speaking of loyalty

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         Scuttling across the ceiling of the interior of the dark spaceship, Peter breathed slowly and quietly, hardly making any noise within it. Underneath of him, finding that her brand new suit was completely absorbent, Kennedy still had the invisibly function of her old one and walked below him as they approached Tony, the helmet off from his head completely, with Kennedy knowing that her dad was going to completely murder the both of them once he found out they had stayed on the ship.

     "Wow," Tony was talking to Strange's cloak, which had long since separated from him and was now floating on its own. "You are one seriously loyal piece of hardware."

     "Yeah, uh - speaking of loyalty... " Peter began, descending upside down slowly from the ceiling, a web lowering him slightly as, standing tall right next to his head, Kennedy's suit rippled, revealing her, helmet less.

     "What the - !" Tony turned to both of them, shell shocked.

     "I know what you're gonna say," said Peter bracingly, dropping to the floor as his own helmet retracted, holding his hands out defensively.

     "You should not be here," Tony said almost threateningly, towering over both of them as he took an intimidating step forwards. "Neither of you should be here. Kennedy, I can't believe you didn't listen to me!"

     "Woah, me not listening to you?" Kennedy asked sarcastically, folding her arms across her chest. "Shocking."

     "I was gonna go home!" Peter piped up.

     "I don't wanna hear it," Tony shook his head.

     "But it was such a long way down and I just thought about - "

     "And now I gotta hear it," Tony threw his hands up into the air in frustration. "Is it too much for me to ask for two teenagers to listen to me? For my own daughter to listen to me?"

     "Yes," Kennedy nodded as Tony glared at her.

     "And these suits are ridiculously intuitive, by the way," Peter threw in, trying to distract Tony from his rebellious daughter. "So, if anything, it's kind of your fault we're here."

     "What did you just say?" Demanded Tony, stepping forwards.

     "I - I take that back," said Peter hastily, stumbling backwards as Tony approached him. "And now we're here in space."

     "Yeah, right where I didn't want either you to be," snapped Tony. "This isn't Coney Island or some field trip or some trip to a pizza parlor," he added with his eyes narrowed at Kennedy. "This is a one way ticket, you hear me? Don't either of you pretend you thought this through."

     "I did think this through," Said Peter, quivering slightly under Tony's glare.

     "So did I!" Piped up Kennedy.

     "You did not - "

     "- we did - "

     "You could not have possibly thought this through!" Snapped Tony furiously, his glare sliding between Kennedy and Peter. "Neither of you did!"

     "You can't be a friendly neighborhood SpiderMan if there's no neighborhood!"

     "Yeah," Kennedy chimed in before pausing to look at Peter, her forehead wrinkling. "Wait... what?"

     "Okay, That didn't make sense," Peter amended hastily, briefly glancing at Kennedy. "But you know what I'm trying to say!"

     For a moment, it looked as if Tony was going to continue yelling at the both of them but finally he turned, sighing loudly, accepting that both of them weren't going back.

     "Come on," muttered Tony, leading them forwards. "We've got a situation. See him down there?" Tony pointed to the floor below them, where Dr. Strange lay with Space Voldemort hovering overhead of him, what looked to be like millions of icicles ready to pierce his pale skin. "He's in trouble. What's your plan? Go."

     "Alright," peering over, Kennedy nodded firmly. "First we're going to need to destroy the seven Horcrux's and then - "

     "What's with all the Harry Potter references?" Asked Peter curiously, glancing at Kennedy.

     "He really hates them," Kennedy was grinning largely. "And I really love pissing people off. Like, dad," she added, glancing up at her father as she and Peter crouched to see Dr. Strange better. "This new suit sucks, I hate how it's black now and it's also really itchy, like a sweater. And Peter, you have really bad hair after your SpiderMan helmet goes away."

     "What?" Self consciously reaching for his disheveled brown locks, Peter turned to her. "Well - you've got helmet hair now too!"

     "I do?" Touching her hair, Kennedy's face fell as she realized how frizzy and horrible it must have looked, turning back to Tony. "Dad, this is all your fault! You should've - "

     "I should've let you run out of oxygen because you are very annoying," said Tony, his arms folding across his chest as he tapped his foot impatiently. "I'm still waiting on that plan - a real one," he added as Kennedy opened her mouth to interject, the girl's mouth closing at his last words as she made a face in retaliation.

     "Um - okay, okay, uh... " Peter sprung upwards, Kennedy straightening as well. "Okay, you ever see this really old movie Aliens?"

     About ten minutes later, after Peter had very carefully explained the plan to Tony who had in fact not seen the movie, Kennedy had with Peter about a year prior, they were ready. With Peter crawling once again on top of the ceiling, a little ways above Space Voldemort, Kennedy was completely invisible as she snuck up beside Space Voldemort and Dr. Strange, neither of them noticing her. As Space Voldemort began to torture Dr. Strange, Tony prepared to make his entrance, still on the ledge where he, Kennedy, and Peter had developed the plan from about ten minutes ago.

     "Painful, isn't it?" Space Voldemort's creepy smile curled up as Dr. Strange gasped in pain, the icicles piercing through his cheeks. "They were originally designed for microsurgery."

     Wincing, Kennedy, although she didn't particularly like Dr. Strange, hated the horrible, almost inhuman noise that came from his mouth as he screamed loudly in pain. Sinking into his cheeks, the icicles were very clearly something much worse than ice as they pierced painfully through his skin, red blooming instantly across them as Dr. Strange writhed horribly on the bed like flat object he had been tied down to, work Space Voldemort practically smirking at the entire scene.

      "And any one of them... " Space Voldemort turned around to face Tony, noticing his watchful eyes. "Could end your friends life in an instant."

     "I gotta tell you," Tony spoke casually, as if they were both in the same line at the grocery store. "He's not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional curtesy."

     "You've saved nothing," Space Voldemort countered, stepping forwards as Kennedy discreetly followed him, flicking his wrist so that multiple objects floated upwards and followed him. "Your powers are inconsequential to mine."

     "Yeah," Tony shrugged. "But the kid's seen more movies."

      With that, the plan was set into motion.

     Firing several lasers at the side of the space ship, Tony began to crack it open and, as Space Voldemort moved to command the objects to fly at him, Kennedy made her move. Still invisible, she practically leapt onto his back, taking his arm and twisting it rather painfully as he shrieked loudly.

     "Who dares to attack the mighty - "

     "Jeez, what are you, ten thousand?" Out of the corner of her eye, Kennedy could see that her dad was practically finished with the panel and she pushed off from his back, hand springing backwards as he sent multiple objects flying in her general direction, still invisible. "You talk like an old man!"

     The panel of the ship opened.

     Instantly, Space Voldemort was yanked straight out from it, wind beginning to hurdle at thousands of miles per hour. Her suit flickering to render herself visible once more, Kennedy grabbed a side of the ship, clutching on for dear life as the especially strong winds attempted to yank her away. Sliding out from his chains completely, Dr. Strange, unconscious again, was pulled forwards, however, that had been expected when devising the plan and Peter was on it within half a second.

     Shooting a web to grab the sorcerer, Peter had his other hand on a beam of some sort as he struggled to keep a hold of Dr. Strange, beginning to tug him in. Shouting out a loud 'Yes!', Peter spoke too soon as, very suddenly, he was ripped from his lifeline and he began to tumble out with Dr. Strange in tow, with Kennedy watching nervously.

     However, she and Tony hadn't designed Peter's suit to be anything less than excellent. As Peter began to soar straight through the hole in the ship, steel legs designed based off from spiders erupted from his back, sinking into the side of the ship as they struggled to keep him completely attached to it.

     "Yes!" Cried out Peter enthusiastically as he stopped moving only to notice his new legs. "Wait, what are those?"

     He received no answer as both Tony and Kennedy were incredibly focused on not flying out into space. With great effort, Peter slowly but surely managed to tug himself and Dr. Strange all the way back into the ship. Immediately, Tony fired at the ship, energy emerging from the palm of his hands as it patched up the hole with an icy blue colored material. Dying down instantly, all the wind vanished, sending Kennedy tumbling to the ground as she grumbled in annoyance, walking over to Peter who had released Dr. Strange as he stood up, brushing himself off while Dr. Strange's magical cloak floated by him.

     "Hey, we haven't officially met yet," said Peter, reaching out a hand only for the cloak to stiffly hover by him, his hand falling limply to his side. "Cool."

     "Bug brain," Kennedy told him, shaking her head. "It's a cloak, you don't have to introduce yourself to it."

     "Well, it's a magical cloak," said Peter pointedly, defending himself. "How was I supposed to know if I needed to talk to it or not? Plus, I'm being polite. You should try it."

     "Are you saying I'm not polite?"

      "Well - " Peter took one look at Kennedy's intimidating face and threw up his hands in surrender, stumbling backwards. "No, no - of course not! You're very polite, Kennedy. Especially when you look like you're going to kill me."

     "That," Kennedy nodded her head in satisfaction. "Is what I thought."

     "We gotta turn this ship around," Dr. Strange said to Tony as his cloak wrapped itself back around him, staggering up to his feet as he picked himself off from the hard ground. 

     "Yeah," Tony nodded, walking forwards. "Now he wants to run."

     "I want to protect the stone," Dr. Strange countered, stalking after Tony as Tony paused in front of an enormous window, nothing but shining blue light outside of it as it lit everything up in blue hues.

     "And I want you to thank me now," said Tony, not even bothering to glance at Strange. "Go ahead, I'm listening."

     "For what?" Retorted Strange, following him. "Nearly blasting me to space?"

     "Who just saved your magical ass?" Demanded Tony, whirling around to face the sorcerer with narrowed eyes. "Me!"

     "Oh, I love it when he's yelling at someone else who isn't me," murmured Kennedy gleefully to Peter as they walked towards the adults arguing like toddlers. "It's so refreshing."

      "I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet."

     "Admit it," snapped Tony in response. "You should've ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you, you refused."

     "God," Strange looked like he was incredibly close to completely forgetting about how Tony had saved his life and was going to just strangle him. "Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you."

     "I don't work for him!" Kennedy called out, refusing to shrink under the heavy glares she was suddenly on the receiving end from both men as they turned to her. "Just thought you might want to know... actually, I don't really listen to him at all."

     "Do you have any manners?" Strange demanded.

     "Hey!" Interjected Peter, standing beside her. "She is very polite - " he did shrink under Strange's gaze. "Sir," he added quickly.

     "Okay," muttered Tomy, looking close to face palming as he struggled to switch the attention from the two teenagers back to him. "Due to the fact that you don't work for me, we're now in a flying donut, billions of miles from earth, with no back up."

     "We're back up!" Called Peter, raising up his hand.

     "No, you are stowaways," said Tony. "The adults are talking."

     "I'm sorry," Strange said, sounding not very sorry at all as he shook his head in confusion. "I'm confused as to the relationship here. I know she's your daughter. But, I mean, what is he? Your ward? Her boyfriend? Your son in law?"

     "No," answered Peter, reaching out a hand. "I'm Peter, by the way."

     "I'm Dr. Strange," answered Strange, only glancing reproachfully at Peter's hand.

     "Oh, we're using our made up names," Peter nodded hastily, dropping his hand to his side. "Um - I'm SpiderMan and this - " He gestured towards Kennedy. "Well, this is still Kennedy Stark. She doesn't do the whole made up name thing."

     Dr. Strange glared at Peter.

     "This ship is self - correcting its course," evidently, Strange chose not to start an argument with either of the teenagers as he stalked forwards, his cloak flowing behind him as he spoke to Tony. "Thing's on autopilot. Can we control it? Fly us home?"

     Tony didn't answer.

     "Stark," Strange said firmly.


     "Can you get us home?"

     "Yeah, I heard you," Tony was nodding his head, looking off into the distance. "I'm not so sure we should."

     "Under no circumstances can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos," said Strange heavily, intimidatingly walking towards Tony. "I don't think you understand what's at stake here."

     "What? Who's Thanos?" Peter whispered to Kennedy.

      "I dunno, probably the geologist," Kennedy responded, glancing away from Tony and Strange's fight for a moment. "What's a Time Stone?"

      "I dunno," shrugged Peter helplessly. "Maybe it's that glowing green rock around Strange's neck?"

     "Wow, it'd be nice if they'd maybe explain something more than the whole  crazy man wants necklace storyline," muttered Kennedy dryly.

     "Alright, Stark," Strange was saying, somehow Kennedy and Peter had completely missed the argument. "We go to him. But you have to understand.. if it comes to saving you, your daughter, or the kid, or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let any of you die. I can't - because the fate of the universe depends on it."

     "Wow, Harry Potter really changed," murmured Peter.

     Slapping a hand to muffle her snickers, Peter's comment was practically ten times funnier to the teens, most likely because of the fact that they were more or less knocking on deaths door at that point. Her shoulders shaking, Kennedy did her best to suppress her giggles as Peter turned red, holding back his own as they vainly struggled to return their attention to the more important conversation in which Tony and Dr. Strange were sealing their fate.

     "Nice," commented Tony, patting Strange's shoulder soundly. "Good, moral compass," he crossed over towards Kennedy and Peter, their humor instantly dying down as the tone became serious. "Alright, Kennedy, kid - " he performed a gesture similar to the one when a queen knighted someone on both of them. "You're Avengers now."

     Kennedy's mouth fell open.

     Completely shocked, her gaze trailed after her dad as he walked away slowly, as if nothing had just happened, his face in his hands. Turning up to look at Peter, the two locked eyes, both pairs wider than saucers as they stared at each other, with Peter's mouth struggling to choose whether it wanted to break out into a large smile or form a perfect 'o'. Finally he nodded heroically, throwing his shoulders back, his eyes shining.

     "Are you crying?" Kennedy demanded.

     "What? No!" Peter definitely had tears of joy in his eyes. "You're - you're  tearing up!"

     "Am not!" Exclaimed Kennedy, wiping furiously at her eyes.

     "Are to!"

     "Are not!"

      "Are to!"

      "Are to!"

     "Are not - " Peter paused, his face furrowing in confusion. "Wait - what? No, that's not what I meant, I - "

     "Knew you'd agree with me," said Kennedy, grinning mischievously.

     "I - " Peter cut himself off, his eyes trailing towards something over Kennedy's shoulder, behind her. "What's going on?"

     "I think we're here," answered Strange slowly.

     Turning around, Kennedy followed Peter's eyes as she glanced out the enormous windows. No longer displaying the vastness of space, she was granted with a view of the ground of some planet, shimmering with large star fish like objects seeming to grow straight of of it. Soaring towards the ground at impeccable speeds, it became  very clear, as the ship began to shudder violently, practically threatening to overturn completely, that it was planning on crashing.

     "I don't think this rig has a self park function," muttered Tony, striding backwards to some weird objects dangling from the ceiling. "Get your hand inside this," he said to no one in particular as he placed his hand inside one of the objects, gesturing to the second one. "Then, we gotta be one big guy so we gotta move at the same time."

     "I'll do it," Kennedy volunteered, reaching to slip her hand into the second gauntlet.

     "You almost crashed Flash's car last time you drove," Peter said, beating her to the second gauntlet. "There's no way I'm going to be a passenger in a spaceship you're driving - I'll do it. Okay?" He added rather nervously as Kennedy looked at him.

     "Fine," Kennedy shrugged. "But that means I'm doing our next interrogation."

     Peter didn't get a chance to respond. Furiously soaring downwards, the spaceship was practically unstoppable as a star fish shaped blob seemed to rear upwards, magnifying to be about one hundred times bigger as they came very close to crashing straight into it.

     "We might, uh, wanna turn!" Exclaimed Peter nervously. "Turn - turn - turn - turn!"

     Swerving dramatically to the right, Tony and Peter struggled to bring the spaceship under control, barely able to get it to listen to them. Their efforts were futile as the ship went sailing straight through the side of a large, rock - like object, breaking it off dramatically as half of the ship took off along with it from the impact. Instantly, both Tony and Peter had their helmets on while Dr. Strange made an ancient gesture with his hands, fiery symbols surrounding the heroes as they sailed towards the ground and then -


     Shaking from the impact, Kennedy staggered to their feet as debris flew everywhere from the hard landing, with Peter helping her up as he descended down from the ceiling, upside down, attached to a web. Across from them, Strange and Tony were helping each other, both men looking completely shaken from the abrupt landing.

     "You alright?" Asked Tony. "That was close, I owe you one - Kennedy, you good?"

     "Great," Kennedy rubbed her leg, which had taken the brunt of her fall during the crash. "But next time I'm flying the giant spaceship."

     "Let me just say," announced Peter dramatically, drawing everyone's attention as he hung from the ceiling. "If aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry. Especially you, Kennedy - I - uh - never thought I'd be implanting eggs in you."

     "Can't tell if I should be flattered or disgusted," said Kennedy slowly, eying Peter.

     "I don't want another single pop culture reference outta you for the rest of the trip," demanded Tony, pointing a finger at him. "You understand?"

     "I'm trying to say something is coming."

     As if on cue, a small sphere rolled in between the feet of the small circle of heroes. Her eyes widening, Kennedy instantly took a step back, but it was too late -


     Exploding, the bomb sent all of them flying backwards. Hardly able to land on her feet, Kennedy crouched into a fighting position, instantly on guard as her eyes scanned the area, only to land somewhere about twenty feet away from her on the rocky terrain as three vague figures stumbled out of the darkness. One wore a metal gas mask with glowing red eyes, the second was tall and lean with two things Kennedy couldn't quite make out poking out from her forehead, the third had glittering skin, and the fourth was slightly shorter but incredibly muscular as he opened his mouth and roared definitely -


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