No more Push-ups!

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Lindsey's POV

Later that night, I helped Cupa make cake, while ordering Emma and Hero  to do push-ups. When Hero stopped, I flipped him over my back. I made sure to make it extra painful.

*Timeskip to tomorrow*

It's the same every morning. I wake up to Emma beating me with a pillow. This morning, Herobrine, Cupa, and Emma are all beating me with pillows. "This is what happens when you make us do push ups!" Emma shouts. "No more Judo!" Herobrine yells. "Gawwwwwd. Get off me!" I say as freeze their pillows, causing the weight to tip them to the floor. I laugh as I walk to the kitchen. I'm eating cake for breakfast. No one can stop me!
I'm so sorry that we haven't updated lately. We have been very busy with it being the end the summer and all. But don't worry. We have some free time now!

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