Focus on Now, not Later

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Emma's POV

What will Hero say once I apologize? Will it be happily ever after? Will I be a sad little hobo for the rest of my days? Will I never get back to the real world? To Earth? I remember one of my friends telling me "Don't focus on the future. Focus on the here and now. That is what will help your future." She's right. I need to worry about now. With Hero and I. I got to apologize, right now. I take a deep breath, and teleport to Linz. Am I crying? No, no I'm not. "Linz?" I say. I look behind her to see Hero. Wow, I made him this upset? Focus! I sit in between Lindsey and Herobrine. My hands get a little shaky. "I'm sorry for passing out all the time. This is all my fault, and I take all the blame. I am acting way to childish. I'll try my best to act more mature. More like an adult. I need to grow up anyways." I say.

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