Chapter Twenty Nine: Delusional

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EnderOni, Loop two

Chapter Twenty Nine:



The door closed behind Onity, and he stood in the still second floor hallway. He took a deep breath before looking around at his clothing. He noticed blood stains at the ends of his pants. He didn't really want to clean himself again,after all those cuts from the battle before. It was just all a huge inconvenience. He had other plans to carry out, and he wasn't going to let time get ahead of him.

"Alright now, who's next...?" Onity asked himself as he turned to walk down the hallway. He untucked his hair from behind his headphones, his purple eye now being hidden again. And right before he turned the corner, he made sure to hide his grin.

Onity walked around the distorted house, at one point even confusing himself with the layout. He was controlling it, but he wasn't all knowing of the outcomes. He was actually pretty impressed with what he could do. Onity found himself walking down stairs, and then suddenly at the end of a hallway. Infront of him was a door. That being the only way, Onity went in.

He stopped when he found himself in a square room, completely white. He stared around, seeing no furniture or anything. As he stepped forward, he saw something new.By his foot, a bloody one appeared.

"What is this?" His head tilted,and he knelled down to find that the blood was fresh.

Onity looked back around the room,only to be amazed. A bloody two, three, four, five, and six appeared.And they weren't there before. A smile appeared on his face, and he continued to look around. As he stepped in the middle of the room, he found that no more numbers had appeared.

"This is quite interesting..."Onity said.

But then something else happened.Suddenly more and more numbers appeared. Almost all at once, a seven appeared, followed by an eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. And then more numbers appeared, but they were all either one, twelve, or in between. A ticking sound rung in Onity's head, and he gasped in pain. His eyes darted around the room, realizing the whole place was turning red with numbers. His eyes watered as the ticking grew louder and louder. And then he closed his eyes again, and it all stopped.

"G-God dammit." Onity stepped back.

He looked around again to find himself in a hallway. The first floor hallway. And everything was normal. His head didn't ring anymore. Onity rubbed the water from his eyes. He stood there, confused. Did he do that? What room was that?


Onity heard a voice, and turned around to see Bashur running towards him. Onity smiled.

"T-There you are, Bashur!" Onity said, his voice perfectly copying Ty.

"I'm so glad I finally found you! I was sure you and Ant were dead, or that I was dead!" Bashur cried,hugging Ty.

"B-But you're alive!" Onity chuckled, and the melon let go. He had tears in his eyes, and he was shaking.

"But I see you're not with Ant."Bashur frowned. "S-Should we try looking for him? Or should we go back to the safe room?"

"We can't give up on Ant!" Onity huffed. "He wouldn't give up on us, would he!?"

"You're right! We should hurry,though! I'm worried about him!" Bashur gulped.

Onity nodded his head. "Lead the way,then!"

The two walked around the mansion,looking for Ant. Never once did Onity run into that odd room, and never once did Bashur suspect a thing of him. Sooner or later, Onity got bored of walking with the melon. He got tired of talking with him. He didn't dislike the man, he just wanted to get on with the show. Time was ticking, and so Onity would have to make a move sooner or later.

So that's what he did. They were on another second floor hallway, the one with the door to the safe room,when Onity stopped walking. He stood there, unmoving. Bashur realized this, stopped, and turned to see why. He looked at whom he believed was Ty. His eyes showed worry.

"T-Ty? Are you okay?" Bashur asked.

Onity didn't say a thing.

"T-Ty! What's wrong!?" Bashur asked, and walked over to Onity.

Bashur couldn't get any reaction out of Onity, and so being desperate, Bashur grabbed Onity's shoulders and shook him.

"TY!" Bashur shouted.

Bashur started to freak out. He tried so hard to get his friend to reply, but Onity didn't say or move at all. Bashur then stopped, and stepped back, staring Onity down.

"W-What the balls?" Bashur asked himself. He shook his head, shivering. "T-Ty?"

This was very amusing to Onity.

"A-Am I hallucinating?" Bashur asked. "Is he even there? I-I DON'T UNDERSTAND!"

Bashur started to cry from the stress of confusion. And with that, Onity began to laugh. His laugh made Bashur jump. Bashur looked up at Onity with fear, and he began to back away.

"Of course you're hallucinating,child!" Onity laughed. "Do you honestly believe that a house can switch up it's organs like this!? Do you honestly believe something as stupid as this would ever happen!?"

"G-GaH!" Bashur gasped as Onity's voice rang in his head.

"You've been hallucinating everything, my boy. You're mental." Onity said.

With that, Onity laughed even louder, and then lifted up his leg. He then stomped on the floor, the whole hallway shaking. And to Bashur's horror, a crack formed in the middle of the hallway. The crack spread, and rather quickly, it went towards Bashur. Bashur tried to back away, but he was too late. The wooden flooring under Bashur collapsed, and Bashur fell with it.

"GAH!" Bashur gasped as part of the wooden flooring scrapped his back, and then got stuck on his shirt collar.

"Oh, would you look at that." Onity stepped forward, watching the poor think choke on his own shirt collar.

Bashur's back bled due to the scrapes, dripping onto the hallway under him on the first floor. His heart raced as he tried to save himself. But yet, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get free. Onity watched as Bashur choked to death. Onity smiled as the body became motionless. And then a small laugh escaped his mouth.

Onity sat on the edge of the hole in the floor, and then with a push, he fell down through the hole and landed on the first floor. Onity found the small puddle of blood below where Bashur hung, and he smeared it into a bloody number seven. Onity stepped back, admired his work, and then went on,walking back up to the second floor using the staircase, which was right were it was supposed to be. The mansion no longer distorted anymore. He was tired from having to do all of that while being distracted.

Onity was now back in the middle hallway of the second floor. To one side of the floor was the hallway where Brice died and the room were Ty died, and to the other side is the hallway were Bashur died, as well as the safe room. Onity began to walk one way, but noticed another person in the hallway with him.It was Ant, and he was coming back from the Brice/Ty side of the hallway.

"Ty!" Ant gasped. "I can't believe it! Finally, i've found someone!"

Onity nodded his head, but continued walking into the hallway with Bashur. Ant followed, until they were both in the hallway.

"So, this mansion seemed to be back to normal! Do you thi-"

Ant stopped when he saw Bashur. He was silent. And then he looked back up at Onity, his face showing a mixture of disgust and sorrow. And that's when Onity realized that Ant no longer trusted him.

"T-Ty..?" Ant asked. "What happened?"

Onity laughed like a little kid.There was no longer a need to play this game anymore. Onity then pushed back his hair, tucking it under his headphones again. His purple eye was exposed to Ant, who looked horrified.

"F-FUCK!" Ant shouted in surprise,and did the only thing he could.

Onity watched as Ant ran away. He didn't run after Ant. He'd allow Ant to live. With that, Onity walked off, back to whatever else he does in the mansion. Ant, however, hit himself in the shoulder with the doorway as he ran back to the door to the safe room. He slammed the door, running down the stairs, into the safe room. He was out of breath, and he had hardly broken a sweat.

"G-GUYS!" Ant shouted, turning the light to the room on.

Everyone else, who had been resting in the beds, woke up rather agitated. But they didn't stay in their dream state for long. Ant was freaking out, and they had to listen to what he had to say. Tyler watched as Sky and Seto tried to comfort Ant, and Jason and Sub watched.

"A-Ant, calm down! What happened!?"Sky asked.

"Where is Ty and Bashur?" Tyler asked, looking around the room to find no sign of them.

"B-BASHUR IS DEAD! A-A-AND TY IS A-ACTING WIRED. I-I THINK THE ONI IS CONTROLLING TY!" Ant explained, still panicked. Sky moved over and let Ant sit down on the side of one of the beds.

"Controlling Ty?" Seto asked.

"I-Is Ty okay!?" Sky asked Ant.

"I don't know! I think he killed Bashur!" Ant shook his head.

Tyler frowned. Ty was dead too. The Ty that Ant was talking about was probably Onity. Tyler walked over to Ant, but still said nothing. He felt sad. He knew that Onity had tricked Ant, and he knew that Onity had killed Bashur and Ty. It bothered him again. He wished he could go back to sleep right now,but it wasn't the best time. And again, he blocked out the conversation as he fell deeper into his thoughts.

Tyler found thoughts in the back of his head, thoughts that bothered him more and more. The game, the death, the insanity. He was still unsure of if he should play along or help out. He wasn't doing any good though, stuck in that battle.He'd been messed up for as long as the loop restarted. He was no longer bold and out going. He no longer could find his own jokes funny. He hadn't been happy for awhile. He was someone different.Someone so different.

"Where are you going?"

Tyler had turned around to walk away,but Seto stopped him. Tyler stopped and paused and took a deep breath. He muttered under his breath something, and the only thing that came from that was a voice that sounded like he was holding back tears. Tyler then walked off towards the bathroom of the safe room.Nobody dared to follow him.

Inside the bath room, Tyler stared into the mirror. He saw how his colors were dull and how he looked like he hadn't seen a bed in years. He hated that. He hated how he looked so defeated. He knew that he had to start playing the game as he should, or else he'd have put up no fight at all.


Tyler shouted, and raised his fist up, smashing the mirror glass. Part of it broke, and pieces fell to the counter below. Tyler let his rage flow out, and he looked up at his hand. Blood dripped from his hand. It was a bright red, and it looked sickening.

"There has to be some way I can fightback." Tyler muttered. "I don't want to win this way."

Tyler collapsed on the floor, and sat there. He was delusional. There was no other way to win, was there?  


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