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Wolf emerged from the shuttle, a determined expression set on her face. Whatever chance at being a normal kid, integrated, here at battle school was gone. It would have been hard enough, being a girl, and a tiny one at that.

What was 'normal' here anyway? She wasn't sure. Certainly not the normal if the streets, or the normal of the exotic world these children came from. No, battle school was its whole own world, it's own planet. Here, everything was different.

"Launchies! I am Sergeant Dap. From now on, I am your mother." A few kids chuckled."You eat when I say you eat, you sleep when I say you sleep, you breath when I say you breath!" This got a few laughs out of the crowd. Scared children were easy friends to authority. "Now, report to your barrack! Fallow the stripes on the walls. Brown yellow brown! What's that?" Brown yellow brown everyone choruses. "Good! Now move, move, move!"

The launches were told to form a line. Wolf was shoved to the back, much to her annoyance. Dap showed them how to Palm the wall, and make stripes appear. Then they were off, marching to the barracks.

The barracks were a long room, the walls lined with bunk beds. Being the late to arrive, there was only one left. Top bunk, very front. Above Scarlet. "Thanks for saving me a bed! I've always wanted to sleep on a top bunk." She said without a hint of sarcasm. Scarlet looked at her a little weird, but Wolf shrugged and smiled, and she smiled back.

Wolf scanned the room. Next to her bed Sam and Lou had bunked, and we're now giggling together. A group of boys had already started to gather in the back corner, building the hierarchy. Hm. Wolf knew she wanted to excel her, to show Graff what girls could do, what she could do. So how was she to do this?

Wait. And watch. Gather information. Then act. She had learned this on the streets. So she continued to look around the room. There were Palm pads next to each bed. She took a closer look, and noticed a slip of paper attached.

Palm the pad
then say your name three times
To open the locker

Wolf mentally shrugged, and did as the paper said. "Wolf. Wolf. Wolf." She whispered. The locker clicked open. She smiled. Inside there were two more grey uniforms Luke the one she was wearing, three white pairs of thin cloths to be worn under her uniform or to bed, and who of what was labeled 'Flash suits'. They were made of a silvery materiel, with a sort of plated armor. They were kind stiff and there was a helmet...wonder what all that was for. I'm a corner sat a gun. Laser perhaps? Wolf wasn't sure. This wasn't her area of expertise. And last of all, there was a Desk.

She logged on.
She looked through the files, and at the protection system. It was bogus. She noticed some of the other kids opening their lockers. Hmmm...

"Hey, girl-scum!" A boy stepped forward, one of the ones who had been in the corner. He obviously was trying to prove his worth by beating her up. Ok. That was fine. She could humanize her self a bit.

"Hey, girl! Go back to the gutters you came from! There's no room for girls at battle school!" He yelled. Wolf looked at his name badge. Puck. Zachary Puck. "There's no room for hockey either. Haven't you heard? No extracurricular sheer at battle school. Guess you'll have to go home, hockey Puck." A flicker of confusion filled his face. Obviously he wasn't used to being stood up to. "Or is it puck, like the fairy?" She asked. This was to drive ol' Zachary over the edge. "Grab her!" Too of the other boys grabbed Wolf, lifting her off the ground so her little legs dangled.

"Wow. I have to give it to you. Beating up a tiny girl, half your size, while your goons hold her. You, my friend, are a man of honor." Wolf smirked, although her heart was beating a bit faster than normal. "Put her down." Zachary growled, clearly aggravated. Now he couldn't just knock a few punches with her being held. It would make him look bad.

"Well then." Wolf dusted off her hands. "If we're done..." She was cut off by a swift blow to her face. It caught her square in the nose, and knocked her off her feet. Zachary Puck turned away from his victim, a triumphant look on his face. "This, boys, is what happen to people who talk like that to me. Little girls don't belong in battlesc-OOF." It was his turn to be cut off. He fell on his face, a very mad Wolf crouched on his back. She picked up his head and banged it into the ground. A very undignified whimper of pain came from the mouth of Zachary. "Had enough?" She whispered. "Yes!" Came the reply. Wolf was disgusted. At the smallest but of pain these kids turned to whimpering idiots. On the street they-but she wasn't on the street. She had to drop thinking like she was on the street. "Fine." She stood up, but then kicked him in the arm. Hard.

"Any of you thinking that girls don't belong here, think of this. We do. Don't try and gang up on me, or any of us. Because this is what I do to people who hurt me."
Dap came back to find the room silent. Some kids were on there desks, some were talking quietly. In the back of the room one of they boys sat in the center of a huddle, a gash on his forehead.

"What happened?" A few grumbles. "Nothing Sir." But his eyes flicked over to the small one, Wolf. She was sitting on her bed, looking at her desk. Her nose was bleeding. "Wolf! What happened?" He barked. "I fell down sir." He rolled his eyes. "Gather round, Launchies. It's time we started your life here at battle school..."

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