Setting Up Camp

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Emma's POV
I'm....... Shocked. I have nothing to say. Lindsey just asked Steve to come with us. SHE HATES HIM! And that, is a fact. A proved fact. Steve says that he would travel with us through the woods, just to guide us. He said that he has lots of responsibilities back in the village. He lives in a village? Hmm... I didn't know. Well, now I do! He gets his sword out and we start to travel on again, with Steve taking the lead. Elena and Linz behind him. None of us really talked, except for Steve, who kept talking about the stuff ahead and blah blah blah. Steve is boring, no offense. No wonder Lindsey hated him so much! I turn around to see that the sun was close to the edge. "Look, sunset." I say, as I point to the sun. "Aww man! I won't make it home on time!" Steve says. "We should find shelter, before it's to late." Savannah says. "There is a cave nearby. I'm sure that will work." Steve says. "Alrighty then. Let's go!" I say. The seven of us walk to the cave Steve has been talking about. It was a pretty decent cave. Not to big, not to small. We decided to set up a little spot for us. We all put our stuff on the ground. Elena uses her hands to shoot a fireball. There was a little fire, making light. "Light!" I say excitedly. Finally, no more darkness. We stay up until the moon was somewhat up in the sky. We decided to get some sleep, we're gonna need it. So I sit there, and wait for my eyes to close.
*2 hours later*
My eyes haven't shut yet. Out of all nights, why tonight? I'm TIRED! And that's not normal. Everyone else is asleep, except for me. The fire is out. The moon is shining a bright white in the sky. I stand up, and walk to the mouth of the cave. I stare at the moon's white glow. It was super pretty tonight. I sit down near the edge of the cave.

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