The Skeleton Fight

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Lindsey's POV

OHMIGOD! Emma! On instinct, I shoot a beam of ice at the wither skeleton, knocking its head clean off. "Thanks, Linz! That was close." She says. "Well, luckily, it was only that one." I say. But a scared noise out of Cupa says otherwise. There's about 25 wither skeletons lined up at the end of the hallway. "God darn, Lindsey, you jinxed us!" Herobrine scowls. Ah! Why did I have to keep running my mouth?! Elena attempts to speak to them in what I think is Nether Tongue. It responds back. "What did he say?" Savannah asks. Her knees are shaking. "Get ready for a fight..." Elena mumbles. Everyone pulls out their weapons. Cupa and Elena are working together. Cupa throws gunpowder on the floor, and Elena lights it, causing a small explosion. It knocks about 2 skeletons out. Savannah, Emma an Herobrine are sticking together. Which leaves me partnered with... Steve. WHY HIM?! Of all the people here?! I wonder if I could trade... Before I could ask, a blow was thrown at me by a Wither Skeleton. Before I could dodge, someone's arms wrapped around me and threw me to the floor. It's Steve. I promise to never make any more 'I could've died!' Jokes anymore, because seriously, I almost died. "Thanks!" I say, barely acknowledging him. The skeleton is still trying to attack. It tries to land another blow with its sword, but I create an ice wall, duck around it, and knock his head off with snow.

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