Chapter Sixteen: The Rise and Fall of an Alliance

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EnderOni, Loop One

Chapter Sixteen:

The Rise and Fall of an Alliance.


Mitch couldn't help but twist and turn in his sleep. Images flashed in his head. He was in the green room downstairs. The odd picture hung on the wall, calling for him with the voice of a ghost. Mitch's eyes wondered around the room and then he noticed the corners were a dark purple. A fog came from the corners, and it wrapped around his legs.

Mitch stumbled back onto his butt, gasping as he almost fell into the fog. He then heard a knocking, and tick tocking, and scrambled back onto his feet. His head turned to the closet in the back of the room. There was a knocking. Like some person was on the other side, wanting to be let in. Mitch slowly walked towards it, each step putting pain onto his foot. It felt as though his shoes were being clawed at.

Mitch made his way to the closet, and the knocking stopped. Mitch waited for it to return, but it did not. So he grabbed at the closet door, and slid it open. A foul smell escaped from the closet, making Mitch caught and hack. When Mitch calmed down, he looked inside the closet, only to be frightened by what he saw. A body. A body with familiar clothing and hair, but yet turned so that he couldn't see their face. Brown hair, white shirt, gray pants.

There was no blood on the body, but whomever it was, they were dead. Mitch tried to remember who it could be, but for some odd reason, he couldn't place it. So obvious, but just out of reach. Mitch shook his head and turned away from the closet.

But then he stopped. The Oni stood there. And it licked it's lips.



Mitch woke up with a gasp, nearly falling off the table seat that he had fallen asleep on. Mitch sat back up and took a few deep breaths, rubbing away the crust on his eyes. With a yawn, he cleared his dry throat, and looked around the dark room. Everyone was asleep, as far as he could tell. And his headache was finally gone.

Mitch stood up, taking a step away from the table. And then he remembered parts of his dream. Images of the green room flashed inside his head. It called out to him. He couldn't remember the body or the fog, but he remembered something was important about that room. And whatever he did remember about the dream told him he had to check it out for himself.

“N-no.” Mitch shook his head. “I-I can't.”

But he could. Mitch walked around the room, and realized He didn't have to go to the green room alone. He couldn't stop himself as he walked over to Sky, whom was asleep on the seat of the table not far from where he stood. He lightly nudged Sky on the shoulder, not wanting to wake anybody else up. Sky didn't move until Mitch tried again.

“Hmmm?” Sky turned around where he laid and rubbed his eyes. He then looked up to see Mitch.

“Mitch?” Sky asked. “W-what's up?”

Mitch coughed a bit, then nudged Sky again.

“Get up.”

Sky looked at Mitch with a confused face, but then sat up.

“What's wrong?” Sky asked again.

“N-nothings wrong, I just...” Mitch looked around to see nobody else was awake. He sighed and looked back at Sky.

“I had a dream about the Green Room and now I want to go there.” Mitch confessed.

“W-What?” Sky yawned. “Shouldn't you wait for everyone else to wake up? And then we can go?”

“N-no. I need to go now.” Mitch shook his head. “And I can't go alone.”

“I'd rather stay.” Sky replied.

“Would you?” Mitch asked. “Would you rather stay?”

Sky gave Mitch and look. “Yes, I would.”

Mitch frowned.

“Then I'll go alone.”

Sky stood up. “You can't.”

“Says who?” Mitch crossed his arms.

Sky kept his voice quite as to not wake anybody up. “Says me!”

Mitch coughed a bit, then tried again.

“Please, Sky. We have nothing else to do. No plans, no nothing. Sit here in despair till we rot. Let's try one more thing. One more thing!” Mitch begged.

“Why? Why is the green room important suddenly?” Sky asked.

“Because.” Mitch then shrugged. “I had a dream.”

“That's not a valid answer!”


Sky said nothing, standing uncomfortably. He then shook his head.

“Okay, Fine.” He said, then turned his head. “But...”

Sky walked around the table, stopping where the pile of pretty much useless weapons were. They always had them when they walked out of the safe room, but the last few deaths made them realize the weapons weren't much. Sky pulled out the gold sword and the stone sword. He handed Mitch the stone sword. Mitch took it, and looked at Sky with surprise. He didn't have to argue as much as he thought.

“But listen here, Mitch.” Sky turned to Mitch. “I'm not going to die. Or, at the least, I won't leave without a fight. We're going out there, I'd sure hope we fucking return.”

Mitch nodded his head.

“Thank you.”

Sky had walked into the kitchen to take a few bites of some of the food in there before heading out, to help him wake up. Then, quietly, the two left the safe room, making sure not to wake anybody up as they did so. They slipped into the second floor hallway, and from there, Mitch lead the way.

Sky was slow in his walk, and Mitch seemed to hurry along, so Sky constantly had to keep up with the other one. Sky glanced around, watching out for any sign of danger, as it seemed Mitch was not. He nearly tripped down the stairs, and had to call out for Mitch to get him to stop.

“You okay?” Mitch asked.

Sky regained himself, and nodded his head.

“Yeah, I think so.”


The two continued on, turning to the middle hallway on the first floor, that lead the to the green room. Mitch went ahead of Sky, and Sky walked, his steps slowly as he walked into the hallway that the green room was on. The door he stood next to, the one at the end of the hall, seemed odd to him. Sky smelled something coming from it. A foul smell. A horrid, foul smell.

“What the hell?” Sky couldn't pin point what it was. It wasn't food.

Sky turned to the door, and grabbed the handle, slowly opening the door. The smell flooded out of the room and disappeared into the hallway. Sky coughed, disgusted by the smell. He took a step in, and from his angle, he couldn't see anything off. He saw that In the room, there was a cell, but he didn't get time to investigate it all, for Mitch pulled Sky back out of the room.

“What are you doing?” Mitch asked. “Come on!”

“B-But there is something in here, Mitch.” Sky looked back at Mitch.

“And we'll get to that later! Come on, the green room!”

Sky had no choice but to close the door and follow Mitch to the green room. The two stepped inside, and Mitch started to look around. He stared at the odd picture on the wall, the corners of the rooms, and searched the closet inside and out. Sky tried to help, but there wasn't much in the room to search in the first place. So he stood there, watching Mitch look around. Time dragged on, and Sky was getting impatient.

“Mitch.” Sky cleared his throat. “Mitch, I think we should go.”

Mitch stopped, and turned around to face Sky.


“Mitch there isn't anything here. It was just a dream.” Sky continued. “Let's go back to the safe room before anyone realizes we're gone.”

“NO THERE WAS SOMETHING IN HERE SKY!” Mitch yelled. Sky didn't reply. Mitch was probably tired and broken. Clinging onto whatever he could.

“I think you need more sleep.” Sky looked down. “Please. Hurry up so we can go.”

“There was something here, Sky! Something about this room was important in my dream!” Mitch continued.

“I got it, I got it. Just hurry up, geez.” Sky rolled his eyes.

Mitch narrowed his eyes and turned back to the closet, but then his eyes widen. He screamed, and fell back onto his butt, just like in his dream. Sky turned back around, and saw exactly what Mitch saw. Purple fog. It appeared out of nowhere, and it wrapped around their feet. Sky grabbed Mitch and pulled him back up to his feet.

“YOU IDIOT!” Sky yelled.

The two turned to run out of the room, but the exit had been cut off by the Oni. The two stopped, stepping back, staring up at the Oni. The Oni grinned, it's teeth showing of course. Mitch frowned, gripping his stone sword. He pushed Sky aside and was the first to attack.

Mitch swung the sword at the Oni, just hardly hitting the beast. The Oni stepped back, and as Mitch tried to attack again, it kept moving out of the way. Sky got back up and joined in for there was nothing else he could do. They attacked blindly, and the Oni found their attempts weak. The two attacked out of any sort of order, and though they could land a few scratches on the Oni, the Oni found a weak point, and jumped in between the two, knocking them both to the ground.

Mitch shook his head, getting right back up, only to see the Oni moving towards Sky. Mitch grabbed his sword again and launched himself towards the Oni. He cut the Oni in the shoulder blade, the Oni hissing and turning back over to Mitch. The Oni stood up tall and raised it's right hand up to strike Mitch. Sky yelled out, pulling Mitch to the side just in time. Well, Mitch still got his left arm hurt, but it was better then him being killed.

“Watch out!” Sky gasped, getting back up to face the Oni.

The Oni didn't wait for them again. The Oni was about to strike Sky but Sky held up his sword, blocking the beast. The Oni was strong, and Sky found it hard to hold it off. Mitch stood up again, and was about to attack , but the Oni overpowered Sky, and pushed Sky to the ground, Sky hitting his head. Then the Oni stepped back as Mitch ran over to help Sky up.

“Are you alright?” Mitch asked, pulling Sky up to his feet.

Sky shook his head no. Mitch looked down to see on the floor was blood. His head was bleeding.

“Mitch, we need to stop attacking blindly.” Sky said, getting Mitch's attention. Sky glared at the Oni as he spoke, the Oni glaring at them.

“Change our battle tactics?” Mitch asked.

Sky nodded his head. “Work together in this.”

Mitch understood. “One after the other?”

Sky paused, thinking about it for a moment.

“We fight like an alliance, Mitch.” Sky said.

Mitch shifted where he stood. He held up his sword, and Sky looked over to Mitch. He got the idea. Sky raised his sword up as well, and their swords crossed eachother's paths, raised up together. It was stupid, but it was a spark of trust in this mansion of mixed feelings. Mitch took a deep breath, his eyes watering. Sky looked at Mitch, putting his sword back down. The Oni was entertained by their actions.

“Mitch?” Sky asked.

“For the Sky Army.”

Sky's eyes widen as Mitch turned to Sky, still with his sword raised.

“For the Sky Army!” Mitch exclaimed louder, thrusting the sword into the air.

Sky smiled. He did the same with his buddar sword.

“In Benja we trust!”

And the Oni growled, and the two held their swords in front of themselves, turning to the beast that threatened their alliance.

Mitch went first, taking the Oni from the front. Sky then turned and attacked the Oni from behind. They worked quickly, always at a different spot so the Oni would have to think quicker to do anything. It was beautiful how they fought, their steps not even planned out, and not once tripping over themselves. Determination to live? Or was it the words exchanged that made them realize they couldn't give up just yet? Or was it the knowledge of what was going to happen being evident?

The Oni's neon purple blood dripped to the floor, and it was tired from chasing them like a cat with more then one mouse to trap. Sky was able to leave a gash on the Oni's hand as well as back, staining his sword with purple. Mitch landed an hit to the Oni's head, the Oni's face dripping with it's own colors, as well as the Oni's shoulders. The Oni was never looked so beat up. It gave them the feeling of success.

But the Oni wouldn't give up just yet. It suddenly ignored the two of them, and stomped on the floor, yelling loudly. The room, and the room alone, rumbled. Sky fell to the ground, feeling a pain in his ankle. The Moment Sky fell, The Oni turned to Mitch, and rammed it's head into Mitch's side. Mitch fell against the wall, gasping in pain. His head rung again. Tick tock tick tock. His vision was blurry, and due to all the running around, he was out of breath.

The Oni turned from Mitch to Sky, whom was trying to stand back up. It then played with Sky like a cat over a bug. Sky tried to use his sword to block the attacked, but the Oni knocked the sword from Sky, and pounced on his body like a toy. Sky screamed, and Mitch shook his head, trying to regain himself. His eyes opened again, not so blurry as before, and he witnessed Sky literally being stomped to death.

Blood splattered everywhere, red mixed with purple. The room was no longer the green room. Mitch tried to get up, but his vision blured again, and he fell back down. He looked back up to Sky, and suddenly his friend's body was motionless. Laid against the wall. Mitch's eyes watched the Oni, and saw that the Oni was writing with blood on the wall.

7 O'clock.

Tears fell from Mitch's eyes and he frowned. He stood up, forcing himself to waste very last piece of energy in his body. His whole body shook as he grabbed for his sword. Maybe he was just hallucinating the 7. Maybe it wasn't even there. Maybe he was still dreaming. Mitch pushed himself from the wall, running towards the Oni.

“SKY!” His voice echoed throughout the halls

The Oni turned to Mitch, and with the swing of it's messy arm, it took the sword from Mitch, and it pushed Mitch back against the wall where he had been before. The Oni then huffed, pinning Mitch down with it's claws. Mitch stared up into the eyes of the beast, and he spit at it.

“Fuck you.” Mitch hissed, and started to cry.

The Oni didn't even blink. It stomped Mitch to death as well. And then it drew on the wall with the blood from it's eighth victim.

8 O'clock.

The Oni left the bloody room, as well as the purple fog, and the room became silent once again.

The clock ticked on, and the hours flew by without warning. Just as time is known to do.


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