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"What time it is!!!" moaned Riddhima as she sat up on the extra comfy bed. Looking around she discovered she was inside Vikramaditya's room. Outside the windows she could see rain slanting down like fine silk threads unwoven. Although the room heater had warmed the room enough yet she could feel the cool winds drifting outside mercilessly. She pulled the comforter closer to her chest and for a moment revelled in the comfort of her warm enviornment. A feeling of peace settled inside her. Vikramaditya's mansion was built in a valley and was the only habitation in the dell. Therefore, more often than not, there is unmitigated tranquility and peace out here. Riddhima secretly felt blessed to have lived inside this mansion. I mean, excluding the Anurag and Natasha episodes, she was at relative peace here. And Vikramaditya wasn't too difficult to handle, atleast when he was Addy.
"Suprabhat." and she heard him speak from her right. Looking to her right she found him standing HALF NAKED.
"What the hell!!" she nearly yelled at him as she quickly turned her face away, disgusted at the sight of his delicious, bare upper body. He had a decent amount of hairs on his chest, not too much. He chuckled and spoke.
"Relax love, I mostly don't even drape this towel around my lower half but since you are here, I thought I need to act with chivalry." he looked at himself in the big mirror. His hairs were wet and water was dripping down his slightly tanned face. Riddhima literally wanted to dig her heel into his head.
"Coming inside the room with nothing but a towel around that....that WHATEVER....is not counted in chivalry. And please just put on something." she shouted. He bit down on his laughter.
"C'mon sweetie, just look at this body for once. I did so much hardwork just to achieve this amazing physique, why would I want to hide it??" he questioned, examining his beard. Riddhima hated to admit but Vikramaditya actually looked better in beard. Riddhima shot him a look of anger.
"Mr. Vikramaditya Raghuvanshi, Are you wearing something or not???" she threatened. He looked at her amused.
"Oh baby that's so adorable. Please do that again." he said as he made his way to the bed. Droplets of water dripped down his wet body as he moved towards her and they had made a careless zig zag track in his wake. Riddhima gasped loudly.
"Don't you dare come on this bed." but she was late since he jumped on the bed, the bed creeked a little. Riddhima literally hit him on his bicep.
"Ouchhh!!" he faked it. She glared at him angrily.
"Get up, there's water all over the duvets just because of you. C'mon get up." she told him sternly. He beamed.
"They can be replaced with new ones." he said lazily, putting his head inside her comforter. Now his wet hairs were pouring water on her clothes.
"Tch!!! You're impossible." she said grumpily. He hmmed in response. Riddhima narrowed her lids before forcibly pulling off the comforter from his face. He groaned.
"You've just taken a bath and now you want to sleep. I can't believe you." she yelled at him. Riddhima knew her periods were due this week, hence the mood swings. Fun fact- He knew it too, hence wasn't reacting strongly. He never reacts strongly to her what are we even talking.
"Well if you can't believe me than love me, what's such a big deal!!!" he muttered lazily as he draped his arm around her petite waist and pressed his head against her flat tummy. Riddhima looked down at his half dozing frame tiredly.
"Are you serious!!! And what do you think you're doing sir??" she asked calmly, at least she tried to act calm. He digged his nose deeper into her stomach and smiled with his eyes closed.
"Technically when I can't have sex with you then I guess sleeping isn't a bad option. I don't have anything else to do, so why not." he spoke casually, having the time of his life. She gasped loudly.
"Huh!!! You're so shameless." she muttered angrily. He chuckled, eyes still closed.
"How can you say that when I still have my towel on!!! And look if you'll call me shameless again then you're going to watch me without my towel. I must tell you that I have a pretty good size...."
"Stop right there please." she shouted, irritated. He grinned.
"Riddhi you should be proud that your husband has a massive di...."
"I'll punch you in the face if you don't stop right away." she bristled at him. He shot his eye open and watched her in amusement.
"I'm all yours my jaan. Punch me, slap me, kiss me, hug me....just do as you please." he said flatly, pulling the comforter close to his wet body. Riddhima slapped her hand on her head. This man was seriously impossible.
"Mr. Raghuvanshi please get up, this is no time to sleep." she shook him roughly. He moaned.
"Mm no. Wake me up when you've made me some breakfast." he mumbled in his sleep. Riddhima gasped.
"I'm no cook. And I don't plan to be one." she shouted in his ear. He didn't stir even a little.
"But I can be your sugar daddy. Or make me your sex slave." he mumbled, nuzzling his face deeper into her tummy. Riddhima slapped him on his cheek.
"Ouch!!" he shot his eyes open, peeved.
"I am not like you did you understand idiot." she shouted, livid. He grinned adorably.
"That's why I am obsessed with you." now his eyes were darker. Suddenly a chill ran down her body. In a second she witnessed the scary Vikramaditya Raghuvanshi. The same man she'd feared for weeks now. She shook her head and spoke timidly.
"What-What would you like to eat for breakfast??" he smirked evily.
"You." he whispered, inwardly relishing the taste of her sweet, untouched fruit. She watched him dumbly.
"Sorry." she wanted him to repeat. He chuckled.
"Anything. I'm starving already." he told her before hiding his face under the comforter to take a short nap. Riddhima huffed tiredly.

The rain was still falling heavily over the entire town of Brahamapuri. The roads were blocked making it difficult for commuters to drive or walk around. Therefore more than a third population of Brahamapuri was inside their homes, sitting in front of fire. Riddhima had served breakfast to Vikramaditya who had, after regular scoldings from her, dressed up in a plain T shirt and gym pants. Riddhima was used to of him wearing office clothes but today, even in different attire, he looked handsome. Vikramaditya was naturally very handsome. Anyways, Riddhima was talking to Mrs. Rautela on phone while Vikramaditya was wolfing down his breakfast.
"Yes Aunty, this hexed rain had to come today only. Huh!!! I couldn't even go to university today." she complained. Mrs. Rautela was rolling the chapattis while talking to her through earphones.
"Oh dear!!! You know I was about to send your uncle to fetch you from the mansion but at the last moment we came to know that all roads leading to the valley are blocked. Thankfully you reached the mansion last night on time or else you would've remain stuck downhill. God knows when will the roads be cleared off. Anyways, how are you?? Did you eat anything?? I hope he isn't bothering you." she asked her in her motherly voice.
"Yeah everything is fine here. He is having his breakfast. You know these lazy workers also took a day off. Now all the work is on my shoulders." grumbled Riddhima. Vikramaditya looked at her in shock. Why do women complain so much?? All she had to do was cook. But then, it still was a big job considering her husband's tummy which is 20/24 hours hungry and demands food.
"I need some more poha." he deliberately interjected, just to piss her off. Riddhima glared at him. He winked at her mischievously. She would've hurled the pan sitting on the table on his head but she refrained herself.
"Aunty, I'll talk to you later. There's a hungry bear who needs to be fed." she bristled. Mrs. Rautela huffed.
"Oh my poor daughter has to do so much. Curse this big mansion if it can't provide comfort to my poor girl." Mrs. Rautela exclaimed. Riddhima hmmed in response and disconnected the call.
"You can't see me talking to anyone for even 2 minutes. Huh, this cursed fate of mine." she chided him. He looked up at her in shock.
"You were talking to her since past one hour, c'mon how much more time you needed??? Besides, from where do you get so much matter to talk?? And God forbid you were gossiping for past one hour Riddhi. Even I now have started hating that neighbour Aarti and your vamp Aunty two towns away." he said loudly. Riddhima frowned.
"Huh!!! You men say anything." she muttered and stormed into the kitchen with the saucepan. He literally was speechless.
"Men say anything!!! C'mon wasn't she the one who was criticising the woman three houses down just because she wore black on a birthday party." he muttered, looking at the door.
"But still, I love you so much Riddhi." and he again was the same lovey dovey guy for her.

In the night, Riddhima had washed away the dishes and had even sponged the kitchen counter and cabinets. She prepared dinner for both of them and soon after the dinner she did the dishes. She liked cleanliness. And about Mr. Vikramaditya Raghuvanshi, well Mr. Raghuvanshi for the whole day was sitting in front of the TV, munching on popcorns and doing nothing. Once or twice Riddhima threw at him some verbal stabs which he returned with a love filled gaze and sometimes with a flying kiss. Secretly Riddhima was happy that he wasn't interfering in her chores since men are known to mess up things instead of fixing them. Therefore she was happy that he was minding his own business. Riddhima also watched the TV, she watched some TV drama at which Vikramaditya was pissed off. Like why do these women in these dramas cry so much??? And why there's always a vamp??? All in all, however, they had a great time together and none of them fought. Riddhima, would agree that Vikramaditya wasn't a man who fought with his woman. If ever he sensed that she wasn't in a good mood he simply withdraws from the conversation or tries to pacify her with hugs and kisses. Now, Riddhima was sitting on the bed after finishing all her chores. Suddenly the door clicked open and she found her 'husband' walking in in his lowers and nothing. Her fingers digged into the duvet as she gasped loudly. He didn't fail to close the door as he made his way to the bed. He had taken a shower, she could tell it when he came up on the bed since she could smell the masculine scent of his soap still all over him.
"Hye baby." he spoke softly, a hint of lust in his voice. Riddhima could feel something was about to happen, and that too not necessarily good.
"Riddhi you're beautiful." he whispered darkly, and to her horror she could feel his breath on her face. She looked up at him nervously and saw his deep, dark eyes watching her ferociously. Suddenly his eyes turned a shade darker and the next minute his lips were slammed against her soft, quivering ones. All she could do was place her trembling fists on his muscular chest while he kissed her harshly.
"I love... you so much..." he said in between his kiss as he bit on her lips cruelly. A moan escaped her lips and her eyes turned wide in horror. For a second he stopped and looked upon her. She knew what he was thinking. He was interpreting this moan as a sign of pleasure (which it was) but she didn't wanted it. Have a Good time making him understand this Riddhima!!!
"Baby...." and he attacked her neck with his lips, leaving harsh kisses all over her neck. Her eyes started filling up with tears as her womanhood trembled. The way her body was responding to his touch simply scared her.
"Riddhi I love you.....I just love you...." he uttered as he passionately kissed all over her exposed neck before going further down to her clothed breasts. He bit on the place where her nipples most probably were and she screamed momentarily.
"Ahhhh!!!!!" she moaned as he did the same with another breast. He was craving for her body so badly, she could tell it so easily. But she needed to stop him. She wasn't ready to sacrifice her virtue right away.
"Ad-dy...." she called him softly, hoping he would listen which he did anyways. He placed quick kisses on her jawline before looking at her. His arms around her petite frame. She could feel his erect manhood literally upon her tummy. And man, she was having a tingling sensation inside her stomach for some reason.
"Um...we can't be doing this..."
"Why not!!!" he growled, his eyes feral and unforgiving. She shuddered under his dark stare. Vikramaditya was ready to snatch her virtue if she wasn't ready like last time to give him permission to make love to her. His libido was so high that he wasn't bothering about consequences. Besides what consequences should he fear, Wasn't she his wife??? He has all rights over her. She gulped, shivering in fear.
"I-I'm on my p-periods. You can't...po-possibly make lo-love to...me..." she stuttered and lied. She hoped he would buy that. Poor he did.
"Shit!!!!" and he punched the console table on his right. She trembled. Suddenly he turned towards her, his eyes loaded with obsession and evil.
"Baby, I hope after the periods you won't be making excuses right!!! Unless you wish me to show you the inner monster of mine." he told her, chuckling evily. Riddhima barely controlled herself from blubbering.
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