"I'm Going to Spy on Them and Make Them Kiss!"

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Elena's POV
I've got my plan. We all went our separate ways, and I decided to do my thing. I go in my room and get some things needed. I'm planning to go and spy the two lover birds and make them kiss! Yeah! Go me! I knock Steve's door and I hear a scream of a little girl. I open the door to see Steve nervously looking at me. "H-hey Elena! Uhh... Good bye!" He says. "No." I say, as I shut the door. "Do you want to ask Linz out or not?!" Steve face instantly reddens. "What! Who gave you that idea?!" "I figured it out myself. Now, your going to ask Linz out on a date without her content." "W-wait!" "NO! You guys are meant to be!" "B-b-but!" "No buts!" "*sigh* Ok..."

Savannah's POV
Sleep... Sleep... Sleep! I'm not sleeping! I'm so tired though! What's that? It's faint, but I hear a sound. I run out of the bed and outside. Ohmygod. Red. Light. It's so... Don't touch it. No. Don't. Dooo... I can't help it! I run, and... Catch! I got it! No, it's moving! Catch! Catch! Ahh! It's going inside! I run inside the house and... Catch! I got it! Yay! "Good job!" I look up to see Cupa. "What?!" I say. "Uhh... Bye!" She says, as she runs off. What was that about? Oh well. The light is gone as well. I start to walk back into my room, when I hear Steve and Elena planning something in his room. I put my ear up and listen real closely. Ohh... So that's what your planning? Let me join in the fun!

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