How to Wake Lindsey Up

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Emma's POV
I hear the word "Cake?!" And said "Someone has cake!!!!" I scream as I run to the noise. I see Savannah and Lindsey and said "Where's the cake?!" Lindsey is fully awake and says "Emma, this is my cake!" Lindsey says. "You know who can eat the most sweets, and that's your best friend, me!" I say. Savannah says "There is actually no cake. I just made it up to Lindsey would wake up." That's brilliant. I should do that more often. "COME ON! I really was hoping for come cake..." I sat as I walk to my room and continue drawing. Nobody can look at me when I'm drawing, it creeps me out. I don't like it when people stare and I don't know about it.

Herobrine's POV
I wake up to the sound of Emma screaming "COME ON!" Wonder what she means by that. I stretch and get out of bed. Time to get ready for today.
Hello guys! Um, well I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, I am having a sleepover, and I am having a blast! The bad news is, me and nightmerrs will be going to school soon. (Well, nightmerrs started school, mine starts the 8th.) I DON'T WANNA GO BACK! Ugh... 😣

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