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"I cooked some rice and lentils for lunch." Mrs. Radhika quipped as she gobbled down haldiram's bhujia. Riddhima smiled.
"I think Aunty gave me parathas and cauliflower curry in lunch." Riddhima said. Mrs. Radhika nodded and continued eating. Mrs. Radhika hardly got any time in the morning to even have a quick breakfast, hence she regularly resorts to feast on some snacks while on her way to university.
"Driver bhaiya drive slowly please, roads are already beset with potholes." grumbled parineeti sitting on the back seat. The driver chuckled. They all were inside the bus which was on its way to university. As I mentioned in the last chapter, University had a bus service for both students and teachers. Occasionally the bus bounced since the mountain roads are always rather bumpy and hard to travel on.
"Riddhima your husband is a billionaire, why do you still travel with bus then??" asked Nitya, her big glasses resting on her nose. Riddhima shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Why did the conversation always ended up on her relationship with her 'so called' husband!!!! Vikramaditya was not her husband. Should she needs to yell it from the Shiva temple on the peak of Himalaya?? But then, Was Riddhima so brave to do so!!! Heck No.
"Nitya why don't you mind your own business!!! Unlike you there are quite a lot of women who don't want their husband's money." Mrs. Radhika, her unofficial saviour, came to her rescue. Nitya was irritated. What's so wrong in splurging your husband's money??? Aren't men the one who are supposed to earn and provide for their family??
"Mrs. Radhika, men are born to earn for their family and woman. There's nothing special about that." argued Nitya. Mrs. Radhika watched her blankly.
"Ofcourse, and woman are responsible for cleaning the house, cooking, watching after the kids and remain subservient to their man. That's how the conventional man-woman household functions. And in that case, Nitya will have to leave her job and take up the responsibilities of a homemaker. And....if in any case Nitya's husband decides to leave her for any reason, our smart Nitya will be on the streets with no identity of her own. Right Nitya." Mrs. Radhika countered. Nitya fumed. How dare people bring facts into the argument!!!! Nitya wanted to counter her with something more fiercer, something that always works. Should she call Mrs. Radhika Anti- Gandhi??? Or perhaps a dogmatic?? How about Islamophobic?? Will a Pro- Israelite remark work?? Can she try calling her a misogynist?? Or should she go with traditional homophobic attack on her?? However, instead of the above mentioned topics, which are always successfully used to counter any factual information, what Ms. Nitya used to counter her with was absolutely hilarious.
"You view homemakers as a fourth class citizen. Huh!!! You're evil." and she would say no more on that. She didn't had anything to say after that so it makes sense. The teachers around laughed her off. That was seriously a stupid argument. And this is actually the main problem with these pseudo feminists out there, you want man's money but still will affront anybody who call you a gold digger. Hypocrisy at its best. Equality shall start existing only when woman will stop seeing man as a walking ATM.
"C'mon Riddhima don't feel about her. She's just an idiot." Mridula whispered in her ear. Riddhima chuckled.
"Driver bhaiya you.....WHAT THE FUCK!!!" yelled parineeti as the bus screeched to halt abruptly. Riddhima was hardly able to prevent bumping her head against the front seat.
"Riddhima..." Mrs. Radhika whispered. Riddhima looked at her and saw that she was gesturing her to look into the front. Riddhima threw her eyes in the front and there, right in front of bus, she saw him through the windshield of the bus. He was dressed up in a forest green suit, his sunglasses matching the shade of his suit. That was childish but honestly he had picked a sunglass casually while he was getting ready to go out, and it was all by pure coincidence that the colours of the shades and his clothes were complimenting each other. Riddhima gulped. She could feel his eyes on her. The same cold, dark eyes that turn her feet cold. Driver didn't dare make a move. You don't want to piss Vikramaditya Raghuvanshi off.
"Wow Riddhima your husband is here!!" parineeti chirped happily. Someone please ask parineeti to start reading less romance books. With slow predatory steps he stalked towards the bus and shamelessly walked into the bus.
"Jai Shree Ram." he sweetly, or should I say over sweetly, greeted the people inside the bus including the students.
"Jai Shree Ram." they all said in unison. It should be noted here that the formal way of greeting people in and around Devbhoomi was in the form of Jai Shree Ram. Traditional Namaste was predominantly reserved for foreigners since foreigners aren't usually aware of Sanatana Dharma. And let's also not forget that the religious people here disapprove greatly if they are greeted in any other form. Anyways, Riddhima could feel her legs shivering. She would've jumped out of the window had she not seen the fathoms deep drop just on the bus's right.
"Thakur ji I was asking Riddhima why didn't she travelled with you to the university!!" Nitya said, beaming broadly. Vikramaditya was in no mood to respond to knuckleheads. He wanted Riddhima and HE SHALL HAVE RIDDHIMA.
"Riddhi, come I'll drop you to the university." Vikramaditya offered, more like ordered. Mrs. Radhika sensed something wasn't right, but she just couldn't embroil herself in the matters of a husband and wife. Riddhima gulped.
"Um... I'll come in the bus.... these are my friends..."
"Riddhi." and she went silent. The moment he removed his sunglasses, she saw his dark eyes welling up with anger and impatience. Without pissing him off more, she quietly alighted the bus and went and sat inside his car.

When the college got over, Riddhima along with Mrs. Radhika and Prajakta, started walking out of the building. The weather had already turned cold in Brahamapuri. It was monsoon and therefore heavy rains had dropped the temperature to 5 and 6° C hence creating a mini winter in the summer months. Well, because Brahmapuri was way high up in the hills that mostly summers were nothing more than a joke here.
"Riddhima trust me, when I saw him this morning I knew something wasn't right. But I never knew the situation was so complex already. Take my advice Riddhima, find a job in a metropolis. Vikramaditya is a God here but not in the entire Bharat." Mrs. Radhika said anxiously. Riddhima told them both about Vikramaditya Raghuvanshi, even what he did to her last night.
"Easier said than done. Vikramaditya may not be a God beyond Brahmapuri but clearly he is an influential man. He has his reach all throughout India and abroad. I'm doomed." Riddhima whispered tiredly. Prajakta couldn't see her like this.
"Let's not talk about that. Tell me what happened in the morning in his car." asked she. Riddhima sighed.
"Nothing much, he gave me a long lecture of how wrong I was to ignore him and that I should start accepting him as my husband. Let's not even mention how many times he actually threatened me into coming back to his mansion. But don't tell anyone, one thing happened to my liking actually, you know I was really hungry for some reason even though I had had my breakfast in the morning. Thankfully he stopped by a local food shop and ordered some noodles for me." she chuckled as she said. Her friends laughed.
"You pawned off your treasured ring for him, he can atleast buy you food. Trust me you owe him nothing." said Mrs. Radhika as they stepped into the compound of the college.
"Shit!!! Riddhima..." Prajakta gasped loudly. Riddhima and Mrs. Radhika looked in the front and found him standing patiently next to his orange Lamborghini.
"Riddhima just don't panic. We're here with you." Mrs. Radhika told her. Vikramaditya's eyes twinkled as he found her standing in between two women he chose to ignore. She looked beautiful in that subtle green and yellow saree, in some way they both were matching today. Vikramaditya regretted scolding her in the morning, but then she just want to understand sometimes. Can't she see how much he loves her?? How much he longs for her!!! He is ready to scale mountains just to have one look of her. Ofcourse he's suffocatingly possessive, ofcourse he will pulverize anyone who lifts an eye on her, ofcourse he wanted to have his way with her in a brutal merciless fashion, ofcourse he was ready to snatch every bit of her freedom just to keep her bound to him.....but still she just can't run away from him. Forced or not, he's her husband and she'll have to accept it, if not gladly than forcefully. He walked towards the ladies with a suave. His sunglasses held loosely between his forefinger and thumb.
"I hope the students weren't too hard to manage." he initiated a conversation with her. Riddhima shook her head gently, too scared to speak.
"Um Mr. Raghuvanshi can I please take her with me in bus, we've a lot of work to discuss." Mrs. Radhika said politely. Vikramaditya's eyes darkened as he fixed Riddhima with an unyielding stare. She gulped.
"No. I have some urgent work with her. Right Ri-ddi..." he hissed, not liking how she was involving other people into their relationship. Riddhima was petrified.
"Sit in the car Riddhi." and the beast was angry. Quietly Riddhima moved towards the car with him. Mrs. Radhika sighed in defeat.

They had been driving on the lonely, meandering roads of Brahamapuri for a good 15 minutes now. Both were silent, specially when Vikramaditya was already crossed with her bringing other people in their private matters.
"Wanna eat something??" he broke the silence. Riddhima shook her head gently. One thing that stood out about Vikramaditya was that no matter how mad he is at her, he never fails to ask her if she wants to eat or not. Suddenly Riddhima's eyes went to his phone that was was sitting upon his lap. On the lockscreen she saw her picture in which she is seen sleeping soundly. Not the best picture of her but the issue was that that how did he get this, especially when she doesn't remember clicking one. Without thinking much she grabbed his phone from his lap at which he didn't objected apparently. Vikramaditya firmly believed that his wife had the right to go through his personal belongings. Personal space is just an excuse for cheaters, his opinion not mine.
"How did you get this picture??" she asked fiercely.
"I clicked it myself. And before you ask how and when, I clicked it secretly while you were staying with me in our house." he told her casually. Riddhima was shocked.
"I distinctly remember telling you that I was faking it from day one. Why is it such a big issue for you then??" he asked, eyes front. Riddhima really wanted to punch him.
"And you're proud of it." asked she hatefully. He smirked.
"Ofcourse I am Riddhi. Look, let's be honest my love..... Would you have stayed with me had you known that I am not mentally retarded. C'mon Jaan, I did this all just so you could stay with me. And I swear I regret nothing. I even told you the whole truth, I mean I could've kept it but I didn't.....I love you Riddhi and that's why I did everything for you." he said, his voice held desperation. Riddhima didn't reply. He was completely delusional in her opinion. But wasn't she delusional too in thinking that one day she shall escape him?? Anyways, the rest of the journey was quiet as Riddhima unwantingly slept in the car as she was dog tired. Vikramaditya, on the other hand, revelled in watching her sleep peacefully next to him. And who knows if he even kissed her more than a couple of times while she was zoned out.

In the night Riddhima was stacking her books on her makeshift study table. Mr. and Mrs. Rautela had gone to out of town since a quarrel had broken between Mrs. Rautela's brothers in her parental home. Their sons were in the house as Mr. and Mrs. Rautela very well knew that there was a rich psychopath on loose. The boys were already asleep and Riddhima too was going to sleep as well.
"Can I help??" came a thick, masculine voice from the door. She wheeled around quickly and found Vikramaditya coming inside the room. She would've shrieked had she not known that the boys were sleeping downstairs.
"What-What are you doing here...." she stuttered as sweat beads started forming on her forehead. She could feel her hands turning cold. He smirked cruelly. He was still wearing the same clothes he wore to her university.
"Can't a husband come to meet his wife??" he asked cunningly. She knew she needed to be brave or atleast pretend to be brave.
"You came on wrong address sir. I am pretty sure your wife lives somewhere else." she told him sarcastically. He wasn't impressed.
"Pardon." his voice was dark. Riddhima was, however, fierce.
"To put it straight, I am not your wife. I am not your.....Ouch!!!" she shrieked in pain as he twisted her wrist behind her back. Her eyes welled up with tears as he harshly pulled her to his chest.
"What did you say." he hissed, eyes spitting fire. Riddhima tried her best to push him away.
"Please leave me......Ahhh!!!! You're hurting me...." she pleaded, eyes full of tears. His eyes were still dark and his jaws were clenched tightly.
"First correct what you said earlier." he demanded, twisted her wrist even more. She screamed in pain.
"Please no....." she begged with tears.
"Scream and wake up the boys so when they come up I break their necks. That's what you want huh!!!" he growled, squeezing her cheeks harshly. He wanted to kiss and suck the hell out of them so bad but she needed to be taught a lesson first.
"No....no...." she whispered, shaking her head, tears streaming down her eyes. She was in pain.
"Correct what you said..." he barked. She flinched.
"I'm I'm sorry..... I'm your wife.... You're my husband." she said, sobbing. Immediately he let go of her wrist and took a step back, fixing his clothes. She started rubbing her wrist to soothe the pain. He, then, came closer and putting his hand on the wall, looked down at her little frame gently.
"Why do you make me do this hm!!!" He asked, his voice low. She didn't respond. Slowly he drew his arm around her petite waist and started burying his nose in her hairs. His one hand still pressed firmly on the wall. Riddhima was horrified.
"I just want to come closer to you, why do you keep pushing me away?? Hm!!" he whispered leaving small, fervent kisses along her neck. Riddhima's fists tightened. Now his lips travelled higher up to her jawline and to her horror she could feel him biting softly upon the flesh of the jawline. She could hear him grunting.
"Riddhima...." he whispered sensuously. Her horror doubled up once she realised his kisses were getting rougher and more passionate if to put it straight. With all her force she pushed him away and started running towards the door. However before she could make it to the door, a strong arm wrapped around her stomach and she was pulled up and thrown on the bed within a minute.
"You don't understand do you...." he hissed as he grabbed her arm while his other hand was pressed on the bedpost. Riddhima fortunately got the time to sit up but unfortunately didn't get the time to sprang out of the bed and run for the door. Therefore she was partially sitting on the bed but trapped between his big body and the bedpost.
"Please leave me..." she begged with tears as her hand pained terribly under his grip. He let go of her hand but squeezed her cheeks roughly.
"How many times have I told you that I love you damnit..... when will you understand..." he yelled at her. She recoiled in fear. Her dupatta was lying on the floor and she actually felt bare sitting in his arms and practically under him.
"Please let me go.... I don't want to be your wife....." she pleaded, tears raining down her eyes. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to him. She gasped loudly.
"I'll tell you just once and you better understand it before I lose my patience and do something that you'll regret all your life...." he hissed. She looked fearfully into his deep, dark orbs that looked mad.
"Mr. Raghuvanshi have mercy on me...." she whispered meekly, sobbing pitifully. His eyes were unyielding and threatening.
"Riddhi it's you who has to understand that you are made for me." he squeezed her cheeks with his left hand and looked into her tear filled eyes. Her fisted hands lay helplessly on his strong chest. Riddhima saw a shift in his eyes. They indeed were dark but she did descry a certain amount of obsession welling in them.
"Tum bas meri ho Riddhi.....bas meri...{You're mine Riddhi.....only mine}." and he attacked her quivering lips with his own, sucking on them harshly before biting on her soft lips brutally. She sobbed helplessly.
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