Loop 2, Chapter Twenty One: Tick Tock

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EnderOni, Loop 2

Chapter Twenty One:

Tick Tock


Important Notes:

-Loop 2 is not a sequel. EnderOni is not over.

-Updates are not snacks. Don't ask for another like I can pull it from a box of cookies.

-Please do not bring up drama starting topics in the comments.

-If there are any mistakes, please point them out kindly. 

-Please enjoy! Thank you! 


Trapped in a mansion by a monster for unknown reasons, forced to play a game of life and death. A plot you only find in fiction. But unfortunately, it had become Tyler's reality. Letters were sent out anonymously to 13 minecrafters, inviting them to play a horror map at a mansion one Friday afternoon. It seemed confusing at first, with no signs or instructions to be found. But then Tyler was found nearly dead within the first hour, and the monster that was rumored to walk around the building no longer was doubted. The EnderOni, Bodil claimed it was called, remembering stories from his childhood.

One after another, in no order or timely manner at all, the 12 of the 13 guests were killed off by this Oni, who found himself relating their deaths to the numbers on a clock. One O'clock was Ant, who was sadly the first to go. Two was Jason, who saved the life of Sub, a new found friend. Three was Bashur, who had been possessed by the Oni, jumping out of the 4th floor window, dying in the grass below. Four was Jerome, who had to think fast and save Bodil. Five was Brice, but whether he was killed by the Oni or Tyler is unknown.

Six was Sub, whom made sure his last moments entertained his last viewer. Seven was Sky, and eight was Mitch, both dying in battle together, as one last alliance. Nine was the real Ty, whom had been gone all along. Ten was Bodil, the beginning of the fall. Elven was Ian, falling from Tyler's grasp. Twelve was Seto, who ran, but couldn't hide. Tyler found himself as the unlucky number of thirteen, and yet he couldn't die. The Oni couldn't kill him. So he was given a choice. To restart, or go home alone.

And he chose to restart. To play a game on a clean slate. Was it a good choice?


It was 1:30 in the afternoon, and Tyler found himself alone again. Bashur and Sky were off exploring the left hallway, Ty and Sub were off exploring the middle hallway, and Tyler was again left with the right hallway. The hallway was quite, and Tyler stared down it. He had lost his train of thought, but then shook his head. He walked down the hallway, his feet feeling heavier then the last time. It was hard to believe that, just like that, time had been spun back. He honestly didn't believe it was possible.

Tyler found the enchantment room first, reaching out to turn the door nob. If he remembered correctly, the journal was found in there somewhere, and by the rules Onity had set in place, he could be in that room for 30 more minutes without a worry in the world. Onity was the Oni, or later found to be ONE of the Onis, that lived in the mansion. He had taken Ty's form and tricked everybody back in loop one, as well as giving Tyler the option to restart. Tyler honestly didn't know much else about Onity, but it didn't matter since Tyler didn't like Onity at all. Onity was his enemy, right?

The door was locked, and Tyler couldn't get into the enchantment room.

“Goddammit.” Tyler huffed.

Suddenly, at the same exact time as the last loop, a shatter of glass was heard from the room at the end of the hall. Tyler jumped, having forgotten that small detail. But he was quick to get over it, remembering it was just a glass plate. He shook the scare off and walked over to that room, finding the door unlocked. He stepped inside to see the same room. The same lighting. The same old memory. Nothing eventful happened in that room last loop, other for the glass plate. It was a room with no bad memories. For now, at least.

Tyler walked over to the counter where the plate fell from. He remembered that the plate shard did save his life once, so without a doubt picked it back up, and placed it in his pocket for safety. If he didn't need it to save himself, he could use it to maybe cut a rope or put someone out of their misery. Jkjk not that last one. Tyler couldn't possibly hurt any of his friends. He cared about them more then he cared about himself. Thus why he would go through the trouble to go through hell again, am I right? He wasn't gonna DanganRonpa this shit. Onity would allow it, oh he'd adore Tyler for it, but it wasn't gonna happen.

“What was next...?” Tyler yawned, looking around the room. There was the door in the corner that was locked, and nothing else. “Oh...yeah.”

Tyler remembered back to Loop one, and remembered something about meeting Ian on the second floor. His memories were not picture perfect, but they were doing him well so far. As far as he knew, at least. Tyler left the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He made his way down the hallway and turned to walk up the stairs. He couldn't stop himself from glancing around at ever corner, having the feeling of being watched.

He reached the room he knew lead had the closet with Ian hiding inside. He walked in quietly, as he decided on his walk there that he wasn't going to stop for a chat. He already knew what Ian would say, and what would happen following it. He'd leave the room and the Oni would be there to kill him. So, to save some time, Tyler looked around the room. It was where he found a key, right? He approached the bed and looked around for bumps in the sheets, and then went to the drawers and the book shelves. Finally he found the key in plain sight, on the desk with the 'enchantment room” label tied to it.

Tyler picked it up and held it tightly in his hands, turning around to walk out of the room. He stopped for a moment to see if he could hear Ian. He could. Distant sniffling or crying. Ian was there. Tyler walked out the door and quickly made his way down stairs, back to the enchantment room door. The key slid in, and turned, and a click was heard. Tyler pushed his way into the room, and closed the door behind him. There, he found the first thing out of place.

Sitting on top of the coffee table in the room filled with book shelves and an enchantment table, was the journal. Tyler walked over and picked it up, a pen dropping out from inside the book and onto the floor, making a small noise. Tyler picked it up, and shoved it into his pocket with the plate shard. He then opened the journal in his arms. Everything that was there in the first loop had remained in the book. It had traveled with them back in time. But wouldn't that mean there would be two books in this world now?

Tyler shook his head, and found the page with the rules written down, and Onity's signature. Tyler read through the rules again, trying to remember each one of them. He couldn't die first, and he couldn't die as number 12. Onity couldn't steal the journal, and nobody else was allowed to know about their “game”. The enchantment room would become a safe room between the hours of 1AM and 2AM, and 1PM and 2PM. At the moment, the room was a safe room. There is only one confirmed way into the mansion, and absolutely no escape roots out. He was given a free key, too.

“Free Key, huh?” Tyler looked confused at first, but felt around, and felt that key in his other pocket. Onity kept his promise, of course.

The last rule was that Tyler had to break the clock, allowing Onity the ability to kill a 13th person. Tyler gulped. He didn't want to at all, but he feared the consequences. Tyler closed the book and sighed. What clock was he supposed to break. Tyler held the book tightly in his arms, and began his search for the clock. There wasn't one in the enchantment room, so he had no choice but to leave.

Tyler left the room, and continued his search for a clock, while making sure he didn't run into anyone else. There wasn't one on the first floor, and even though a lot of the rooms on the second floor where locked, there still wasn't one there. Tyler found himself walking up the stairs to the third floor, and looking around those rooms for a clock. The library was clockless, and the Piano room was....well, a piano room. Not a clock was in sight. It made Tyler stop and wonder if there was ever a clock in the rooms in loop one. He couldn't remember that. So how would they know when the enchantment room would be safe?

He didn't like entering these rooms. The murders that happened inside them still haunted Tyler. He could still see Sub in the piano, and Seto to the side, even though nothing was really there. Sub and Seto were alive. For now. Tyler looked for a clock in the lounge room and the room with the red chair on the fourth floor, but by then it was clear to him there was only one other place to look. The basement and the annex were not special at all. Only one room was.

Tyler stood in front of the window Bashur had jumped out of, only this time around, it was boarded up. The second thing noticeably different. His back faced it, and he stared up at the staircase to the fifth floor. It was darker up there, and he didn't want to walk up there.

But he had to. He made a promise.

Tyler walked up the stairs, his head feeling dizzy. Half way up the stairs, he found himself short of breath, his vision blurry, leaning on the wall. A ticking sound found it's way into his head, becoming louder and louder with each slow step. His head pounded, and then his feet. He began to cough and cough and cough, his arms growing weak and the journal nearly falling out of his arms. His heart pounded with the tick of the clock.

Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

Tyler stepped onto the fifth floor, and suddenly all that pain and sickness vanished. He almost fainted in the drastic change from one state to the other. He stood there for a moment, confused, as energy regained in his system. His fingers clenched the journal in his arms, and his stared at the door infront of him. He could still hear the tick tock of the clock. It made him shiver. It was almost as though all that pain he felt walking up the stairs was a threat. Was it the oni who was doing that to him?

The door handle was cold, and it almost felt as though he was letting in a draft as he opened the door. He looked back, towards the stairs, and a vision of the open window letting in a nice wind flashed in his head. Light from the sun, and the sound of birds. But it was only a picture now gone from his mind. The draft was imaginary. He was, after all, slowly losing his mental health. Right?

The bloody clock was on the wooden floor, just like before. There was still a door to the side of the room, maybe a potted plant to the side as well. But the ticking went on. And Tyler found where it was coming from rather quickly. His walked slowly forward, until he stood in the middle of the bloody clock. His eyes gazed up, landing on the clock on the wall.

It was slightly larger then a normal clock you may find in a class room or office, nothing much else different. It had been mounted to be eye level with Tyler, replacing the riddle on the wall. The riddle was nowhere to be found.

Tyler gulped, stepping forward slowly.

“One is left each time....” He said, his voice quiet. “That is, unless the clock is broken.”

That was the clock he had to break. It's ticking hurt his head, and he wanted it to stop more then ever. What a great way to guarantee he'd break it, huh? Tyler placed the book down behind him, on the middle of the clock, and turned back to the clock. As he walked closer and closer the ticking got faster and louder and it all hurt more and more! His heart beat faster and faster and his blood boiled and a tear slid down his cheeks and feel to the floor below. The clock made his mental state deteriorate.

You're such a laugh.”

It's voice repeated in his head, and anger grew and grew.


The laugh echoed.

Life is just a game!”

Tyler found himself balling his fist, and blindly punching the clock. A crash unlike any other shattered the drums of his ears. Glass fell to the floor, cutting his hand. The ticking stopped, and the clock froze. Blood from his knuckles stained the clock, some even dripping to the floor. Pain shot up his arm, but it was nothing to be a bother, since he was no longer haunted by the ticking. His heart returned to a normal rate, and he felt so much better.

Tyler shook his head, and turned around quickly, grabbing his journal back into his arms. He looked up, about to run back down stairs, when a figure made him stop. Onity stood in the doorway, grinning. He didn't say anything though, putting his finger to his mouth.


Onity pulled out a cream colored cloth from his pockets, and dropped it on the floor. With that, He turned around, and left out the door, disappearing in seconds. Tyler was confused, but then realized when he walked over to the cloth Onity dropped, that it was medical bandage. Onity was reminding Tyler he had to keep it all to himself. But wouldn't a bandaged covered hand stand out just as much as a bleeding hand? What ever.

Tyler wrapped the cloth around his bleeding hand as he walked down the stairs. He had to make his way back to the first floor to meet up with the other two groups. His work had only just begun. Besides, there was something he had to make sure of before worrying about staying alive.


Tyler found Sky, Bashur, Sub, and Ty already waiting for him by the front door on the first floor. They looked fine. They hadn't found the Oni yet.

“So, did you all find anything?” Tyler asked.

“Hey, wait, weren't you supposed to be looking down the right hallway? Why'd you go on without us!?” Bashur asked.

“Not my fault you all take too long to look down one single hallway.” Tyler replied with a grin. “What are you all doing back there without me?”

“I dunno what Sky and Bashur are doing but we found some japanese looking room and a basement thing. There's also a room with a cell.” Ty reported. “No signs or map instructions.”

Tyler looked at Sub, who nodded his head.

“What about you, Sky?” Tyler asked.

“There's a locked room and like two bathrooms.” Sky sighed.

“Really doesn’t help your case.” Tyler laughed.

“For real now!” Sky fussed. “I have a wife!”

“Yeah!” Bashur crossed his arms. “One of those toilets were really weird too. I mean it dispensed rice balls and stuff.”

Tyler glanced at Ty and Sub, who looked confused.

“You both okay?”

“You know what, never mind.” Sky sighed. “What did you find, Tyler?”

“There's an enchantment table room down there, as well as a small kitchen but no food or anything. A couch and what not. I didn't get to see much upstairs. There are a lot of locked doors.” Tyler said.

“Hmm...alright.” Sky said. “I guess we need to continue to find the signs. This map isn't very fun so far.”

“I'm sure it'll get better.” Ty yawned.

“Okay then!” Bashur lead the way towards the stairs. “Let's get this show on the road!”

Tyler and the group turned to follow Bashur, but Tyler stopped, and remembered something. He ran to Ty, who stiffened in confusion. Tyler pulled back Ty's hair, seeing both Ty's deep red eyes. They were both red eyes. This was the real Ty. Good. Another different thing this loop. Tyler gently placed Ty's hair back and retreated to his own personal space.

“What the hell?” Ty asked.

Sky laughed. “Tyler, you got something to tell us?”

“Yeah.” Tyler grinned, taking the chance to joke. “Ty's a total hotie.”

“God, I can't believe i'm doing this map with you idiots.” Sky shook his head, continuing along with them to the second floor.


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