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"Sir...look at this."
"How interesting. Pull it up onto the holo screen. I wish to view what happens next..."
"Did you find her?"
"No. Not a trace. She must have died on the streets..."
"I can't help but think my creations were too smart for that...oh well. We're shutting down for good."
The girl thought the talk was going relatively well. That is, after they got past the death threats and insults.
"What the bugger are you doing in my territory you mangy runt!" The head person screamed. We surveyed the girl. She was dressed in rags, as all the orphans were. Her eyes were bright green. And she looked angry enough to explode.
"Did you come her to be recruited, did ya runt?" She seethed. "Because we have no extra food or room. Times are getting tough...I need strong fighters and good beggars, not runts like you."
The girl caught herself from saying. "No, what you need is a brain." That would not help her situation. Instead, she replied. "That's why I'm here. I know how you can get more food." That instantly caught the leaders attention.
"Now how would that be?" The leader questioned. She now looked more interested, and less angry. "How could a runt like you help us get more food, and stuff?"
The girl smiled. "You might want to call your deputy." The leader glared at her, then called him. "FANG! There's a runt here who needs to talk to us!" An angry looking boy walked in, holding a sharpened spear. A fang lag on a cord around his neck, presumably his name sake.
"Should I kill it?" He growled. "No you idiot." The leader snapped back. "I said talk." The boy, Fang, scowled even more at that. Obviously he wasn't used to being the one snapped at.
"So what's your idea, runt?" The leader turned back to the girl. "So...I've seen how you all live. Small groups who fight over everything from food, to who gets to piss where." She said. "You got a problem with that?" Fang spat at her.
"No no." She put her hands up in defense. "I'm just sayin, there are better ways to get food." "Like what." He raised one eyebrow. "Like what if you made one large group out of a lot of many ones. A pack, like. Then you could outnumber anyone that opposed you." The leader was nodding, so the girl continued. "Find out what people are best at, and give them jobs based on it. Bit always have them in a group, so they can help one and other."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Right?" Fang looked to his leader. "Shut up Fang. It's actually a good idea..." The leader shoved her deputy. "So like wolves? We live in a pack, like wolves?" "Yes." The girl had no idea what a wolf was, but seemed to be a good idea to agree.
"Well then my young friend, I think you have givin us good information. Well come to the team." The leader said. "Wait." The girl remembered something. "When I was in the city, a man said that guys. We're coming to take all the hooligans away, next weekend."
The leader groaned. "They do that periodically. We all have to hide, when it happens. We never know when it will..." She trailed off. "You probably just saved us a member or two. Welcome to our group, soon to be pack!" She stuck out her hand, to shake. The girl reached out and shook it. "You can call me Dagger. You got a name, wolf girl?" The girl shook her head. "Nope." "Then Wolf it is, little Wolf." The newly named Wolf smiled, trying out her new name in her head. She liked it. "Now are you ready to help me start a pack?" As she walked out of the tent-thing, she saw Fang glaring, well, daggers at her. Oh well.

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