Chapter Three: Acting

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EnderOni Loop One

Chapter Three:



Tyler had a faded memory of the dream when he woke up. He remembered a few parts, but not all of it. When he did try to sit up in the bed, he felt his limps and head ache in pain. He let out a small hiss and still forced himself up anyway.


Tyler looked up to see Ian run over. Ian motioned Tyler to lay back down, and he slowly did.

"You're awake already?" Ian asked. "You've only been resting for 2 hours."

Tyler hesitated to speak, but after trying to look around, he had so many questions.

"W-Where am I?" He started.

"Well, you're in the safe room, i guess." Ian said, continuing before Tyler could reply. "We're in that closet I was in. I found a leaver and pulled it and there were stairs leading down to here."

"So...H-How did I get here? How'd you know i was in trouble?" Tyler asked.

"I didn't." Ian shook his head. "Sky, Bashur, Ty, and Sub found you in the enchantment room. They panicked and tried to leave the mansion but then I found them and lead them here."

Tyler moved his head to look past Ian, seeing Bodil and Bashur sitting at the table, looking back at him and Ian.

"Bashur? Bodil?" He asked, his voice hoarse. "Where are the others?"

"Shortly after I showed them the room, Sky, Ty, Sub, and Bashur left to go find Bodil, Jerome, Ant, and Mitch. They found Bodil and Jerome. Bodil wanted to stay here, but Jerome wanted to go with them to help search for Mitch and Ant. Bashur gave Jerome his bow and arrows and Bashur stayed here."

"Bow and Arrow?"

"They found weapons hidden around the room. There are not a lot. Sky found a sword, Ty found a knife from the kitchen, and Sub was left with a sharp stick, er, spear." Ian explained.

Tyler blinked, still sore all over. He was slow to realize, but everything seemed a bit blurry. His glasses were gone. He searched for them around him and could not find them.

"Where are my glasses?" Tyler asked Ian.

"They're on the table." Ian went over to go get them. "They're cracked. Sub found them that way."

Tyler was given his glasses and he stared at them, putting them on and finding them to be annoying. Sure, he liked his sight, but the cracks in the corners of his vision were pestering.

"Anyway, I think you should stay in bed, dude." Ian sighed. "You're hurt, and I'm not a doctor, but it seems like common sense."

Tyler mumbled "I feel restless."

Ian looked back at Bodil and Bashur.

"Do you remember anything?" Bodil asked.

"Do I... remember anything?"

"Yeah. Do you remember anything from before you woke up?" Bashur asked.

Tyler coughed. He tried to think.

"I remember running into the EnderOni in the hallway. I-I had a broken plate a-as a weapon. I ran away to the enchantment room, where I found a key."

Tyler reached into his back pocket and pulled out a key with a tag saying Room 203. He handed it to Ian.

"Then the Oni found me. I tried to fight back, but it was stronger. I don't remember much after that."

Ian examined the key. He took out another key from his pocket. It was The Piano Room key. Sky and Bashur had let him hold it, since he was staying in the safe room.

"What's that?" Tyler asked.

"A key to a room called the Piano room." Ian said. "Bashur and Sky found it."

"I know 203 is on this floor. The Piano room isn't, though." Tyler said,shifting in the bed so that he sat up again.

"We should wait until Sky gets back before going anywhere." Bashur said.

"Yeah." Bodil agreed.

"How long have they been gone?" Tyler asked, knowing the answer. Ian caught the hint Tyler gave off.

"You said you were restless, and I will let you stay in here, but you're not leaving the safe room." Ian said.

Tyler made a face and a knock on the iron door was heard. Ian stood up and walked up the staircase. When he came back down, Sky, Ty, Sub, Jerome, and Ant walked in as well.

"We found Ant. Mitch is still missing." Jerome said, looking down.

"We didn't run into any monsters." Ty added.

"Well, Tyler is up. He had a key to a room on this floor." Bodil told them.


Sky, Sub, and Ty walked over to Tyler.

"Yeah." Tyler looked up at them.

"Are you alright?" Sky asked, worried about the younger one. 

"Yeah! What happened, dude?" Ty added.

"I'm okay." Tyler answered. "And I ran into the Oni. I'm sorry for scaring you."

"We found the Piano room on the third floor, but we didn't go any higher then that." Jerome interrupted. "Ant was up on that floor."

"So what now?" Bashur asked. "Do we go to room 203?"

"I want to go." Tyler spoke.

"I just told you that we can't let you leave, dude!" Ian exclaimed.

Tyler coughed again. He didn't know why he felt so restless. He'd normally never want to step out of the room again, but a form of curiosity had formed within him.

"Well I can go. Not alone, obviously." Ty said.

"I'll go." Jerome said.

"Anyone else?" Ian asked.

Nobody wanted to go. It was just a matter of who was brave enough.

"Me." Tyler fussed.

Ian gave Tyler a glare.

"I guess I can go?" Bodil offered.

"I want to go!" Tyler said again.

"If you want to go so badly, try to stand up and walk around without pain." Ian sighed.

"I will!" Tyler took on the challenge.

Everyone watched as Tyler turned in the bed and placed his feet onto the floor. The floor was cold, sending a shiver up his spine. He held his breath as he stood up, also holding in the pain from his injuries. As he stood up straight, he let his breath go. With one hand on the wall, he was able to stand up fine.

"See?" Tyler said

"Now walk."

Tyler paused and turned. He looked over at Sky and Ty as he began to step forward. He made it to the end of the bed, showing none of them his pain.

"You're limping." Bashur said.


"What if you get hurt more?!" Sky asked.

"What if I get hurt?!" Tyler continued. "What if you get hurt?! What if anybody gets hurt?!"

"You seem to have gathered up strength. You're still pale, but you're recovering quick." Ian was suspicious.

Well, Tyler also wasn't showing them the pain his limbs where in and that his head was a bit light. Tyler was stubborn. He could take care of himself, though he was thankful for the treatment Ian had given him. He kept up the impression that he was fine, and it seemed to be working. Tyler was talented at leaving impressions as well as impersonation and pretending. An Actor, you could call him.

"Besides, nobody else wants to go." Tyler said.

"So Tyler wants to go. Ty and Jerome have offered. I guess they can look after him. Anybody else?" Ian sighed

"It would be safer to have a forth person, wouldn't it?" Bodil asked.

"Bodil, Ty, Jerome, and Tyler." Ant said.

"WHAT?! NO!" Bodil gasped.

Ty chuckled. "You're stuck with me!"

"No fair!" Bodil crossed his arms.

"This is a serious problem here. We're all trapped inside. You've got to do something." Ant said.

"So you go!" Bodil huffed.

"Anyway, The Butter sword is on the table, bodil. Tyler, you can hold Sub's Spear and first aid kit." Sky said

Bodil took the sword, giving in. Tyler smiled to himself, then going over to the table to where Sub left the spear and first aid kit. He tried to fix his limp, but they already knew about it so there was no use hiding it.
Ty, Tyler, Bodil, and Jerome took the key to room 203, and were off. They found the room on the other side of the hallway, the room facing the front of the building. Sliding the key into the door, it took force to actually get it to work. The knob seemed to be rusting too, so it needed work to push the door open.
When the door opened, Ty was the first to walk in. The room looked like a plain bed room. But his attention was taken from the room to a loud yell, time seeming to slow down.


A stone sword had come from the corner of his vision and nearly decapitated him. Ty jumped back, raising his arm in defense, bumping into Bodil. Ty's heart rate shot up as time went back to it's normal speed. In front on him, just as wide-eyed as him, was Mitch.

"T-TY?!" Mitch gasped, dropping the stone sword.

"H-AH. AHHHHH." Ty tried calming himself down. "M-Mitch!"

"Benja!" Jerome pushed by.

"I'm sorry, biggums! I-I thought the Oni was busting in!" Mitch turned to Ty. "I-I'm so sorry!"

"Dude! You nearly decapitated me!" Ty frowned.

"I thought you were the monster!" Mitch said

"I think I almost had a heart attack!" Ty continued.

"I'm sorry!" Mitch replied.

"Well." Tyler muttered and Bodil nodded his head. "Glad I found that key, huh?"

"No! I almost died!" Ty turned to Tyler.

"Don't hurt me!" Tyler rose his hands up.

"Guys! guys! Lets close that door and talk about this!" Bodil huffed.

Tyler closed and locked the door, and the group walked in. Jerome and Mitch sat on the side of one of the beds, while Tyler and Bodil sat on the side of another bed, facing them. Ty walked around the room, inspecting the bookshelves and desks.

"I ran into this room and locked the door and hid. I was just as frightened as anyone else. I mean, it's scary playing horror games like this, but to actually be chased by a monster in real life?" Mitch explained himself. "The stone sword was hidden under the bed, so I used it to defend myself. I didn't even know Ty was here."

"Me, him, Bashur, Sub, and Sky all came here about a half an hour or an hour after you all got here." Tyler coughed. "Ty, Bashur, Sky, and Sub haven't seen the monster yet. I ran into it, though, and... Well..."

Tyler showed Mitch his bandages. Mitch nodded his head.

"Ian found a room safe from the monster, that has beds and food." Jerome said. "We should head back."

"It would be nice to finally get some rest." Mitch said.

Suddenly something was heard from the other side of the door. Steps. Stomps. The knob of the door began to turn as a purple mist came from under the door. Their hearts jumping, Ty, Mitch, and Bodil ran to the door to push against the opposite force. Jerome joined in and Tyler got up, watching.
The Oni was on the other side, trying to get in. Quietly, the four kept the door from opening. Their hearts thumped loudly. Tyler eyed the mist spreading below. He remembered it from the attack, as well as the dream. It made him feel sick. Butterflies in his stomach.The curious nature within him turned to a new found fear.
After what seemed like years, the mist disappeared and the Oni gone. The four let out a sigh of relief, backing away from the door. Mitch walked over, planning to get his sword from the bed, but stopped when he saw Tyler, whom stood there.

"A-are you alright?" Mitch asked.

Tyler shook his head. "I'm fine. Lets get back to the others"

The group gathered their things and left, getting back to the safe room. In fear and shock of the map actually being a trap, nobody left that room for the rest of the afternoon. Some wanted to hold a serious meeting about what to do, but everyone else was exhausted. When time passed and it became 6:30, those who could cook made a simple dinner from the food they had. It was divided among the 10. When everyone got tired, they each claimed one of the 12 beds. Tyler slept peacefully that night, however it wouldn't be surprising if a few had nightmares or possibly couldn't sleep at all. 


"12 AM." Yawned Jason. "God, I know it's a horror map, but my sleep schedule isn't set up for this." 

"Well." Brice gulped, looking at the mansion in front of them. "It just adds to the fun, I guess."

"You've had all week to prepare for this, Jason." Seto smirked. "Let's just play the map. It was designed for this time, and it makes sense."

    SetoSorcerer, Goldsolace, and MinecraftUniverse stood outside the mansion. A light wind blowing from the trees. Brice walked up to the door and opened in, showing that lights were on inside. Brice held the door open and looked back at Seto and Jason.

"Shall we begin?" Brice asked. 

"Might as well start." Jason walked over, leaving Seto's side. 

Seto took one last look at the five story building. 

"You coming?" Brice shouted from the door.

Seto sighed and shook his head. The horror map already seemed creepy. At least to him. He then walked over and joined Brice at the door. 

"I'm ready."


   The three walked inside the mansion, the door closing behind them. Locking behind them. The last of the 13 had arrived. 


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