Chapter Thirty-Six: His Motivation

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EnderOni, Loop 4

Chapter Thirty-Six:

His Motivation



"So what he say!?" Okward asked as everyone stared the pink haired guy.

"We need to look around more. I'm sure there is something here that leads us inside the mansion." Kyle said. "Tyler asked that if we find anything odd, we should text him."

"So we're just going to walk around again!?" Hwnt huffed. "What's the point, we already did! We didn't find anything."

"Well we didn't." Shubble frowned, referring to herself, Alesa, and Kyle.

"Besides, It's what Tyler asked us to do, right?" Jin shrugged.

Kyle laughed. "Looks like we have to split up, gang!"

"I guess so." Clara crossed her arms.

"So how do we decide groups?" Husky asked.

"Well..." Alesa thought, as well as a few others, to come up with something fair.

And, well, they sorta came up with something. After a simple discussion, leaving out some of the other's opinions, choices for groups were decided.

"Oh cOME ON!" Hwnt wasn't please. "I get stuck with girls!?"

"Heheh" Shubble laughed, finding Hwnt's reaction to being grouped with her and Clara amusing.

"What, have something against girls?" Alesa asked.

"No! You guys didn't give me any input into these choices! That's what i'm mad about!" Hwnt explained.

"Well you can let out all your insanity out another story, we've got friends to help." Simon said.

"Ugh." Hwnt rolled his eyes.

"Alright, boys, where are we going to search?" Alesa turned to her group, including Kyle, Jin, and Okward.

"I guess we should head our way too." Husky turned to his group, including Jordan and Simon.

"Come on, Hwnt, let's go this way." Clara pointed to the yard left of the front door to the mansion.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure what we're searching for."

"Are you serious?"

   Hwnt followed Shubble and Clara as they walked their way, passing a small little pond with a little wooden bridge on it. There was forest after the pond, surrounding the rest of the house, and the three walking into it. The trees were tall but thin, so there was plenty of sun light hitting the forest floor. The forest was silent with the occasional slight wind, and Hwnt couldn't help but flinch when he'd step on a twig that would loudly snap in half. He really didn't pay much time looking around for clues. It was just a forest.

"Wait." Shubble paused, and the other two did as well.

"What's wrong?" Clara asked.

There was a noise in the distance, and Hwnt heard it too.

"There's a-"

"Shh!" Clara shushed Hwnt.

   The trio listened, hearing something or someone walking. The crunching of leafs grew steadily closer, but yet there was no other indicator of who it was. The closer It got, the more frightened they found themselves.

"This way!" Clara hissed at Hwnt with a hushed voice.

  Hwnt blinked his eyes back to realty and looked over to see the two girls moving the other way, to hide from whatever the noise came from. Hwnt followed them, behind a few bushes and trees that were closer together then please.

"W-wait! Hwnt!" Shubble gasped, reaching out for Hwnt.

  What Hwnt did not see, that the two girls did and avoided, was a hole in the ground just after a bush. It had been hidden from his sight, and with poor footing, the man slipped and fell. The two girls  held their breath, unable to grab him in time to save him.

"-AHG!" Hwnt gasped, falling down into the hole, of which was probably as wide as a side table.

   The fall had to be 12 feet, the landing pad a bunch of dirt. Hwnt felt the wind get knocked out of him, and yet with all that pain, he didn't injure himself enough to be life altering. His head hurt, as well as his back, but he didn't break far as he knew right now. For a few seconds, he saw darkness, but he woke up quickly to the sound of Clara and Shubble calling for him.

"Ugh..." Hwnt rubbed the back of his hands, sitting up, but not standing up.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay!?" Shubble asked, looking down into the hole to see Hwnt finally responding.

"No!" Hwnt hissed back.

"That's one hell of a fall! Shubble, we've got to go get something to pull him out!" Clara said, looking up from Hwnt to Shubble.

"Wait! Don't leave me down here!" Hwnt felt the coldest of the place he sat in, shivering.

"You can sit tight for like ten seconds, we'll be back!" Clara replied.

"This place is dark and cold!" Hwnt shouted.

"Oh, don't be a baby!" Clara huffed.

"I'm a lonely person!" Hwnt really did not want to be left down there.

"Come on, Shelby!" Clara stood up. "I'm sure if we can't find a rope, someone has got to have some cords in the back of their car."

"Okay! Hold on, Hwnt! We'll get you out of there!" Shubble nodded her head, and the two began to walk off.

"Oh come on!" Hwnt whined.

   Hwnt couldn't stop the two from leaving. He felt defeated, but looked around as his eyes adjusted to the lighting. Things started to look a little lighter, and what he found was that he was at the end of a short hallway, made of dirt. Everything was dirt, and some roots stuck out of the ground. He noticed the hallway turned to go down another corridor, but Hwnt did not want to get up at all.

"This blows." Hwnt sighed to himself.



    Of course, he, Sketch, was late to the party. He walked up to the mansion alone, but it's not like he expected anyone else to be there. After his walk up, he found himself starring up to the massiveness of the mansion. Is was so intimidating. And Sub was in there.

"Well god damn, Sub, did you win the lottery playing at a place like this?" Sketch asked himself, walking up to the front door.

  He placed his hand on the door knob and tried to open the door, but there was click. The click that told him to fuck off. The door was locked. Sketch frowned. He then took a deep breath and started banging on the door. He didn't get a response.

"Well, how's one gonna save the sucker if they can't get in!?" Sketch huffed.

  Sketch walked over to the window, only to find it boarded up. He couldn't see in at all. He looked around, walking over to the pond only to stare down and find his reflection.

"I bet there's a back door." Sketch told himself.

   Sketch turned to walk around the house, finding himself walking almost blindly into a forest. It was quiet, and it bothered him. But he had a mission, and it was one he planned to keep. He wouldn't admit it, but Sub was like a brother to him, and the guy was missing, so he planned to find him no matter what.

   In the midst of thought, Sketch found himself with eyes up front, not paying attention to the flooring below him. Walking pass a few bushes and trees, he felt the flooring disappear, but yet not in time to act.

"What the fu-!!"

  Sketch stepped foot first into the hole, screaming as he fell the 12 feet down. He probably would have broken something, but he landed upon a safety net. A safety net of Hwnt. Hwnt noticed just in time to shield himself, but it still fucking hurt when Sketch fell on him. Hwnt pushed Sketch off of him, and Sketch groaned, his body aching.

"Who the hell let you just walk in and made a rude entrance!" Hwnt hissed.

"What?" Sketch shook his head, looking up to see Hwnt. "Oh, it's you."

"What are you doing here!? Do the others know you're here!?" Hwnt questioned. "Did you see Shubble and or Clara on your way here!?"

Sketch looked confused. "What are you talking about? I came here to find Sub, but I fell down this fucking hole! Are you telling me others are here?"

"There are nine other people wondering around the outside of the house and you didn't see a single one of them!? Not even the girls!? Did they ditch me!?" Hwnt tried to stand up, using the dirt wall to help him.

"I'm so confused." Sketch frowned.

"So am I!"

   Sketch had to sit there a little before trying to stand up. When he did get on his feet, he found that his left leg hurt a lot. But, he figured that if he wasn't crying, he didn't break a thing.

"How long have you been down here?" Sketch asked.

"I have no sense of time." Hwnt replied.

"Oh. That's great." Sketch sighed.

  Sketch noticed how they were at the end of a hall, and walked over to find where the hallway went. Hwnt watched as Sketch looked around the corner to see more hallway, with another turn at the end.

"Hey, you want to explore this place? Maybe it leads inside the mansion?" Sketch looked back at Hwnt.

"Uhhhh" Hwnt wasn't sure.

"Look, I'm gonna find Sub, so come if you want, or stay alone waiting on help." Sketch said.

"Okay, Okay, i'm coming." Hwnt said.

   Sketch and Hwnt began to walk down the dirt hallways, leading them to the basement of the mansion. The two were cautious within the unknown territory.  Also unknown to them, the girls would return later with rope, only to find nobody there.


    The Insiders had already grouped up by then, and were off to look the mansion over again for anything they could find. It was, of course, all they could do at the moment. They hoped to find keys to locked rooms, or possibly weapons or supplies or clues to an escape. Knowing they had friends on the other side to help gave them a motivation to continue on. Still unknowing to the true danger of the mansion, they split up into littler groups. Mitch and Jerome as one, Sky, Ty, Sub, and Bashur as another. Tyler found himself with Bodil and Ian, while Seto, Brice, and Jason kept together.

   Walking down the hallway, Jason followed Brice and Seto, listening to the two talk. He didn't have much running through his head, other then noticing how the two were complimentary colors. Well, Seto wore purple and Brice wore yellow. How come he'd never notice that until now. He carried his helmet in his hands, as he'd found it bothersome to wear in this lighting.

"I don't believe it's even possible for unity to translate into a four digit code in some other numeric system." Seto said.

"It's like 40 numbers in binary." Brice replied.

"How do you know that?" Seto asked, looking up at the slightly taller one.

"I used to try to teach myself binary in high school." Brice shrugged. "All letters are eight numbers, so five times eight is forty."

"Oh, that makes sense then." Seto nodded his head.

"So maybe unity doesn't directly translate to something." Brice said. "Maybe it's not that clear."

"So if unity represents something, what does it represent?" Seto fumbled.

"Well, define unity." Brice replied.

"Unity is to be brought together. Nations are unified, families form a bond of unity, etc." Seto replied.

"So what brings us all together?" Brice asked.

"Well...our motivation to escape, I assume." Seto answered.

Brice thought for a moment, then got an idea. "What else forms unity between us and our friends?"

"Other then escaping?" Seto asked.

"Sure." Brice nodded his head.

Seto pondered the idea that something else brought them all together. "We're all friends, we all want to escape."

"Ehh, give up the idea of it being an idea that forms our unity." Brice shook his head. Seto wasn't getting it. "Objectify unity. What can you come up with?"

"The front door?" Seto was confused. "I'm sure door can be turned into a four digit number."

Brice laughed. "No, think harder, smart pants."

Seto felt his face heat up. "The cell phone?"

"Exactly!" Brice smiled.

"But I thought that was already dismissed as a clue." Seto frowned.

"But you said it yourself, something wasn't right with it." Brice replied.

"Sure, the stories between Tyler and Mitch are different, but no clues were on the phone itself." Seto thought.

"That's what Tyler reported to us, but...but I don't know about you, but he's been acting odd since we got here." Brice sighed. He hated to admit that.

"You're right." Seto nodded his head. "You think there might be something on the phone?"

"I think we're supposed to find an object that represents our unity, and the cell phone connects us with our friends outside. It brings unity to our two groups, and gives us hope. It is one of the most important things in our possession. So I figure the key to the four digit code lies within the cell phone." Brice explained.

"That sounds...completely plausible." Seto smiled.  "Amazing, Brice!"

"Thank you." Brice stretched out his arms.

"Now kiss."


   Seto and Brice turned back to their friend, whom they'd completely ignored. Jason laughed, Seto's face getting even darker in color. Brice just chuckled it off. The trio continued walking down the halls, checking into rooms to find nothing, and then walking down the stairs to the middle of the three hallways on the first floor.

"Do you hear that?" Jason asked.

"It's down there!" Brice pointed out.

  The three heard commotion from down the middle hallway, towards the green japanese style room. Following the sound, the three rushed down the hallways, finding the air getting cooler. Upon walking into the green room, Seto dodged just in time to miss getting hit by Tyler. Tyler was thrown back, the journal falling from his hands into the purple fog covering the floor. Tyler hit his head on the hard flooring, blacking out.

"T-Tyler!?" Seto gasped, looking from Tyler to the rest of the scene.

   The trio gasped to see a monster, the oni, facing down Bodil and Ian. The two shook, one of them bleeding quite noticeably. The monster was big, with glowing neon purple eyes and a large tongue hanging out of it's endermen like mouth. Seto noticed as it moved to attack Bodil and Ian, and felt himself tense up. He had to do something.

   Seto darted towards them, reading a simple attack spell to buy some time. A light blue ball of magic appeared in his hand as he chanted words under his breath, and with a quick motion of the arm, the ball shot off at the Oni. The oni was hit, and it growled, the magic burning it's shoulder.

"Get out the way!" Seto yelled, pulling Bodil and Ian away from it's attack zone.

"Seto, don't trap yourself!" Jason yelled, running over with his helmet on. His jet pack turned on for a second due to command, and Jason was given a bit of a jump off the ground. He kicked the oni away from Seto, landing on the other side of the room.

"Thanks!" Seto shouted back in reply.

   Bodil and Ian stood back, pulling the unconscious Tyler out of the room. Brice, Jason, and Seto worked together to attack the Oni, weakening it slowly. Jason would use the extra force given to him by his jet pack to land a few good kicks on the beast, while Seto fired attack spells. Brice didn't have a weapon, but was good at running, shouting, and being a distraction. Yellow Is a very distracting color, after all. Seto kept close eye on the artist, teleporting quickly over if Brice were to get a little carried away.

    Jason, figuring Brice caught the Oni's attention, ran and jumped into the air again with his jet pack. But, the Oni had caught onto their habits, and quickly turned around, from Brice and Seto, to Jason, using it's front limb to swipe Jason out of the air. Jason gasped as he was hit and forced to the ground, breaking one of the floor boards.

"Jason!" Seto yelled, teleporting over to his side, holding up a force field around him and Jason just before the Oni could land a killing blow on Jason.

"Holy shit." Jason gasped, his heart racing at a fast pace.

  The Oni wasn't wasting any time. The moment it realized Seto prevented Jason's death, it had other plans. It quickly turned around, to a new target. Brice. Seto pulled down the small force field upon realizing this, leaving Jason's side. Brice jumped out of the way from the Oni's claws, suddenly tripping over Tyler's journal, which had been forgotten about due to the purple fog. He gasped, hitting the floor.

"Don't touch him!" Seto yelled, teleporting over again, beginning to feel worn out from the constant use of magic.

    The Oni loomed above them, bringing itself down to attack. Seto held up his arm, another shield forming to protect them. But it didn't get enough time to full form, as the Oni broke it and sent Seto flying to the side. Seto hit the wall to the side, falling into the fog. While Seto groaned, getting up, Brice struggled to stand up quickly and escape the Oni targeting him.

    But the Oni was growing tired, and time was going to move on no matter how hard the humans tried to prevent it. Brice skidded out of the way of one attack, sprinting around the Oni. Thinking he'd at least gotten on better ground, he made his way closer to Jason. But the Oni used it's side to run into Brice, a move he had not used before. Brice stumbled to the side, but did not fall yet. The Oni turned around, noticing Seto teleport closer to Brice.

   But Seto couldn't think fast enough to alter his fighting patterns, as the Oni could read them like a book. The Oni targeted Seto first, quickly swiping at the sorcerer, forcing the sorcerer back onto the floor. Then the Oni had to ram his body against another of Jason's kicks, actually hurting Jason's leg this time, as well as causing him to crash to the floor. Then, with a small time window, the Oni launched at Brice, pretty much having him cornered.

   The Oni had Brice in his teeth, literally. And then, like a dog, he threw Brice around. His sharpe, cornered teeth dug into the artist's skin, and the force broke the things inside. Pain became overwhelming, and tears fell down his face. And then, to end it all, the Oni slammed Brice into the wall, partly slamming itself into the wall as well. The human hit his head on the wall, a loud crack being heard, and his vision going out. But he was not blinded.

  The Oni drew a one with the artist's blood on the wall beside the body it dropped to the floor.


  Seto bolted up, magical energy forming into a dangerously powerful and lethal ball around his right hand. With the wave of his hand, the ball shot of faster then before, crashing into the Oni. This time, with more force and more power, the Oni cried out in more pain then it'd felt ever before. Seto then teleported to the other side of it, using his attack magic to form sharp arrows in the air, aiming them and crashing them into the oni.

   The Sorcerer had never felt so much energy, and never so angry. He felt light headed, but continued on attacking the Oni. It was obvious to him now that they were not only trying to escape the mansion, but to escape alive. And they had already failed.

  He wore himself out, his magic getting weaker the more he used it, and it didn't matter because the Oni wouldn't die. It just teleported away, got knows where. It's always been able to escape. But them? Never. As the Oni disappeared, so did the purple fog. When it all calmed down, Bodil and Ian peeked into the room, having hidden in the hallway with Tyler, who still did not wake up. Jason took off his helmet, looking over at Seto with worry.

"F-fuck." Seto let his emotion go. Tears fell from his face. He couldn't look at Brice. He already had the image in his head, he didn't want it to be any more detailed.

"What's the one stand for?!" Bodil shook, seeing the blood all over the wall and turning back into the hallway.

   Seto didn't care. It was probably to mark it's first kill. Seto gulped and turned away, walking towards the hallway. He picked up Tyler's book off the floor as he did so, throwing it back onto the floor, it sliding beside Tyler who was prompt up against the wall of the hallway. Seto gasped, trying to keep himself from totally falling apart.

   Brice was dead. The Oni killed Brice. Someone so close to him was gone, torn from him in seconds. Seto felt anger for the killer. He wanted to attack the murderous son of a bitch, but the time for that had come and gone. Seto shook his head, turning to walk over to Tyler. Bodil, Ian, and Jason watched as Seto knelt down beside Tyler and search his pockets.

"What are you doing?" Ian asked.

"Brice had an idea and I'm not letting that die too!" Seto hissed.

   Seto found Tyler's phone in his right pants pocket, and pulled it out. He stood up, turning the phone on, and searching it. He looked through everything that he could get into with a password or wifi. And he didn't have to look as hard as he though. He found the ten repeated phone numbers that Tyler tried to hide, and it was clear to them they stood out. Tyler was a fucking lair, and that was clear to Seto now more then ever. The calls to (203)203-2032 all had a time and date attached to them. They were only made so many hours ago. They've been in the mansion for much much longer then that.

"2032." Seto said, turning off the phone and shoving it in his own pocket.

"What?" Bodil asked.

    Seto didn't have the time or patience to explain. He wanted to know if Brice was right. He ran off, leaving the other three behind. Even though they tried to chase after him, Seto found himself teleporting up to the fifth floor, running into the room with the bloody clock. He ran over to the door, looking down at the key pad.

"He didn't die for nothing. He didn't die for nothing. He didn't die for nothing!" Seto repeated to himself, his hand shaking terribly as he punched in the numbers. 2-0-3-2.

   When the code was entered, there was a long pause, and Seto held his breath in. For a moment, he felt like crashing down into exhaustion, but the key pad turned green, and the door unlocked. Brice was right. He didn't die for nothing! Seto, doing without thinking, opened the door almost violently. He ran into the room, the door closing behind him.

"T-Theres...nothing." Seto breathed out, looking around to find most of the room was a cell.

   Cell bars blocked off most of the room, the walls and floor hard like concrete. The door to the cell was open, but it didn't seem like Seto had anything to be worried about. Seto  turned his head to look down the walkway that was part of the room not blocked off by bars. At the end of the walkway was a door. A white door.

    Seto walked over, his heart racing. He felt tension, and a bit of fear. He was alone, he realized, in an unfamiliar place. Whatever was on the other side of the door, he would face it alone. He stopped right outside of the door, taking a deep breath. Then he reached out, placing his hand on the door and turning it, the door clicking open.

Inside, a small, completely white room, and a child. The child.



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