Steve, Bleh!

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Emma's POV
I look to see Steve. No, none of us really like him. He was the one who captured Lindsey. Cupa stops dipping ice cream. We all just stop. "Stop following me!" She says. "I don't try to follow you. I was just going to ask for some ice cream!" He says. "You better leave, before I punch your nose." Lindsey says. Steve gives Linz a death stare. Lindsey sticks her tongue out at him. Steve says "Your so violent." Before leaving. "Geez, he's weird." Cupa says, and then starts dipping ice cream again. Lindsey says "Ya, he is." I look at the sun to see that it has set all the way. Aww, I wanted to watch it. At least I'll see the meteors. Cupa hands me and Hero our ice creams. "Thank you!" Me and Hero say at the same "I'm so excited!" I say. Lindsey sits next to me, along with Cupa and Savannah. "I hope I get to see a big one! Like in the movies!" Savannah says. "Ya, that would be awesome!" Cupa says. Lindsey says "Hey look! The Big Dipper!" She says. "What's the Big Dipper?" I ask. She just looks at me with a shocked face. "The Big Dipper is a star constellation." She says. "What's a star constellation?" I ask her. "It's when a group of stars make a shape. See, It looks like a spoon." She says. I look up. At first I don't see it, but then the stars just connect together. "Ohh! I see it now! That's so cool!" I say.
I just realized that this is the 53rd part to Endersnow. Wow! We write a lot!!!

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