Chapter Nine: The Window

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EnderOni, Loop One

Chapter Nine:

The Window


"I-I'm gonna do it!" Bashur said loudly again, his voice breaking. 

He gulped. His mind racing. His mind overheating. What could force him to make this decision? It was unlike him. He couldn't stop himself though. He was gonna do it. 

"Y-you're gonna what?" Sky coughed, everyone looking at him. 

   Bashur couldn't hold it in anymore. Whatever mind set, whatever monster had poisoned him, pushed forward on the gears and Bashur couldn't break. Bashur sprinted towards the window. His sudden movement spooked those closest to him. The moment they realized what Bashur was gonna do, they weren't fast enough to pull him back. 

"BASHUR!" Sky yelled, and others gasped.

   He had climbed through the window. He had fallen. He was free. There were screams, and those who had the guts ran to the window. Sky lifted himself so that he could see out the window. What he saw was a mess in the grass below. Sky started coughing, gagging, pulling himself back. He turned around, Mitch and Seto taking his place at the window. 

"D-Did he-?" Ian stepped closer to Sky, whom had clearly seen something he wish he had not. 

"He's dead." Seto said. 

"He jumped out the window. That's what he was gonna do." Mitch added.

"But...but why!?" Jerome asked. 

"Did you see his eyes?" Bodil asked. "They were purple. Neon Purple ,like the EnderOni's."

"And normally they should be light blue." Tyler added.

"Are you trying to suggest that he was hypnotized by the Oni?" Ty asked. 

"It seems likely." Seto looked down. 

"It must be! Bashur would never commit suicide!" Sky hissed. 

"I should have never tried to place him on the 3. It only fueled his anxiety." Tyler mumbled. 

"It wasn't your fault, Tyler." Brice replied.

“Gah!” Bodil shook at the realization. “Bashur was supposed to stand on the three! He became three! And next is four! And I was on four!”

“Shut up!” Ty barked. “You're fine! Bashur wasn't killed by the Oni, he committed suicide!”

“But his eyes!” Bodil yelled.

“He was possessed!” Sky told Ty 

“Calm down!” Seto said loudly

“Why can't we stay in the safe room!? Why do we need to leave it!?” Bodil couldn't contain his worries. 

“Because we'll eventually be living in our own filth! We'd starve or go insane! If we want freedom, we must fight for it! We must take risks to escape!” Jerome answered.

“But what about all the death!? Every time we leave that room, someone dies!” Sky was taking a toll as well.

“It's because we aren’t learning from our mistakes! Nobody must go alone! Every group should have at least 3 people!” Mitch growled.

“There are ten of us left! We can't go in groups up three or four!”

“Brice will need someone with him if he continues to want to leave the room.”

“Groups of five, then!”

“You think we really cou-”

“GODDAMMIT YOU PEOPLE!” Tyler's voice rang above the rest. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”

Everyone turned to Tyler, who looked more tired then anything. He let out a deep sigh and frowned at them. Mitch cleared his throat.

“We're losing time.” Mitch's voice took control. “We can sit around and freak out or make a rope, escape, and mourn later!”


"Out of bed sheets! Remember!?"

“We'll go into the lounge.” Tyler, Sky, and Seto offered.

“Alright.” Jerome sighed. “Everyone else to the lower floors! Come back up here to the lounge once you have as much as you can possibly carry!”

With two beds in the lounge, Tyler and his group set up shop there, taking the bed sheets and tieing them together. There are no beds on the 3rd floor, but the 2nd floor was bed centeral. Room 203 had two beds, one room on the otherside of the floor had two beds, and of course the rest of the bed sheets were taken from some of the beds of the safe room.  

    Tyler, Sky, and Seto were of course able to finish their job first, however still taking awhile to do as they were told. Everyone's stomachs were sick and tired, and their working speed slowly decreased. The trio made it back to the window, however what they found there was something they should have expected. The window was boarded up, and blood marked all across the boards and walls. In the middle of the wooden boards was the number three, of course. 

"NO!" Sky yelled, dropping the sheets he had and running to the window, trying to tear apart the wooden boards. 

"Sky! Stop!" Seto said, but was ignored. Nothing Sky could do could break the boards. 

"NO! NO!" Sky continued to break down even more. 

   Tyler pulled Sky back, who collapsed to the floor in tears. Seto knew he couldn't do anything either, but he gave his magic a try against the wooden boards. Just like all the other windows, he was hopeless. In a matter of time, the others slowly started coming back up. Some were depressed, some, such as Mitch, were upset, believing that maybe if they had gotten done faster, they could have made it.  But no matter what, Bashur was dead, and their hope to escape sooner died. 

"Bashur became three." Bodil said. "I told you!"

Tyler turned to Bodil, realizing he was talking to him. 

"I didn't say you were wrong, though." Tyler looked confused. 

"He's still scared that he's next." Jerome sighed. 

"Nobody will be next!" Mitch frowned, displeased. 

"Tyler placed Bashur on the three and he became three! It's Tyler's fault!" 

Tyler made a mad face. "You can't blame me for his death! I didn't kill him! The Oni did! That was just a coincidence!" 

"What's that book you have anyway!?" 

Tyler, who still had the book with the ender eye patch in his arms, turned to see Ty had asked. Mitch nodded his head, more dangerous then curious. Tyler realized that these deaths were messing with everyone's emotions. Trust was falling apart. 

"Never mind about the book." Seto hissed, defending Tyler. 

"G-Guys." Brice coughed, and they all turned to him. "C-Can we go back downstairs? I need to rest." 

   The group went downstairs with no further discussion. 


    Back at the room, some went to sleep, unable to really do anything else. Jason, Bashur, and Ant were dead, and the others were left to question everything. A bipolar group, they were. After awhile, when people began to get hungry, Ian and Seto made a simple dinner, and people ate when they felt like it. Brice was helped with food, and yet as much as Tyler was starving, he couldn't eat. 

    About an hour later, people were actually finally going to sleep. The lights in the room were turned off, other then the one in the kitchen. Tyler was the last to go to sleep, and since there were only 12 beds, he was left with the job to find another place. He walked over to the end of the tables, closest to the beds, but stopped when he heard whispering. 


  Tyler turned to see Brice, whom was actually still awake. Tyler walked over to Brice, kneeling down next to the bed. 


"Tyler." Brice spoke, his voice distant. "I have a question." 


Brice hesitated. 

"Do you think i'm still of any help? Blinded like this?"

Tyler didn't want to answer such a serious question.

"It's not a matter of thinking. I-it's a matter of knowing." Tyler chose words carefully, unknowing to how great of a power they actually held. "And, Brice, I know that your strength so far as shown hope for us. For me. A-and I thank you so much for that." 

"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it." 

  Tyler got up, and found himself forced to sleep on the table, stealing one of the extra bed sheets they brought down from the lounge to feel a bit more comfortable. 

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