cHaPtEr oNe

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I frowned as I was woken up in a rather unpleasant way, my sister kept playing her pop music in the other room. I had no idea why she always listened to it, I guess she just found it catchy? Shame she hasn't heard of the wonderful inventions known as headphones.

If my mother could hear what was going on she would probably throw the radio out of the window, but the mansion we moved into a few days ago is massive so her bedroom is pretty far away on another floor. Luckily for her she wouldn't be able to hear anything, not so lucky for me though.

I knocked on my wall trying to get her attention since our rooms were right next to each other, screaming at my sister to turn the damn thing off.

Seriously it's 2 am in the morning, does that girl ever sleep?

I eventually gave up, there was no point in trying. While that noise was being played from the other room I paced around my new bedroom, still not used to the surroundings.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get used to it. There was way too much space, even with all the clutter of my useless items that surrounded it. I felt like something was hiding, watching me from across the room.

Maybe it was just paranoia or my vivid imagination acting up, but I could never be too careful.

I wish we never came here, I loved the old house we used to stay in. It was like I was throwing my perfect life away and replacing it with something that was broken and useless. Back there I had friends, a father, and a park where I used to buy a cup of coffee every day.

Most kids would probably be jumping for joy at the thought of staying in a fancy mansion and having a rich family, but not me. Money was just something that corrupted the minds of the weak, the thing that kept the world going, and at the same time holding it back, it was never something I cared about unlike the rest of my family. It was just an object.

I however have always focused my attention on the paranormal and supernatural.

They've always fascinated me, ever since I was a child I always felt like something was watching me...thousands of questions go through my mind concerning the topic, do they exist? Sadly their existence can't be easily proven easily, so all I've ever had was theories.

...Ok, that was the final straw. I had to take action.

I stormed out of my bedroom and banged on my sister's door, each knock making me more enraged, I thought I was going to break the door down at one point, but that didn't stop me.

The door almost flew open, and my sister was the person to greet me. But she wasn't welcoming at all, on the contrary, she was pissed off that I tried breaking her door down with my fist.

"What do you want?" she asked me in a rather rude and furious tone.

"So you haven't heard me banging against the wall shouting at you to turn that stupid music off?"

"Oh I heard you , I just wasn't listening," she sniggered, looking down on me like the midget I was, at least compared to that giant of an 16 year old girl.

Claudia was her name. Tall, golden brown hair, the rudest person I'll ever meet, yet all the boys seem to love her. It must be for her looks and seemingly endless wealth, because there was nothing else good about her.

"Wow, you really need to work on your attitude," I muttered, feeling slightly defeated.

"Well you need to work on your comebacks, Vivian."

Using my embarassing middle name against me, how mature.

I suddenly had the urge to grab her iPod that was playing what people seem to consider music and stomp on it until it broke into thousands of minuscule pieces, but that wouldn't do anything since it would just give my mother an excuse to tell me off, and she could just buy a new one at any time.

"For your information, the name is Owen."

"Well, it's a stupid name."

"What was that about me working on my comebacks? I think you should work on your own first."

"At least I don't have Vivian as my middle name."

"Good point."

She let out a long sigh, this petty argument was starting to get tiring. Yet I refused to leave until she turned the volume down.

"Why are you here then?"

"Can't you just turn your music down a little bit before my ears start bleeding?"

"I would do, but the headphones are broken, and...I don't want to," she replied, obviously not putting any thought into what she just said.

Maybe this would work...

"I'm sure you can ask your ex boyfriend for his headphones..."

That was her weakness, the very mention of her ex always brought her to tears.

Her response was slamming the door in my face and playing her music even louder than before. And the music was too loud to properly hear what was going on next door but I'm sure I heard her sobbing.

I smirked a little as I ended up beating her at her own game, but it wouldn't be long before more conflict arrived and we would be at each other's throats. And now the music was even louder than before which was really frustrating, I'll never get to sleep like this. But I managed to piss her off so it wasn't as bad as I expected.

I returned to the safety of my bedroom, but as I entered, I noticed that something was different...

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was a crudely written message on the wall, with what I hoped was just red paint. There was a heart on each side, and some letters were in uppercase while others weren't...

FuN iS iNfInItE

FuN iS fOrEvEr

FuN iS eNdLeSs

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