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"Riddhima you won't go to his place and that's final." Mr. Rautela said firmly. Riddhima looked at him anxiously. Her brother was inside the lock up for 17 hours already. She feared that if he stays there any longer than he might die or something. Her brother wasn't used to the treatment given to him in the lock up, I mean jails are designed specifically for criminals so you can't expect anything much from them. Her mother had passed out and she's been constantly rousing up and passing out again and again since last night. Riddhima hated her mother for sure but today she couldn't help but feel pity on that lady. I mean all her life she had swindled everybody just to give her son a life of comfort but today when her son was inside the jail, she couldn't help but sob at her own misfortune. And that's my dear folks is one more reason why should we fear Karma. You never know who is watching you after all. Anyways, Riddhima, although wasn't too happy to help Dhamis, yet she believed that it was due to her that her brother was in prison. Let's be honest here, why was Vikramaditya doing all this??? To get her ofcourse. He had deliberately put him inside the prison cell just so she had no other option but to do as he says. And rightly so since she honestly has no other choice.
"What are you thinking Riddhima!! Let's not bother ourselves. Why should you pay the price of their misdeeds?? If he's in prison then it's their lookout, you stay out of it. Vikramaditya is not a man to be associated with." Mrs. Rautela said flatly. Riddhima looked at them and nodded. Indeed it was their fault but let's face it, Vikramaditya was using them as a pawn just to have her all to himself. Somewhere Riddhima was involved too. Suddenly Riddhima's phone rang. Riddhima looked down at the phone on the table in surprise. Well, her phone was brand new and she distinctly remembered giving the number of her phone to nobody. Who the fuck was calling???? Really Riddhima, Are you that dumb honestly!!!! She picked up immediately.
"I'm waiting my princess. I'm still waiting." and she was daunted. How did he get her number??? At this point we all can shout 'Dumb Riddhima' out loudly. Wasn't this man the owner of this town!!!
"Why do you get so nervous around me sweetheart!!! Do I give you butterflies in that little tummy??" he said and chuckled. In her mind Riddhima pictured him sitting inside his bedroom and looking into his mirror. In reality though he was, surely sitting inside his bedroom on his recliner, but he was intently studying her anklet that he stole from her. When she can steal his heart why can't he steal her anklet?? Besides he'll get her hundreds of these, even better than this.
"Please let my brother go." she requested, dodging his previous question. Vikramaditya hated when she evaded the conversation like that, specially when he was trying to be romantic. Vikramaditya was never a romantic man, so much so that for forty one years of his existence he simply believed that he would die a single and a virgin. This 'shona babu' stupidity never appealed to him. Even during his school and college days he used to be the only guy who never attended any valentine event. He was trying to be romantic just for her. Otherwise he was just a horny macho guy who wanted sex in a manner that he wants.
"You simply never appreciate my efforts do you!! Well, anyways....I believe I had made it clear yesterday itself that if you want your brother out of that dingy lock up than you have to come to my home..."
"And what do I do in your mansion!!!" she yelled at him. She was sick of him already. He laughed. He loved to tease her. If she can tease him day and night with that sultry body of hers why can't he tease her a little!!
"Oh love!! That I'll decide, all you've to do is come to my place. A car is waiting for you outside your house. Come soon baby, I can't wait to have you here again." he whispered the last part. Only his God knows how long he had waited to see her inside his house. Riddhima was ready to be defiant.
"Absolutely not. Do whatever you want to do!!!" she told him hatefully. A chuckle rang in her ears as she listened in shock.
"If that's what you wish my love. But what if, I mean What if it's not your brother inside but Mr. Rautela or his son or....."
"NO....NO..." she yelled at him, fear evident in her eyes. Rautelas were tensed.
"C'mon baby you know what your husband is capable of. Hm. Come on, be a good girl and come straight to your husband's home. If you don't come to me within an hour, it will be Mr. Rautela inside that lock up. Love you baby. Bye." and he disconnected the call. The phone fell out of her hands as she fell on the chair with a thud. Tears poured down her eyes as she realised she was doomed.
"Riddhima what happened?? What did he say??" asked Mr. Rautela concerned. Riddhima didn't knew what to tell them. How can she tell them that the girl they took in as their daughter is slowly becoming the reason for their misery??? She cursed the day she decided to stay inside the mansion. If only she had ran away than perhaps she wouldn't have been in this situation.

It were the early hours of the night when Riddhima stepped inside the mansion. The same scent of Lavenders braced her as she nervously moved inside the hall. Everything was same, the lamp chandeliers, the couches, paint on the walls.... everything was as it was when she had left the mansion. She wondered where was Vandana?? And she was damn sure there were plenty of workers inside the mansion, Where were they all???
"And the princess finally comes back to her castle." she heard him speak from somewhere behind her. Wheeling round, she found him standing behind her, a little on the left, and watching her in admiration. He was wearing a burgundy coloured suit and had the initial three buttons of his shirt undone. She could see a manly jungle of hairs peeking from underneath the shirt. Her eyes started filling up with tears at the sight of him.
"I came, that's what you wanted right. Now please let my brother go and.... and leave my family alone. You have no idea what Rautelas have done for me. You can't hurt them...."
"And you can hurt me. Hm...." he hissed, coming closer to her. She recoiled in fear.
"You saw what Rautelas did for you but what about me??? You didn't see what I did for you. You didn't see how much you hurted me...."
"I never hurted you Mr. Raghuvanshi. Why don't you understand I don't want to be with you!!!" she yelled at him, tears streaming down her eyes. Vikramaditya, instead of reacting strongly as was his nature, drew in a breath and looked at her blankly.
"What did I ever do to wrong you Riddhi?? Why are you so cold towards me??" he whispered. Riddhima could only hate him more.
"You fooled me all the while I was inside this mansion and you are asking what did you...."
"And I said sorry for that Riddhi. What will it take for you to forgive me??? I told you everything didn't I. I wasn't faking everything for no reason." he defended himself. Riddhima turned her face away. She really didn't wanted to talk to him about this anymore. He took a deep breath to calm himself.
"It's not your fault Riddhi...." he said, sliding his hand into his pocket. He watched her blankly though there was a hint of passion in his eyes. Riddhima couldn't help but feel shocked. Is he seriously admitting his mistakes??
"I know why are you so reluctant to accept me as your husband. I mean just by saying that I am your husband, I don't become your husband right. I know it Riddhi.....I know it..." he said, stalking around her slowly. Riddhima didn't know if she should be happy now that he is finally accepting his faults, or should she fret for this guy wasn't to be trusted. He licked his lips as he watched her nervous figure recoiling in fear. Her fear turned him on always.
"The problem in our relationship is that we have never taken this relationship to the next level..." he whispered vindictively. Riddhima looked at him innocently. Inwardly he chuckled satisfactorily, the Lion finally had the pretty mynah in his trap.
"What do you mean??" she asked meekly, trying to keep a distance from his big body. He smirked.
"We have yet to consummate our marriage Riddhi and this is why this incomplete bond between is bothering you." he told her cunningly. She gasped loudly. How could he even bring this on his lips???
"And today Riddhi let's complete this marriage. Let's become one. Everything will be fine once we become one." he whispered bringing his hands up to cup her face. She immediately moved back.
"No..... Absolutely not. You're crazy did you get that. I don't wanna complete any bond with you." she yelled at him as she twirled round to walk out. However, she was instantly grabbed by her wrist and pulled to his rock hard chest. His eyes were dark when she looked up at him. So dark that they put the darkness of the night to shame.
"Do you think I will let you get away so easily....Hm..." he whispered cunningly as he let go off her wrist. She watched him in fear as he smirked cruelly just a few steps off her.
"Look at me Riddhima, I own this town. I can do anything with Rautelas and Dhamis. I can literally eliminate them within a night. And then what....huh!!! Poor Riddhima will be left alone in this cruel world. And then, who will protect you from me. Once they're gone, you automatically become my property. And I can do anything with my property. Understood. Open your eyes Riddhi, I can force you on my bed so easily if they are gone. Even if they're alive it hardly matters, after all I get what I want." he said, arms outstretched. Riddhima sobbed.
"All I want Riddhima is you. Give me what I want and I'll let them all live. Don't make me do anything that you'll regret later." he warned her darkly. Riddhima was helpless. She was alone, all alone.
"Oh this please doesn't count now. Either we become one today or you lose everybody you love. Choice is yours baby." he said, madness all over his head.
"Have mercy on me." she sobbed but he didn't care. I won't lie, he did care and he cared a lot but right now his obsession for her had crossed all boundaries and he would stop at nothing until he has her all to himself.
"You don't understand do you..." he whispered darkly as he picked her up in his arms in bridal style and began marching upstairs to his bedroom. She hit him on his chest but her fists were too fragile to hurt this beast of a man.

He literally threw her on his bed. She looked up at him in horror as he took off his blazer and threw it roughly on the couch. She sobbed as she started backing away on the bed when she saw obsession filling his eyes. He turned towards her, and need I mention how evil and unstable he looked right now.
"I've waited long enough.... tonight you have to be mine." he whispered as he started coming towards the bed. Riddhima needed to think of something quick. But what can she do to stop him from raping her?? To hell with everything, just look at him he's obsessed, what can potentially stop him from what he calls 'consummating this marriage' with her. When he was literally on the bed and partially over her, and mind you he literally was all set to smack his lips over her exposed neck, that she literally came across something.
"ADDY....." she yelled at him, face pallid in fear. He stopped immediately and watched her in shock. He wanted to hear her calling him like this for so long. But she had other plans today. Nervously she cupped his face, I mean to the extent that she could and looked him in the eye.
"Addy how can you do this with your Riddhima. You love me don't you." she whispered sweetly. Vikramaditya literally forgot everything he had wanted to do just a minute ago. He looked at her with childlike innocence, just like he used to when he was Addy.
"I love you Riddhima." he said without any doubt, watching her passionately. She sniffed. Her plan was actually working.
"Addy I'll.... I'll try to be your wife...."
"Yes....Yes I am your wife. Calm down please..." she said, stroking his face. He melted at her touch. Only his God knows how long he had wanted to get a touch of her.
"You're my wife Riddhima. Why don't you let me make love to you??" he complained, hands pressed around her tiny waist. Riddhima looked at him nervously.
"Addy I need some time. I-I accept you as my husband. I promise to be a good wife.....but please let my brother go. Just-Just leave my family alone. It's between you and me right, you don't want to invite people into our relationship right!!" she softly tried to coax him. Vikramaditya would do anything for her, especially when she was this sweet to him. Poor he, after all was only after her love. He quickly nodded.
"I won't let anyone come between us." he promised, kissing her fingertips. Hesitantly she placed her head on his chest, trying to give him confidence that she wasn't faking it (although she was) but was genuinely trying to mend relations with him. He closed his eyes and embraced her, feeling her little body against his giant one.
"Riddhi I love you so much..." he whispered from him heart, leaving butterfly kisses on the side of her neck. Riddhima shivered. Atleast she had protected her virginity, she was proud of that. But for how long can she protect it she had no idea.
"Riddhi I'll give you a full week, but after that will you let me make love to you." he asked childishly, burying his face in her neck. Her eyes widened. Riddhima was too sure that she had actually worsened the situation for her instead of bettering it. Just because she has saved herself from him today doesn't mean she can save herself from him a week later as well. And this way poor Riddhima found herself in a hell hole again.
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