur was sitting on it.

Getting fresh the couple started what they do Rakshit was sitting on bed, his full attention in his laptop which was in front of him. Drishti was in the kitchen area, using its platform as a table for arranging her papers, making sets of them and reviewing her presentation. She had to take frequent breaks to raise her head high, as if just by tilting the head would throw off the dinosaur sitting on her head and the ache would stop atleast temporarily.

The couple were so engrossed in their work, they had forgotten it was already way past their bed time. But who cares about sleep when there's work?

Rakshit's phone rang which he picked up without even knowing who was on line.

" Jiju had you slept?"

" Romi! Ya I am talking in my sleep."

"Sorry to disturb you. Just wanted to check on Di. But if you both are sleeping then fine." Romi said embarrassed to wake them up.

"No we are working. You didn't disturb us." Rakshit kept his cool even though he was a bit irritated for being disturbed while working.
" Why don't you try your sisters cell?"

"She hasn't slept yet? I have been calling her continuously since evening but she isn't answering. I am sure she must have forgotten due to migraine. " Romi sounded worried.

"Migraine?" Rakshit asked. This word had definitely caught his attention. His laptop was closed and now only the ongoing conversation had his full attention.

" Wo, Di usually gets migraine after long travel. Plus she must have worked late yesterday. So migraine is on the way I am sure. That's if it hasn't started yet." Romi sighed saying it.

"Does she get that often?" Rakshit was clearly worried now.

" Only when she travels long distance or when she is stressed. I am sure plane travel must have been enough to give her one. I used to make her keep medicine before, but yesterday I didn't remind her. Hope she has kept it."

" Don't worry I will see to that. Just message me name of the medicine."

"Thanks jiju!!" Romi could sense Rakshit's sincere care even though he could not see him. Also, he knew once Rakshit says something he will make sure to do it. Plus he had seen the way he always took care of his Di.

Now that Rakshit had managed to get his eyes off his laptop, he started searching for his wife. The room looked empty. Where can she be? She won't go out so late, that's for sure. He was on his feet now, a bit worried in what state he will be finding her.

Rakshit walked to the sitting area only to find it empty too. Even the kitchen lights were off. Now Rakshit was worried. Where can she go at this time? Let me check in kitchen he thought.

Rakshit switched on the lights of kitchen. First thing that his eyes went on, were the papers, neatly organized on the platform. Then he saw Drishti curled up on a chair, her head buried in-between her legs which were folded near her chest.

" Mrs Shergill! Yaha kyu baithi ho?"
His voice was enough to convey his worried state.

Drishti raised her head only to hold it with her hands and shutting her eyes tightly, as if the light was burning them.
"Wo... light.. please off.. headache."

Rakshit almost ran to switch off the lights. He switched on the torch of his cell but made sure he kept it away from her.

"Chalo! Let's go inside. You need to sleep." Rakshit was talking softly making sure to not aggravate her pain.

Drishti had again buried her head in-between her legs. Even when Rakshit touched her, she did not budge. Rakshit held her arm to pull her on her feet but she was too numb with pain to respond. Finally Rakshit picked her up in his arms. Automatically her hands went around his neck while she buried her head into his neck. The light in the sitting area pricked her eyes so she dug her head more into his neck, her eyes tightly shut.

Reaching the bedroom Rakshit slowly lowered her on the bed. The moment her hands left his neck they moved to clutch her head. Rakshit switched off the lights but kept a dim one on. Hopefully it won't trouble her. Seeing that her eyes weren't that tightly shut now, it confirmed his assessment.

He heard the knock on the door and went to open it muttering "just in time". A young waiter was standing at the door with a tray in his hand. The tray carried a strip of medicine and a thermos of warm water. Rakshit asked the waiter to keep it on the table. The moment he left Rakshit removed the tablet and poured some warm water in a glass taking them to Drishti.

Rakshit had to help Drishti to sit and stuff the tablet into her mouth. Thankfully she gulped it with water the moment it's bitter taste hit her. Keeping the glass aside he sat beside her wrapping his arms around her. She rested her head on his chest. One hand holding her securely close to him, with the other he started pressing her head softly.

Just his touch was enough to relieve the pain. She had never thought that his mere presence would have a healing effect on her. The pain was still there but it had reduced a thousand times the moment he held her close. Her hand wrapped around his neck she kept looking into his eyes, as if captivated by them.

Drishti had no idea when they had moved from sitting position to sleeping one. She was engrossed in listening to the soft lub dub sound of his heart beating. The most soothing sound she had ever heard. It was working like a sound therapy, reducing her pain with every beat. She could do this forever she thought.

Rakshit could feel her relaxing slowly in his arms. She definitely was finding the position comfortable. Hopefully the tablet must have started doing its job. Why did it feel like even he was in pain? Why was it so difficult to see her in pain?

Rakshit was full of regret now. He very well knew how meticulous and hardworking his wife was. Never had he regretted giving her the job. He also knew that making her join the team at last minute meant she would have to cover up a lot of lost work. He had not wished to over burden her with work. He just wanted her to stay away from Divyachini and from danger for a few days, especially since he wasn't around to keep an eye on her.

Rakshit had actually thought he would be taking her out for sight seeing or shopping so that she would enjoy instead of crying and thinking about Divya. That's why he had said he wanted his husband's rights too so that she couldn't give him an excuse of professional relationship and avoid going out with him. But the whole plan had back fired as he was too engrossed in work and he had ended up stressing her more.

Right now all he wanted to do was take away all her pain. Make her feel safe. Assure her that when he is with her, he would try to keep pain away from her. He had clearly failed till now.

Rakshit pulled Drishti more towards him, enclosing her in his safe embrace. He started planting soft kisses on her forehead. She could feel his concern with every kiss. The gentleness with which he was planting them showed how much he cared for her.

Drishti had no idea when she slipped into slumber. Making sure she had slept, Rakshit also closed his eyes, sleeping in each others embrace.

Both were unaware that they were one at the time. One person in pain meant pain for the other. Not only had they become one physically, their souls were linked too now.

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